% test @RELATION youtube-spam-katyperry @ATTRIBUTE COMMENT_ID STRING @ATTRIBUTE AUTHOR STRING @ATTRIBUTE DATE STRING @ATTRIBUTE CONTENT STRING @ATTRIBUTE CLASS INTEGER @DATA z12pgdhovmrktzm3i23es5d5junftft3f,lekanaVEVO1,2014-07-22T15:27:50,'i love this so much. AND also I Generate Free Leads on Auto Pilot & You Can Too! http://www.MyLeaderGate.com/moretraffic',1 z13yx345uxepetggz04ci5rjcxeohzlrtf4,Pyunghee,2014-07-27T01:57:16,'http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop-shop/6174122/fan-army-face-off-round-3 Vote for SONES please....we\'re against vips....please help us.. >.<',1 z12lsjvi3wa5x1vwh04cibeaqnzrevxajw00k,'Erica Ross',2014-07-27T02:51:43,'Hey guys! Please join me in my fight to help abused/mistreated animals! All fund will go to helping pay for vet bills/and or helping them find homes! I will place an extra emphasis on helping disabled animals, ones otherwise would just be put to sleep by other animal organizations. Donate please. http://www.gofundme.com/Angels-n-Wingz',1 z13jcjuovxbwfr0ge04cev2ipsjdfdurwck,'Aviel Haimov',2014-08-01T12:27:48,'http://psnboss.com/?ref=2tGgp3pV6L this is the song',1 z13qybua2yfydzxzj04cgfpqdt2syfx53ms0k,'John Bello',2014-08-01T21:04:03,'Hey everyone. Watch this trailer!!!!!!!! http://believemefilm.com?hlr=h2hQBUVB',1 z12rw1o4zvidhdthz04cixxjssq5wzsrlpk0k,'Nere Overstylish',2014-08-02T23:12:49,'check out my rapping hope you guys like it https://soundcloud.com/nereboy/call-of-the-lostproduce-by-atlastatlas-rapper-jkork and follow and message me :)',1 z13xizvwrki2hf2ev22txvrp2ovcyf3zq04,'Jayki L',2014-08-03T21:20:41,'Subscribe pleaaaase to my instagram account , i\'ll subscribe back ♥ http://instagram.com/cyrine_ghorbel',1 z12ogvgbmre3eloah04ccjbpsmusxdxbwc0,djh3mi,2014-08-06T21:14:15,'hey guys!! visit my channel pleaase (i\'m searching a dream)',1 z125efjyoyaxwhzhz04cgh4oaontcvvdc,'Manuel Ortiz',2014-08-07T17:46:23,'Nice! http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/BDP?csrfToken=I9tIxe8cNkCosOqkEMGjLU5uwv6nSXSO&sort=DD&size=90&csrftoken=89Iyec7nrWP5NYtnO5U7amhVmfLUtgGL&dref=5094&keyword=BDP&store=EBOOK ',1 z12is34ysrzoy3uwl04cctlxmrekjfuhvig,'Mike Bennett',2014-08-07T19:40:18,http://www.twitch.tv/daconnormc,1 z13ijjrgqqyqzfo2t23zfztbtlu4ghg5o04,'Lil Misme',2014-08-09T03:01:25,'Hey Guys this is Glamour Beauty! I just started my youtube channel please go check it out! I\'m going to post singing videos and also random videos that I fell like! Please go to subscribe! More to come soon!. Remember to subscribe!',1 z122xxgxipvdzpovt22xjlyi5o3pebufp,Emilie,2014-08-09T20:12:26,'Hey guys! My mom said if i got 100 subs before christmas I\'ll get a kitten and I always have wanted an kitten so please watch my videos and if you like it subscribe or like :) Please no mean comments',1 z122hzpj5v3kgf5zu04chv4xaqalhdr4flw0k,'Eduarda Ketrony',2014-08-11T01:43:41,https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=543627485763966&l=0d878a889c,1 z12gu1fouyfqx3a5304chpdqbwm3dja4v2c,'Jennika Chua',2014-08-11T13:38:22,'https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=4483179854075&set=vb.1727483389&type=2&theater ',1 z13jtfwiuwrvy1tng23gid4hesqwxl4cm,Artady,2014-08-11T16:27:55,'https://soundcloud.com/artady please check my stuff; and make some feedback',1 z12bxv4olmv3j1i2w232y5awruz3i1rva,'J STROMMER',2014-08-11T17:32:00,'Take a break from Katie and help me reach 100 subscribers this month! New music and free downloads! ',1 z13vendrur3zxdgkd22azzlzftn1vj3pp04,'Evin Alshamas',2014-08-12T05:20:24,'Subscribe me please',1 z130s5kb0v3yjj3fp23zexx5iyuvv1js5,maddog1431,2014-08-12T18:38:42,'Check out my covers I have a video coming out please subscribe',1 z123std54m2ozht10232efr5svb4vh0au04,'MB LOVE',2014-08-13T03:04:34,'Subscribe to My CHANNEL',1 z123gzjyszflihgih04cdzeblxuifpxzbes,IbbyUchiha,2014-08-15T15:52:40,'Hey guys. I am a very small YouTuber I upload videos nearly every single day. I once hope to be like shikas so can you please give 2 mins of your life to view this channel. and my new video is on how to watch all the anime for free. and I am pretty sure you wont regret visiting this channel. Thank you!',1 z13ect4j2km1gnhhu04cdfmwnmbkvn45x20,'Cléda Dimitri',2014-08-16T07:24:50,'http://www.rtbf.be/tv/emission/detail_the-voice-belgique/toutes-les-auditions/auditionDetail_?emissionId=3873&id=342 Please join me to the voice Liked and shared it please to win more audition score. Thanks so much',1 z12ddjvqypyusrssu22ewddagoagu1k2v,WeMuckAround,2014-08-16T20:59:28,'katy perry will u sit on my face please. it would be really awesome and i\'ll give you 5 dollars. ok if you want to do this then please call me and subscribe to my channel first ok thats good and then u sit on my face and ill get an erection then you sit more k?',1 z123uflrqpqwzvhts23pfr3jht3ue1kaf04,'Mike Music',2014-08-18T14:24:05,'iS IN TOP 10 , IN YOUTUBE TOP VIEWS , ON 9 IS MILEY CYRUS: http://www.google.ro/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB8QFjAA&url=http\%3A\%2F\%2Fen.wikipedia.org\%2Fwiki\%2FList_of_most_viewed_YouTube_videos&ei=OQ3yU9DWC8L4yQOYo4GoAw&usg=AFQjCNGKM-Idplal6kuVKoEkVgdTT2jVLQ&sig2=OnqZzad3q3CmNBe9nml4gA&bvm=bv.73231344,d.bGQ&cad=rja ',1 z13iupjoosrpzlm5v04cf32q4oqizvsbkdo,'Jack Other',2014-08-18T18:05:37,'http://www.amazon.com/Knight-Dawn-cursed-Daniel-N-ebook/dp/B00MPPQHRI/ref=sr_1_7?s=digital-text&\%3Bie=UTF8&\%3Bqid=1408122684&\%3Bsr=1-7&\%3Bkeywords=knight&tag=wattpad-20 some people are very talented but some are more talented but there is no sponsor',1 z120s1agtmmetler404cifqbxzvdx15idtw0k,'Sheila Cenabre',2014-08-19T12:33:11,'I really love this video.. http://www.bubblews.com/account/389088-sheilcen',1 z131ynbp4yepzvz4304cj5ly3oyietfpbj0,Soundhase,2014-08-19T18:59:38,'Hi Guys! check this awesome EDM & House mix :) thanks a lot.. https://soundcloud.com/soundhase/edm-house-mix-2',1 z13zxxtwurq5cxuiz04cc5xapsypshtipdo,'Elle xox',2014-08-20T02:55:54,'Hiya😊 I just started YouTube and it would mean a lot if some of you could subscribe and watch my first video?xx',1 z13fwnbh5qusx1olr23bcfgjbxiljjv4u04,'Flynn Rider',2014-08-20T19:04:01,'Watch Maroon 5\'s latest 2nd single from V (It Was Always You) www.youtube. com/watch?v=TQ046FuAu00',1 z12mvbxwqoz1hlhay04cfnuzfxuwdx1pj54,'Charles Baptist',2014-08-20T20:18:13,'Help Please!! http://www.gofundme.com/RJanimalcare',1 z13ccdmpbuuqc32bf04cj3xrcrrjsxozwtk0k,phemion23,2014-08-21T10:25:48,'http://www.mediafire.com/download/yvovhafsv5qzzqo/Video.rar download and make money today ',1 z12qvlsqppeeyt3gp04cchwaivz4f54bbho,'anne baba',2014-08-21T21:59:13,'http://www.ebay.com/itm/131275322914?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 ',1 z12jenlhyre0eheyx04ch1aquxfdsvgpd44,'Special Pentrutine',2014-08-22T04:50:50,'<script>document.write(\'<a target=\"_self\" href=\" http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=1&pub=5575096797&toolid=10001&campid=5337555197&customid=bogdan+grigore&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229508&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg\">check this out new arive on ebay</a><img style=\"text-decoration:none;border:0;padding:0;margin:0;\" src=\" http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=1&pub=5575096797&toolid=10001&campid=5337555197&customid=bogdan+grigore&mpt=\'+Math.floor(Math.random()*999999999)+\'\">\');</script><noscript><a target=\"_self\" href=\" http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=1&pub=5575096797&toolid=10001&campid=5337555197&customid=bogdan+grigore&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229508&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg\">check this out new arive on ebay</a><img style=\"text-decoration:none;border:0;padding:0;margin:0;\" src=\" http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=1&pub=5575096797&toolid=10001&campid=5337555197&customid=bogdan+grigore&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] \"></noscript>',1 z131tjkgdtvpxzx1i23gctyj5rrluhsvy,'zeynep saka',2014-08-23T05:58:47,'I #votekatyperry for the 2014 MTV #VMA Best Lyric Video! See who\'s in the lead and vote: http://on.mtv.com/Ut15kX',1 z12jzv45snjidxmb004ch3qaotakv1xx50w,'sleman zezo',2014-08-23T20:28:41,'https://www.facebook.com/pages/\%D8\%AA\%D8\%AD\%D9\%85\%D9\%8A\%D9\%84-\%D8\%A7\%D8\%AC\%D9\%85\%D9\%84-\%D8\%A7\%D9\%84\%D8\%A7\%D9\%85\%D9\%88\%D8\%B3\%D9\%8A\%D9\%82\%D9\%89___-music/674732645945877 ',1 z13nuzezjmfpcjqzm04cftuaxpb3gjmxevw0k,MarianMusicChannel,2014-08-24T03:57:52,'Hello! I\'m Marian, I\'m a singer from Venezuela! I was part of a boy-girl band named cubik, and I\'m now singing on my own \'cause I wanted to play my own pop and pop-rock songs. It would mean a lot if you could have a look at my channel to check my music and watch my new video!! and if u like, subscribe to it! XOXO THANKS!! PS: if you like a lot my channel, you can share it with your friends!! Haha!! LOL MARIAN',1 z121tz2zhzjgercem23yttsqvnuijljql04,'Daniel Korp',2014-08-24T17:17:17,'katy perry does remind me of a tiger,like as if its her spirit animal :3 <3',0 z13hyv0ixuavuliyt04cix1j5t3qgpggce4,'Paul Hannam',2014-08-25T05:37:22,'In what South American jungle or any jungle for that matter do you find an African elephant and a bengal tiger in the same place. Who made this video.',0 z124czqqpmefyrxa204cd5jgrwqoctipvuo0k,'Miguel Del Valle',2014-08-26T02:44:42,'http://9gag.com/gag/aAVpwj9/ =)',1 z131zf0iwvjihbgp404cjtkqvzrbibkprjs,'DicesMusic .',2014-08-27T09:30:35,'ima rapper trying to get notice please check out my mixtape datpiff.com/mixtapes-detail.php?id=633807',1 z13cyh3gowyyxlotr23vsplhbt23hbmwy04,'Angie Sivrikozi',2014-08-27T21:12:48,'Its a good song and i like her video clip, because its a bout a girl that her airplane crashed on a land far far away... and she found the way to survive! And i love the pet tiget too( Kitty Purpy) lol :D',0 z13lhdo5vnyndj3p304cjjs4zze3sldrqbg,'Mai Nguyễn',2014-08-28T03:53:35,'help me click on the subscribe Mai Nguyen, thank you',1 z13zexz55xnnfbqnz224v1c5gziuczqno,'Ach raf',2014-08-29T02:10:56,'even without make up she is still hot http://uk.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2012430/reg_1024.katy.mkup.mh.053012.jpg ',1 z13cwrzyolf1zh4v023ctteams25hldf5,'Zain Hassan',2014-08-29T19:00:20,'Thanks to this video we know that Nokia phones can survive a plane crash.',0 z12ntdriqpfni1mtf23zwb0b0p34fnyak04,'Frank co',2014-08-30T11:00:35,http://www.bubblews.com/news/6401116-vps-solutions,1 z134ub2pemn1jjarh04cdb14yqagxpqy1e4,'Rusty Cohle',2014-08-30T15:22:54,'The TREU DETECTIVE alternate ending! __ http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/d15fb87973/true-defectives',1 z133sbv5xomtsp44k04cinywcr3sedjqekc0k,'ocean pacific',2014-08-30T23:08:02,'The new Makeup Transformation with Integrated Look-A-Like Feature now available in Ver 1.13! Do you know who you look like? Install or update your version of Makeup Transformation https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yourelink.makeuptransformation or visit Google Play.',1 z135drnwswvsgvkyq04cfjh4xpb3cn2hugg,'Sam Klein',2014-08-31T03:52:29,'She named the tiger Kitty Purry No, seriously, she did, check the video ',0 z12rgdghtm3gc3j4004cizn50y3xybujalw0k,Littleprincess,2014-08-31T21:50:57,'Perfect! <3',0 z133uthy3uvscvxox04cfr1bjw2idvehcxw0k,'Justin Chery',2014-09-01T17:55:34,'And after the video ends, a 13 ft. boa constrictor squeezes her to death.',0 z12ihhpimqitsznag04cc3y5jke1d1rhkus0k,'Jack El Matador',2014-09-02T18:54:01,'should not have paused the music, this is a clip, not a movie.',0 z13sfvhiwxmqz3xad04cddehoyr5g1i5c0s,'TWIN MELODY',2014-09-02T19:57:01,' HI!:D!:) We’ re TWIN MELODY ,17 year old twins :) WE DID SOME COVERS!!WE DID A COVER OF BIRTHDAY BY KATY PERRY!! PLEASE JUST TAKE 1 SECOND AND WATCH IT!! THANKS,MERCI,GRACIAS,DANKE,OBRIGADO,GRAZIE …. !!! <3 XX HAVE A NICE DAY!!:D',1 z12utdmrdmz1ctouj22yu52pqt2if3pwl04,'Yerki el duro',2014-09-03T11:29:56,'Nicee!!sabrosura viva https://soundcloud.com/yerki-elinmigrante/yerki-myb-move-your-body',1 z121gbuy2unhc5m4n04cf3kyslqhepeqgvo0k,'Santeri Saariokari',2014-09-03T16:32:59,'Hey guys go to check my video name \"growtopia my story\"',1 z12ytrbydy2ogluio04cfdmrdvn4ijrr3kg0k,'Braiden Short',2014-09-03T22:46:22,http://shhort.com/a?r=HuPwEH5ab,1 z12yxpmqktb4zxptp221j3njlmjbtfgmi,VitalXtreme,2014-09-04T03:56:53,'YAY IM THE 11TH COMMENTER!!!!! IF YOUR CRAZY PLEASE DONATE BITCOINS TO ME AT: 1FHeNqx1twqM153v2PTAyieJNEALAhZvEM',1 z13ax5sicvvxsx3lx23vuf45tye4etl1g,'Kasia Hill',2014-09-06T02:44:43,http://shhort.com/a?r=G8iX5cTKd,1 z12ag5uwdzrajx1yp04chp1r2sa5ubugez00k,xhonavsky,2014-09-06T20:17:52,'I love this song, it´s for empowering every woman :) \"you´re gonna hear me roar\" ;)',0 z13jtvmwoqjvsxj4p04cdhbwswnsf5qqv24,'Ricky Smith',2014-09-07T02:43:55,'This song makes me want to drink bleach',0 z12bjffg3yu4ybx4e04cjzfbyxqcdzyxl3s,'maurice davis',2014-09-07T02:59:54,'If she really did this there she\'s hardcore',0 z13bzjvw1suhj3sjp04cfr54vuy2wzarbyg0k,'Divergent lover',2014-09-07T05:52:45,http://shhort.com/a?r=Jt2ufxHxc,1 z13xvrgzkoydytjr304ch1no1raxwjahesc0k,'Richard Valko',2014-09-07T15:01:49,'Follow me watch my videos :) Follow me watch my videos :) Follow me watch my videos :) Follow me watch my videos :) Follow me watch my videos :) Follow me watch my videos :) Follow me watch my videos :)',1 z13jhj1wdzmiwjdjn04ccx2gfpynuzyjo4w,'Robert Kim',2014-09-07T17:13:39,'I\'m sorry Katy Perry, I was being weird. I still love you <3',0 z120uhiw0ubhcnxvi23uw5oorpuncvso204,tombraiderxXx12,2014-09-07T18:38:10,'I\'m not a big fan of the song but this video is awesome!',0 z12kjjlhsmiqsfzrb04ch5i5rt2qvbahppg0k,'Eder Rodriguez',2014-09-07T19:30:24,'katy perry just stop it and dont do a song i dont like it',0 z12hzb1hzxbjh310c234ddqgoluidjufb,'Aemon Sevker',2014-09-07T19:34:29,' GO TO MY CHANNEL and check out my written songs',1 z13bejijvrbdy5mrg04cgv3bjvubyxoi050,GGSCommunity,2014-09-07T22:36:24,'Like Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome Support Community, you are not alone. https://www.facebook.com/GorlinGoltzSupport',1 z134e5zjck2agxwd423hdjgx1y3ndvhf4,'Christopher Pete S.',2014-09-07T22:39:21,'Subscribe and u are gonna hear me roar ;)',1 z13ay5zytl3icfrij04cc1kakqb4cpu4oks0k,'Kathy L.',2014-09-08T01:03:41,'In my opinion I think you look better with black hair then blond hair : )',0 z13tc1brnvvpxtd3i225u5djckjntpniz04,'Sofia Aristizabal',2014-09-09T00:43:52,'I loved, she is amazing.. OMG your eyes*_*',0 z12qvnw51y31ulrx304cjbkq1yzqzdkiytg0k,'jessica durham',2014-09-09T06:10:07,'Please help me give my son a grave. http://www.gofundme.com/BishopsGraveMarker Or please just share it on your fb page, I do not have one anymore.',1 z13mh3ih5xqtdvt3z22xdhvp4pfhxfmhz04,'Rahul Thorat',2014-09-09T11:26:50,'You gonna hear me ROARRRR.....',0 z13xxdyxcsbwdda5l04cfdexnunxzrgwo2o,snc,2014-09-09T17:08:44,'follow me---> https://twitter.com/f0llowshoutouts ',1 z13lsbqpwk3xej2jv04cetyypm22w3pgo4s,'Christ Is Risen',2014-09-09T17:59:18,'I WILL FINISH THIS DISSERTATION! And I will laugh in its face when I finish! Roaaarrr =3',0 z12tvfbi0sntvhgzw04cgf35lymwivhqepo0k,blondedbythelight703,2014-09-09T20:36:30,'She\'s an old Whore!',0 z131xvagrrnevlmao04cf1dq2or1snlqkso0k,taione88,2014-09-09T21:03:35,'Please share and help to my Friend! http://www.gofundme.com/jormis Thank you very much!',1 z12xituo3vvdxvrhk04cdxmilwfwhfdgmz00k,moilovemoi,2014-09-09T22:34:28,'ROAAAAARRRRRR 🐯🐯🐯',0 z12wsbxquxjthdm0i22jc3ehdnuhwv5xi04,'caleb owczarzak',2014-09-09T22:35:25,'This looks so fun and it\'s a good song',0 z12wujphdvrxcbksz23lc3j5xsqadn0cz,Made2Falter,2014-09-09T23:55:30,'Check out our vids, our songs are awesome! And that I guarantee :)',1 z131i52zez2uythxs04chxi45y2otxcjcw00k,'Jessy Riivera',2014-09-10T01:19:03,'I love You Katy ♥',0 z131xnwierifxxkj204cgvjxyo3oydb42r40k,'YULIOR ZAMORA',2014-09-10T01:35:54,'I loved it so much because you get to stand fear .',0 z13ndjiobv24y14tp230gvzjeovuup1vf,'Nicolás Jara',2014-09-10T01:50:55,'Click For iTunes code http://shhort.com/a?r=0LaviqU2b',1 z13ncdbb1urrxdhcs22gfp35gkqiuhgcr,'Neo Joey',2014-09-10T09:09:57,'Katy perry is and inspirational singer her voice is awesome and I loved her so much . She achieved music history and I couldn\'t believe that . Guys if you could take 1min to go to my channel and watch my first video I would be greatly thankful for this :) ty guys N katy is still awesome xoxo',1 z122tnij5nmvhtqkx22jdnc40rzbulxwe04,'Jack lewandowski',2014-09-10T11:48:08,'Hi guys i sell Jack Daniel\'s Hard Back Cover Case for iPhone 5 5S 5C 4S 4 6\'\' Old Time with only 3 Dollars on Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251638183951?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 ',1 z13qfffoxqacypnu122ojzxgmnvvthucz,'Mättr Valleni',2014-09-10T21:38:12,'https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=764484966942313&id=754989901225153&ref=stream gf',1 z12mt5kxyqyful0jq04cdrchivu0v5ip51k,TheParkourGamingPotato,2014-09-10T22:58:23,'subscribe to me',1 z13nt3s53sbnupdoc04cjpuwhzvdh5gyr04,'Sofi Duarte',2014-09-10T23:34:14,'3:46 so cute!',0 z12ijzhpitadz15sb23bgxfoilenufewr04,'Walker\'s.Enchanted.Music.Channel',2014-09-11T02:15:22,'i think they were drunk when they shot the first half of the video and then the sec on half comes in, and her boobs are magically bigger and she\'s more beautiful suddenly, and the dude practically vanishes ',0 z13sgp1qayzmcx0tq22dy5wqllnpfvsv0,'Ken Santiago',2014-09-11T15:05:08,'Roar is without a doubt your best song...feel good song with a message for everyone. Good job Katy',0 z12sixzbalueu5irr04chv1yhpy4t5ky31g,'o olek',2014-09-11T17:43:49,'The great mother of the jungle. Sweet and natural. I like her videos.',0 z12ax3ozzsjafnboe04civtrlxzzxtbbaxs0k,'Sheldon Duncombe',2014-09-11T19:09:43,'http://www.aaas.org/tech-i/vote#view/25874/2177367 VOTE SHELDON PLEASE GUYS. GIVE IT 5 STARS. THANKS IN ADVANCE',1 z13dexprepfgfjjai04cetejapnqxjq4fj0,'Misael Navarro Leon',2014-09-11T20:19:56,'Katy has conqueror\'s haki >:)',0 z12zu5v4qlruc11zc04cg5rrnzjehpzwv3g,'SergiBeCa Official',2014-09-12T03:39:36,'Can you check my videos please? Don\'t hate me :( Give me one oportunity',1 z13xwb3adyricdunf223txebnov1f1aiz04,'Gram Bangla',2014-09-12T09:03:16,'WOW VERY NICE CONGRASULATION I LIVE SO MUCH http://en.prothom-alo.com/sport/news/53331/Zimbabwe-A-team-due-in-Dhaka-Wednesday ',1 z12fx5xbxru0i3kzu04ccpm53yjqzvlr4q00k,'Dj enderman',2014-09-12T13:41:05,'There is 7 bilion poeple on earth Now stop being dumb',0 z12ayngz3kffwhr1x22ei3agorrhebndb,'Analiner Benny',2014-09-12T15:08:27,'I love this shit but I disliked it because it\'s sucks',0 z12qf5rimw3pfbw1w22pyruxovawz1dkq,'Cristina Valencia',2014-09-12T15:26:38,'hey guys i really want to go to a katy perry concert so im in this contest where i need a lot of likes and im loosing :( so please if you could like this picture it would be very nice, thank you i really want to go to her concert :) https://www.facebook.com/exagdl/photos/a.936868579660284.1073741943.111719098841907/937732262907249/?type=1&theater ',1 z13ogjwqvuazsh0v123evnzipxyjx5fcv,ENZOxDV9,2014-09-12T19:45:34,'this video is very inaccurate, a tiger would rip her face of',0 z12tclby1nuyflgbw04cdnyg3zfvefn5lrg0k,Technibility,2014-09-12T21:08:47,'Great video by a great artist in Katy Perry! Admire her creativity! Check out our channel for no nonsense mobile tech reviews and comparisons as well as an iPhone 6 and 6 Plus review and comparison!',1 z13rv5abiqvggpsz304cdr54xnndwtxbl44,'Yoshi does Minecraft',2014-09-12T21:41:24,'Are those real animals',0 z13dgdph5vnutpnq004ci3lbtymmtlphrto0k,'MyNameIs Leah',2014-09-13T12:27:00,'Hey guys! Can you please SUBSCRIBE to my channel,because I\'m gonna filming a video so hope you guys like it and thank you so much for you\'re support! Xoxo,Leah! <3 ',1 z13is3w4ixr5cjkwv04cibzocqeicbfoxsc0k,'Steve Gallagher',2014-09-13T15:05:12,'Maybe the best music video in the last 15 years? This is how pop music is done folks!',0 z13oilua4nu5ulzs122xvdc5skfqzfy5y04,'Jouri Osman',2014-09-13T15:05:13,'I love KATY PERRY <3 <3',0 z12nsngbgzqwyxnmk22sibsqbwqlzfuva,'John Chen',2014-09-13T15:37:09,Boooobs,0 z13kvddrenfhxjeod04cg11pkk2sg1vbr0c,'Buffo hrdfjiu',2014-09-13T17:48:14,'I really don\'t understand how this has 600 million views lol. I\'m not hating or anything, it\'s just confusing. ',0 z12nfn4yazrphtzwi04cchahoxqlvtc4mvk0k,'KatyPerry Queen',2014-09-14T09:47:10,'Its almost Katys birthday! October 25th Lets say happy birthday to katy!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥',0 z13wwx4g2wmufxn0t235flwo5qu2sdrs3,'Abhi Vats',2014-09-14T10:27:26,'Katy Perry You Are Looking Soo PRETTY DAMN CUTE :-* :-*',0 z12njp45xonlypf2x23ketjjpzjee3cyt04,'bea boots',2014-09-14T12:42:56,'great song you go katy!',0 z13tuhgotq3ifrl0423uwx35trelwdwdd,'jay cruz',2014-09-14T13:52:43,'looooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee ittttttttttttt',0 z12lcb0rxw3qtlsqm04cebpbjkqjtdza1xs0k,'Veronica Kkk',2014-09-14T14:17:49,'My telephone!',0 z13lwjvwbrqgdrdut22qhf54gvqwuz1nv,'Thalia Grace',2014-09-14T15:55:13,'This comment will randomly get lot\'s of likes and replies for no reason. I also like Jello. Strawberry jello.',0 z13ejhmaiyjmcrlgw04ccvqwdobqtjn4ea4,'David Sean',2014-09-15T10:53:46,'Hey guys! I\'ve made a amazing Smiley T-Shirt.Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important and remember all the statistics in the world can’t measure the warmth of a smile. If you\'re a big fan of T-Shirts and want to gets more happiness, it\'s perfect for you. Check this out and buy it at www.teespring.com/smiley12 =)) thanks you guys so much!!! ',1 z13mxjrbuyv5slha204cjdwg0wauylyap3w,'Peter Wilkes',2014-09-15T15:48:57,'really want this video to get 1 billion views, would be amazing!',0 z12wj5g52rzbcvprl04cenuj1yyifhxq3hw,LuckyMusiqLive,2014-09-15T17:47:57,'Katy has the voice of gold. this video really brings the lyrics to life. I am a rapper with 25000 subscribers.. thumbs up if you hate when you take a shit and the water splashes your nuts',1 z13kdx4bjwevyfhfy222jhvo2nvsdxzyt04,'Alanoud Alsaleh',2014-09-15T18:27:56,'I started hating Katy Perry after finding out that she stole all of the ideas on her videos from an old comic book. Yet, her music is catchy. ',0 z12vwdpzylnfhdhoc04cfxhbdrjqed2rjh4,'jose ramon Bocarejo',2014-09-15T23:53:03,'How can this song have 629 million views while there are only 7 million people in the world?',0 z124spyhambnyly1l223gzliqmqxyxzy304,'Magic Johnson',2014-09-16T03:36:41,'Katy Perry is garbage. Rihanna is the best singer in the world. ',0 z12ju5uxzvfmv1yzr04cdn2zjvvbfpdjglo0k,'Nick M',2014-09-16T03:45:43,https://www.reverbnation.com/slicknick313/songs,1 z13wxrja2ny2jfq0r22ojhwwdpimt5ogu04,'Chloe Steiner',2014-09-16T04:11:05,'Katy Perry is part of me Katy Perry is my firework Katy Perry, I love you',0 z12wc1vj2mytepiki22lf5bggrynfloa304,'Rolando Viray',2014-09-16T07:11:53,'This Song Was Good Until It Got Overplayed The Hell Out Of On Radio',0 z13mel5zokapi1ax004cg3goburlghkwdk40k,'Jian Li',2014-09-16T07:45:05,'see it all, human folly right?',0 z13gsbt40s25vre2q23rdtmxepytftaei,'Jana Trpevska',2014-09-16T10:46:47,'Great.This is a song',0 z13ye5lzknauy3ilv22nfbm5kyjgdbo1h,'Amana Amjad',2014-09-16T11:36:51,'Awesum song!! Jus luv it!',0 z13mjtpierebfrgvv22dch3o2sm3jnnp304,'Marieke Sp33lma',2014-09-16T12:53:43,'Watch my videos xx',1 z12vibnqjrygfn0p404cc1loanvyw54pcmw0k,'Nathan Waterhouse',2014-09-16T14:21:04,'Please check out my acoustic cover channel :) thanks ',1 z13ithgi0zjwz15rn04cclkgxpafydzocrs0k,'Harrison Lloyd',2014-09-16T20:32:46,'Imagine this in the news crazy woman found acting like a tiger and bit jims ear off',0 z13nhjbxcwe4stwwz04cfpfoqrzghr540ns0k,'Mandeep Kaur',2014-09-16T21:03:17,'selfie alert',0 z12nj5gwruilz5a4y04cfdda2wfgz1lwecg,'Chris Madzier',2014-09-16T22:50:28,'Your going to hear me Roar !!!! :-)))) #soundsofsunday ',0 z13wthrbisjqg5cm423qxnpopsrowzvzg04,'DatoJason Jason',2014-09-17T19:52:54,'It is a shit',0 z13ighypdmuywprvc222crt42va2ctluz,'Vena Veno',2014-09-17T22:22:44,'She loves Vena. trojmiasto.pl/Vena-Bus-Taxi-o59253.html',1 z13cyrkatpfnixkis04cinqqhmbuvhspvqk0k,'Pettrus Ortega',2014-09-18T11:35:49,'THIS IS A COMPETITION TO MEET MY IDOLS, IT WOULD MEAN SO MUCH IF YOU GUYS WILL LIKE THIS PIC ON IG! http://instagram.com/p/smZdivopxb/',1 z12ijdi5kuimjphgy04cjzxxzyusg3xjoyc0k,'Ari4Cortez5Ortiz 9Uria',2014-09-18T15:57:36,'Katty perry please say in one of your new videoes that they follow the Girls Girls please',1 z12iwnkoukqythvf022xx1ii4xisfn2dd,'Emma C',2014-09-18T22:27:19,'i am a big fan of you and i love you',0 z132jzfbbpf1w3ejj04cen2wcx2bef0oeo40k,'J MP',2014-09-19T14:15:13,https://viralangels.com/user/d4aaacwk,1 z13jffkgavyhv5tkq22lyboo2subj1vu0,'Tushti Chakraborty',2014-09-19T15:30:47,'I <3 Katy Perry!',0 z12zyrnp1unbczz0v23mhr3wwoa0vfcak04,'Kaida Tong',2014-09-19T19:25:33,'Since she is a feminist champion, why would she want to reinforce the stereotype of girls being girly by painting the nails of an elephant that probably wouldn\'t even appreciate it?',0 z13jcrsplozwthwj204cdpspeobusp3ie54,roflcopter2110,2014-09-19T23:15:14,'http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/10626835/The.Expendables.3.2014.DVDSCR.Xvid-DiNGO ',1 z12vzxcymvqtyrx3s22hi5ep1yq5cvmld,roflcopter2110,2014-09-19T23:18:41,'http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/10626048/The.Expendables.3.2014.DVDScr.LEAKED.CLEAN.XviD.MP3-RARBG ',1 z12pgx55amraefo3423kchdy1tmeu1avo,'Darth Vaderbro',2014-09-20T00:05:45,'If interested in making extra money by internet use the next link www.swagbucks.com/refer/Nonturtle02',1 z12twzjoszz0xxuo304civmjxyjiv3hg5rw0k,MrCollinGabriel,2014-09-20T00:50:13,'This is fucking shit. From the first notes, that becomes clear. Complete and utter shit. May God come and cleanse the earth of the complete and utter idiocy which is humankind.',0 z13gy5vi3kzfzbtyu04cctyzpuz3vfqgw1w,citywok68,2014-09-20T03:45:12,'Hey guys plz check out my youtube channel to c funny 2 girls 1 cup reaction thanks and plz subscribe! Thanks',1 z12xtzhzyr2lx53oo04cexm5vlrvxptiywo0k,'sarah fitzgerald',2014-09-20T07:43:50,'Please subscribe every sub gets a shout out tell me what type of videos u want and I will try make it happen',1 z12ltv24dmert1m1k23ajhgo4kydixwnf,'Mohammad Abdelhafez',2014-09-20T12:33:21,'Hey guys subscribe to my channel for no reason! Please!..',1 z13bttm5gxecfvrqq04cevkpuxj5s1u5ys40k,'Vane Cavazos',2014-09-20T15:39:44,'Katycat! https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1461302180794905',1 z12zttujlvi5iptyo04cfnyq4rqeip0bpt40k,Sarcataclysm,2014-09-20T23:11:39,'At least she didn\'t get rid of her completely useless makeup.',0 z12zzvtjxkn1tvdpy04cgvcrxprhypz5oek,'The Technology Zoo',2014-09-21T14:48:53,'I love roar and Katy Perry. She is my favorite singer and sometimes I just mute the volume and look at her!',0 z13byjoiuqvhctxc423ahhxafrizwhfto,'tonya parker',2014-09-21T23:01:03,'This is the best of the best video in world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!',0 z13wvdhxeyqeidsmz22jehupivbqxjvtp,'Ramen Noodles',2014-09-22T05:28:44,'She\'s got it all. Incredible voice, extremely hot, nice tits',0 z132zl1rupqcylbep23jgfig3um3ct5vv,'KatyPerry TheQueenOfPop',2014-09-22T06:50:24,'-->ATTENTION KATYCATS! Katy leads with 7 noms at this year MTV EMA! do vote daily for her: tv. mtvema. com/vote (delete spaces) thumbs up and share on fb',1 z133unbosvyetbf4n04ccboqbqnydzhrtg4,'tomo fr',2014-09-22T08:36:36,'I really like this song.',0 z12pi3wbqljkwjher23stftwykbzid1fv,'Hany Faisal',2014-09-22T10:08:17,'my son love so much',0 z13iijhzqwz4gxek122ugd3bllbks1011,'Alef Paulo',2014-09-22T14:33:15,'Y LOVE YOU',0 z12offlxfo2hi110l23wt52jsob5x1pic04,'Big BossVEVO',2014-09-22T17:26:19,'follow me on instagram bigboss286',1 z13ighawfwy5y5t5a04ccnp5dozetzfpq0g,'Snipe Last',2014-09-22T19:34:46,'why the elephant have a broken horn',0 z12sfnzallq5t5iki23gfbjb0ynxgxjyc04,'Vincent Lenzi',2014-09-22T23:23:33,'Free itunes $25 giftcard codes: http://shhort.com/a?r=OOCnjqU2b',1 z13zyrkanyf2y3cxw04chznrcxmefpkpf3s,'Shane Lumsden',2014-09-23T10:42:34,'Where did she find all that make up in a freakin jungle?!',0 z134hvcalzjkd11w304ccxlhipnqudd5hkw0k,'Danuchi zuuzu',2014-09-23T14:55:49,'so cute that monkey *-*! ',0 z12isxfbaqulfttva23qjxkwem2bcvlyv04,'Ghazwan Mattoka',2014-09-23T17:19:23,'Nice song',0 z13guzigaxftzpnis04cjzp5itbwjvkqjk00k,'Na\'RUtO AnImE',2014-09-23T18:06:18,'subscribe please ',1 z12xe1uw2sv3i1dm322nhrcazuitt3cjv04,'Ronnie Cromer',2014-09-24T14:45:16,'You are all sheep, period. This is terrible music.',0 z13wzf2p0vmxyxgpq04cj1qaqvn3j5uigwg0k,'Edouard Reyes',2014-09-24T19:31:10,'A friend of mine has invented a big dick formula. He had a small dick (4 inches) and he did some research about this topic. During the research, he found out the secret knowledge of penis enlargement. He applied what he had learned and now he has a 7 inch dick. He was absolutely amazed by his results. Of course, it took a few months. Therefore, he has written a book about this issue in order to help guys. He asked me to promote his book :) So, guys if you are interested and for more info check this out https://payhip.com/b/oTIb . He is selling it for symbolic £1. Thank you ;)',1 z12yj3cwwqf4vlb2d23au5zhhvjpjth2o,'The Technology Zoo',2014-09-25T02:20:26,'In the beginning she was scared off everything and next thing you know she is out in a leopard bikini!',0 z13gu5abbqrhtz3sd235fbfysyemhzwb304,'MR magic man',2014-09-25T10:42:47,'Please look at my channel',1 z13zwvkqmnr0sxbte230szzgpzudspu5l04,'Sam Banfield',2014-09-25T19:32:29,'My three bigger secrets are: I don\'t think I\'m good enough for me skinny size. I\'m bisexual and I sweat really freaking bad when I\'m nervous. - check out Secret by Austin Mahone\'s NEW Single!',1 z13lj1oyrkmrery5o04cjfuitwyagldauxs0k,'nailey nicool',2014-09-25T20:24:40,'https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nailey-nicool/629410220489046?ref=hl like mee',1 z12jj5kyfrjjhbq4e04cenuj1yyifhxq3hw,LuckyMusiqLive,2014-09-25T22:54:00,'katy is beautiful. and this song is catchy. I\'m a rapper with 25000 subscribers.. thumbs up if you hate when you take a shit and the water splashes your balls',1 z13yjbgh1qzmxly5o04cfxm5vumeibdgq1w,Wonderfulkid,2014-09-27T01:46:14,'I love her green eyes',0 z13derchioqxifr1m22pztjgvwuewvtz404,'Jane Kaspar',2014-09-27T11:50:38,'How old is Katy perry?',0 z132e5hhbwvxivbib04cf1wzdqnfdbgoyak,'Crafting English',2014-09-27T13:31:16,'most popular video on youtube ',0 z13qxj4avoquihrc322byvrxrxasvviac04,'Romix & Muffy',2014-09-27T19:10:39,'NOKIA spotted',0 z12iwthq2zn5xtxcc23hw1jjxmzddt3ft,Radiovarietyshow,2014-09-27T20:00:52,'I hear this all the time on radio and its really irritating. That being said, i like the video',0 z13vdlhzymiuvvd2h224yxwomxrhczqdw,Beryllium,2014-09-27T21:21:50,'Hi everyone! My dream is to have passionate sex with Katy Perry. Some people do not believe in me…but maybe you will. Sex is a giant part of my life and it pushes me to be a better person! Please give me a chance by giving me a thumbs up! If you love my ambition please SUBSCRIBE!',1 z12us3jzyurkxzntu22bvnpwskjdx1jkk,'Vincenzo Canino 98',2014-09-28T12:38:26,Fantastic!!!,0 z13zy5kytmzgcvets23hin2weuffu3tyb04,'Emilie Tifani',2014-09-29T15:33:59,'j aiiima plzzz https://www.facebook.com/pages/\%C3\%89c\%C3\%B8l\%CE\%B5-al-ma\%CE\%B7b\%CE\%B5t/302703146601369 ',1 z13uubvixwruz1bjo04cjzia5mn4jna5bo40k,'Daniel Brave',2014-09-29T19:18:09,https://vimeo.com/107297364,1 z12yhfh4rwqyetoep22psxorpyi5d5ihj04,'Λυδία Γκ',2014-09-30T16:18:44,'She\'s awesome XD',0 z13mhf4b5pqigtmgp04cf3korzytgzwqwsg0k,'Rayana Santos',2014-09-30T23:41:57,'Katy perry songs aren\'t that bad ',0 z123tffrdqzbcd5ft234gznazwrhv1pl3,'Nadeen Efein',2014-10-01T21:15:49,'hi beaties! i made a new channel please go check it out and subscribe and enjoy!',1 z13ugh0owyazefisp23pftph1mubdxozc04,'Priyanshu Panta',2014-10-02T13:17:36,'https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hiphop-Express/704682339621282 like this page yo',1 z125cdgp4qvxtpcj204cgbjjllbsj3zxdfo,'Tiffany Isaiz',2014-10-02T22:53:52,'Our Beautiful Bella has been diagnosed with Wobbler\'s Syndrome. There is no way we could afford to do her MRI or surgery. She is not just a dog she is a very special member of our family. Without the surgery we fear we will lose her. Please help! http://www.gofundme.com/f7ekgw',1 z13xd30auyngcdn4m04cgfkznnnae1obb2k,'Mehmet Ertuğrul Tohumcu',2014-10-03T15:28:05,https://www.facebook.com/pages/Komedi-burda-gel/775510675841486,1 z122gn04syvfep31i22zd1xh1p2bul5g504,'Sanfermuebles Muebles',2014-10-03T19:58:57,https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007085325116,1 z131yf5grx3hv1rxb04cdx0zexadztqgxrg0k,'Gasser ElLord',2014-10-05T13:59:39,'That\'s Good :)',0 z13gwfnb3pqgzhgmi221epogwszbhdcg104,'alin silviu lazar',2014-10-05T15:13:27,'http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=CSyOEB1wxVPCfL7D27AbGpYDgBJDPm6IH6MHu05wBgJXbv8sBEAEgkN7lJVCF7byH_f____8BYIOFgICAHKABsKG31wPIAQKpAh_KmC0hBpM-qAMByAPBBKoEkwFP0KullxqI1MG6o43HVzE-eFMqRG4Tu5LLBU_fsZ8gn0HBkJhBX-m83W1TS3_3Dx_HwPdX1Kazsj8o7SIEcVJjmBNsWyiJEcqvHXLbdzStUBOFaloYInWm0_rOOCppS2AuAT6zguICKm0lI83duwMAbzqvenE8TRfAzOrltBb037VzYv_XI4hBNQ2nvh19MrBgE0SIBgGgBgKAB7jeyCg&num=1&cid=5Ggs_m_9mA3TI40fS6mVPICS&sig=AOD64_1OFC7Seh_1pOp-jYrbS7X6-heeNQ&client=ca-pub-8252267209931889&adurl=http://blog.2parale.ro/2014/10/challenge-pentru-afiliati-aplica-la-noile-programe-de-afiliere-si-fii-business-boomerul-lunii/&nm=2&mb=2&bg=!A0QoUc7Q48v3_QIAAABpUgAAACsqAR0_VgOQWQxjmPUyvKoSf3K-q1BvKf9ZE4jhNC3ovckKxCbAFzZpAJiBXWBvVq4jrDgZ8q3rInlwgaBy_bXlfw7ma6dk0RJG14ZkRyizwqdi7HxgGE9tNDD9abflTFkBMbFfcJixNtHwbwkJ6N2onLH2D9EvEagPhoEwXOgBnu5ibgtRkgnAcQ1OIbgMzgAFNSc0lsaRiqj8HQR8T12dWv_7biY4k6I3y4yubloTdE_4XVKlnVeADZzF1L_xRYQkE6Wsur3EdLJWGk8fLq_QALdI-wAzNuysgqjNRDY6VucKLplZONyiSdKc9ebX-0dbHjZdW0LbsJBi40gXm0D0p5KRhv8XInQlI53__wQBaHS8zX4MJHw5vWrkPXFOeKs ',1 z13ccdhqkujfe3i3s221tj5h1wmrfjibe04,'Amanda C',2014-10-05T23:21:13,'Awesome video this is one of my favorite songs😀😀😀😀😀😀😀❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💎💎💎💎💎💄💄💄💄💋💋💋💋',0 z12zer0p2uaowfzqu04ccnczoyyryjj5u1s,'Annie Trace',2014-10-06T16:13:36,'If only I had the body like Katy Perry :)). She looks so hot. I love her ^^!',0 z13yele45yacxp1ux22muvvg2virwhwxh04,'Magic Man',2014-10-06T19:57:32,'DOWNLOAD RAPID FACEBOOK FOR FREE NOW https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rapid.facebook.magicdroid',1 z12ih1iyqojdhlxgu04cdhsb1ofdtll5a3g,'Deepty Awasthy',2014-10-07T03:41:31,'The song is very good ...but the video makes no sense...just a nonsense video...I mean she is telling her story of being stuck on an island, but the song doesn\'t fit in the situation...but nvm...The song is good',0 z121gzyrrsm4jlvid04cjj0zzpyxwv3qocc,desing,2014-10-08T07:19:15,'Who else would give Katy perry a good old mighty roar? ;)',0 z12pdlwxuwmktfmoq04civd5ypmzv5np0os0k,'Maryam Yassine',2014-10-08T12:39:49,'OMG I LOVE YOU KATY PARRY YOUR SONGS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS A TOTAL SUBSCRIBE',0 z13iyvl5vzqledtym04cirookpa1edwpvuw0k,'Tomas Adomaitis',2014-10-08T18:24:05,'https://www.paidverts.com/ref/tomuciux99 esyest money ever. join to our team!!!!',1 z130tpc5mwbqtxkox04cipervsaysn0w22o,'William Fernandez',2014-10-08T18:47:52,'Katy Perry - Roar (Official): http://youtu.be/CevxZvSJLk8',0 z12ohzkgtoreyzoqw04ccxgzxmnag3nhq5s,'Danny Ly',2014-10-09T00:37:48,'FREe ITunes Gift card http://shhort.com/a?r=x6J4gBrne',1 z12pf3tjfnmkhfcca223xlp5ayb3yfosc,'Miss.Farrell Wall',2014-10-09T13:28:49,'i was playing this song and the baby in my belly started to dance to it.....sooooo cute, but had to take the song out cause of copy right and add in a youtube made song....still sooo cute the baby danced to this song LMFAO!!! https://plus.google.com/111982027348137311818/posts/g2JVinPueMo',1 z13osblxvrj0ibtcn22cjjzguw31d5534,'Dana Nipper',2014-10-09T23:17:15,'katy perry is awesome',0 z13ahnbavmbgi50bv04cenuj1yyifhxq3hw,LuckyMusiqLive,2014-10-09T23:22:50,'this song is so addicting. the hook is dope and catchy. love the video too. I\'m getting popular fast because i rap real.. thumbs up if you piss next to the water in the toilet so its quiet................................',1 z134htdz0kjvgbd5w04cebardrm5zp15mw40k,'Matt Twine',2014-10-10T16:24:57,'Nice song .See my new track.',1 z12lhtpotlygylwcj23idphbpsjih0e0,'Kane Bradford',2014-10-10T18:09:13,'I love this sooooooooooooong I love katy perry',0 z13utrmbosiawt10p22kextrikr0fprhh04,'Tiny Tim',2014-10-11T02:28:19,'What does that tattoo on her right tricep say?',0 z12auh0b1vajetih404cfbl5uyfehpi4kb4,'fortune kitty52',2014-10-11T11:26:00,'Since when has Katy Perry had her own YouTube channel?',0 z13myxsrskidhjt5u04cfb3hpqn4vb1q5ts0k,imscarlet,2014-10-11T17:16:36,'Every time I watch this mv I just so so so glad that I live in a world that don\'t have to worry about running from a real, human eating tiger.',0 z13vz1qqzlq5flz2k223znxpkmvgutlei,b0b1t.48058475,2014-10-12T03:45:07,'i rekt ur mum last nite. cuz da haterz were 2 much 4 meh lik dis if u cri evertim and sponswer mi robox vidz https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/gimme-dem-moneyz-4-roblox/x/8851222#home',1 z13gw3uz2kfkcf3np22nsvz4zkr0u5xzl04,'ambareesh nimkar',2014-10-12T05:09:56,'\"eye of the tiger\" \"i am the champion\" seems like katy perry is using titles of old rock songs for lyrics..',0 z12ocr0rypvrdbq4004chheqepesuxkicyw0k,'Orfeu LUZ DO SOL',2014-10-12T07:23:27,'She is a perfect wonder.....',0 z12suvdjtluxipdj004cdh5ymvukufbrl4w,'Fred Smith',2014-10-12T21:53:00,'https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/help-stop-my-poverty-cyber-pan-handleing/x/8692160#home ',1 z121gdxzazm3cplce234g5uheyn4c5e4104,WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWVWW,2014-10-13T06:57:57,'she is horrible at acting. cringe-worhty.',0 z12auv0iwzukvnvf322vsd2y0pnpw5ure04,'Feredea SJ',2014-10-13T09:03:58,'I love katy fashions tiger, care to visit my blog sinar jahitan I also have the tiger collections tqvm',1 z13wt1vrismyzpiij04cj5vz4nzlyj4yfzo0k,'Alexander Mcdonald',2014-10-13T09:19:13,'Anyone Who LOVEs music , please go check out my youtube page and tell me what you think . I just put a video up and will be doing more song. I\'m just trying to get myself started. Any love is much Appreciated ',1 z13idnfjpl3njhnyv04ccfuzwsryhpcbkjg,'Ella-Grace Aldred',2014-10-13T10:58:22,'Is that tiger called \'Katty Purry\'?',0 z13bhfphlnbjsb4n123huzyy1urufxjp004,'uranium 239',2014-10-13T16:22:59,'blue eyes, can\'t be trusted. uranus bless america.',0 z12ojhxjqrnqj5rlc22bivs5jnmkhrylt,by.Ovskiy,2014-10-13T17:09:46,'Rap from Belarus, check my channel:)',1 z13pupugayfozd3zn04cc3kaim3qttfoh2s,'Morgensen Freya',2014-10-13T21:50:51,'follow me on twitter: freyacumqueen',1 z12yfvzzpt2tizxvb22yj334vzmrh13gc04,'Natalya Korshunova',2014-10-14T03:29:19,'Katy Perry - Roar (Official): http://youtu.be/CevxZvSJLk8',0 z12odl0g1lv2sny2a23mxtijuvftznai404,'Alex Lynch',2014-10-14T17:27:28,'C\'mon Katy you are so close to 14,000,000 subscribers...come up with another hit like this and it will happen',0 z12kulnquwqogxxj104chtgr4vbxvt4zg5k,'Rick Casse',2014-10-15T05:00:50,'VOTE FOR KATY FOR THE EMAs! #KATYCATS http://tv.mtvema.com/artists/katy-perry/i38xh1',1 z13lwnfyppu2ujssg23eezvyfnu3h3t4t04,'Rajesh Bhat',2014-10-15T05:15:27,'My honest opinion. It\'s a very mediocre song. Nothing unique or special about her music, lyrics or voice. Nothing memorable like Billie Jean or Beat It. Before her millions of fans reply with hate comments, i know this is a democracy and people are free to see what they want. But then don\'t I have the right to express my opinion? Please don\'t reply with dumb comments lie \"if you don\'t like it don\'t watch it\". I just came here to see what\'s the buzz about(661 million views??) and didn\'t like what i saw. OK?',0 z124whipbluof3y2t23gvfmb1la2w5aw204,'Bi - Bases of Image [Musical videos]',2014-10-15T11:02:31,'Visit my channel',1 z13bevebfqauylm4h04cidqh4xuoy5ayrlo0k,'big macintosh',2014-10-16T12:21:58,'Wow she is sexy XD',0 z12kzxgg4w2ptbq2j23nv3sxorekzri1j,'Salena Oneal',2014-10-16T12:24:32,'If you looking for new music to listen to check out cece song called dead2me on iTunes music video out now right here on youtube.',1 z13vvheilmf1cbqfr22ge1rwqszpcvbgc04,ColoursBruh,2014-10-17T00:54:50,'Katy has a voice of an Angel',0 z12fxf2xaofxhvj1b220dn1qhnyotpybx04,'Bob McBobbers',2014-10-17T03:05:04,'Hey guys, I was working last night on this project, it\'s a music streamer like spotify, but it allows you to download the files to listen to when you\'re offline. Opening it as a free beta, feel free to try it out :) download: https://mega.co.nz/#!ehVjzKyA!5bGKg2iWPHZOHWAEUesrWnegqG_lABcO7Rw9WFX8hAo',1 z13lzjnbmpmlc5p1o23ahn1wvkuvzzzvl,'Ed Diamond',2014-10-17T16:41:35,'Man she is hot in this one, male companions visit my profile to check out the coolest sextoy ever made!',1 z123ynxxyou1wrzri04cjh2buyfez5jjxcw,'Brandon Tomlin',2014-10-17T18:34:08,'Like my page please... https://m.facebook.com/Dreaddis?ref=m_notif¬if_t=fbpage_fan_invite&actorid=1442646731 ',1 z13nujhysyf3ftvgt04ccrd4szrxcvzbvt00k,MeSoHornyMeLuvULongTime,2014-10-18T04:58:21,'This video is so racist!!! There are only animals.',0 z131zt3poqazypy0a23ghxojfme5ydmmp,'Aarjav Parmar',2014-10-18T06:15:45,'Man she is BEAUTIFUL!',0 z12fzrxbvl3xjlmyi04chleb0uexczkjquk0k,FreexGaming,2014-10-18T08:12:26,'want to win borderlands the pre-sequel? check my channel :)',1 z13nev2azv3mftkx404cf1gilnvsi15hfjg,nanaIAMNANA,2014-10-18T12:41:41,'Hi! I would appreciate it if you all could help to like this poster on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nyghdramafest2014/photos/a.333608120156973.1073741830.327568907427561/333607726823679/?type=3&theater ',1 z13hst3ihoetvtdls221z1khwtfmutjdd,abdilefe,2014-10-18T19:09:29,'Plz help me getting 1.000 Subscribers tonight/today. Thanks to all who sub me :)',1 z12etvywgsjpthpvz22gwfm4vnqyydj3l,'Rebecca Shields',2014-10-19T13:59:50,'Yesterday this video have 1 million likes and now it has 2 million',0 z13oxduriwbjvd41y235g1k4porjcr2xu04,'Mardhy Hassan',2014-10-19T14:59:26,'why tiger succumbs to a beautiful girl ?.probably male tiger.....???? ha.ha.ha..',0 z13nv5tycmikx3syi04cdv5bmruufbrqjyk0k,'Abigail Gustav',2014-10-19T15:28:10,'Best song ever ',0 z12jxb3rkze0jljrq04cib0xbxbrt3mae1k,'Fredrik Jonsson',2014-10-19T16:07:16,'Thank you KatyPerryVevo for your instagram likes @axeljonssons',1 z13qw3ahhwftv3tnd23tihhxvlr0erteu,'TopMusicWorld HD',2014-10-19T23:27:50,'Please Subscribe In My Channel →',1 z12fzn5rgqi4sdwwe04cj33qdvbbipgjylc0k,'Mary-Jane Watson',2014-10-20T02:25:02,'She is good. Does she make any more music? If she doesn\'t, she should!',0 z12wzpww1rnqwjq0223dd5gofvzbwjqth,'ikbal kemerkaya',2014-10-20T17:56:04,'I LOVE YOU KATTY PERRY <3 ',0 z13pch5b4xn1z1mju04cjdtaymyust4hvqs0k,'Flip Tee',2014-10-20T18:33:44,'HONESTLY, I WANNA SEE YOU BE BRAVE! oh wait...',0 z13yvbabmkemtbqk122repparnvhudrgr04,'hernan perez ovando',2014-10-20T20:35:13,;-),0 z13qdpxqiziasxzsv234hhqoeretuhabc04,Merenguette,2014-10-21T04:52:03,'this video is great .....!!! I love this........and like much katy perry',0 z12axxpa2p2cdxu1p22vwfya1kz1gps4o04,'Freya Questionmark',2014-10-21T13:50:47,'Good thing she brought her spray-on tan, hairstylist, makeup artist, and cameraman.',0 z130fjzbglzugzfdx23cipvotlrkdpepo04,subscrool,2014-10-21T15:07:11,'666,002,018 views! 666 million. 666! Katy Perry illuminati confirmed!!!',0 z13qehwbnsfyvpaa004cdt0yqzqiy5mo2bk,'Youyou A.',2014-10-21T15:20:49,'I make guitar covers, please have a look at my channel',1 z12mhbmbhlv5jbi1n231chnqtrmkjrenc,MrSlowGhost,2014-10-21T15:30:56,'It should be illegal to be this goodlooking as this babe is...',0 z13odfj4atu3vdw0k22xwbtrftfoubzwf04,'sebastian hudson',2014-10-21T18:16:46,'katy is mine the girl of my dreams ♥',0 z13uhfazpsvxed2x004chpwjayudxpvhv3o,'Chewwy Moriarty',2014-10-21T20:53:49,'I love this song',0 z12kstz4owbggv12p230vpcwntjbyrqim04,'haribo elf',2014-10-21T21:09:29,'She is fit',0 z13jddxactekydkim04cfvzijxiygbvgkh4,'Patricia Reyes',2014-10-23T05:24:14,'I love the song roar it make me think am fill the way',0 z13oghdjnqzcftxwp04cdv0acx3msl5zbkc0k,ollie123216,2014-10-23T22:20:43,'How do you forget you have a choice, and what the fuck, surviving a plane crash has a 1/1000 chance of happening.',0 z12gsvozdnffulgly23tdzyholacht41h,'nleeklee polowtehow',2014-10-24T01:21:49,'she is a fool. this is a foolish video. the lyrics are all about her and how great she is. she is arrogant, obviously. but the thing is that there are a lot of idiots.. look how many hits this garnered. the young stupid girls who listen to her are numbering in the millions i guess. this video is a piece of trash. why would anyone ever like it or listen to it? because these stupid little girls have idiots for fathers and mothers.. and so they are going to turn into idiots also.. just like this stupid singer. ',0 z13xuxwywsewv3dvu23jgfig3um3ct5vv,'KatyPerry TheQueenOfPop',2014-10-24T06:05:07,':: ATTENTION : WE NEED 10 Million Views More for FIREWORK to Reach 500M .. We have only 1 and half day left for katy\'s birtgday. Listen How it could be possible?? >>JUST Open different Tabs from Different Browser >>Dont Watch Full Video, Remember We dont have time on hand, Its Time Wasting. View it only for 30 sec. Plz thumbs up and share',1 z13cynorbtfoydmbx04cfxohsqzvh1jwnlc0k,'احمد الهوارى',2014-10-24T09:55:30,'(( rapid facebook )) the free version of all colors and is characterized by fast and beauty download now https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rapid.facebook.magicdroid',1 z12vyf0jry25cbtif04cilsxal2quhowmw00k,'katy perry',2014-10-24T14:12:49,'Hey Katycats! We are releasing a movie at midnight UK time to celebrate katy\'s 30th birthday! Be sure to subscribe to our channel and watch the movie!',1 z13xxt4idrj0xx0vy23mzfswexbtytozw04,randman21,2014-10-24T17:11:17,'I just realized that this verses in this song have the exact same melody as the verses in \"Hey Ho\" by the Lumineers.',0 z12iup4axsfpz50rz04cgr3xiuakujcwvb0,'ΑΓΛΑΪΑ ΛΕΠΤΟΚΑΡΙΔΟΥ',2014-10-24T17:41:52,':-D ♪♪♪ This is my favorite song ♥',0 z13mwftg2ozrfpmzm04cjpaxuqv0tpygyl00k,'Brian Schultes',2014-10-25T01:53:36,'this song never get\'s old <3 ',0 z133x1cptruyddomf230yx1zfwqhfzoxs04,'Hude Deni',2014-10-25T08:13:25,'HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATY :) http://giphy.com/gifs/birthday-flowers-happy-gw3JY2uqiaXKaQXS/fullscreen (That´s not me)',1 z13yfl2wqnzjynufz23dejrjetqedzgqx04,'Ashley Smith',2014-10-25T15:23:36,'Hey ! I know most people don\'t like these kind of comments & see at spam, but I see as free advertising . So please check out my cover of Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift ! It is not the best ever I know, but maybe with some encouraging words of wisdom from many of you I can become better! Please go to my channel and check it out !',1 z13xg3oatsy5uljmc22ictmhgtf5vzxmg,'Charles Breheny',2014-10-25T15:55:59,'Www.youniqueproducts.com/joannagordon Younique by Joanna Gordon www.youniqueproducts.com',1 z12dynswht2rujq1e22xi5dappq1vrlh504,'ali aydın',2014-10-25T16:59:02,'I like you . Katy Perry 600▲60▲6▲',0 z12czbcjtzzjxfz5p04cffk5xsztwvsrop00k,IMustKillGoogle+,2014-10-25T20:10:35,'Glad to know im not the only one who knows its katheryn\'s birthday today :) happy birthday katy...and my sister. (they seriously have the same birthday...)',0 z12dujcgssjgd505g04ce5zzlka4d1p40vs0k,GX2re,2014-10-26T08:33:48,'Katy Perry can\'t sing for shit. All i hear it autotune.',0 z13jj5yx2lmeznske23dxrg51xnyhtrae04,'Denzel Saimi',2014-10-26T08:38:36,'I fucking hate her. Why? Because she don\'t write her songs she got producers for that. Second why tha fack is she in every song almost nude mayby because she\'s an attention hooker.',0 z135jfhquofkjjxam04cdraphzuxxry4iso0k,'Shaun Mac',2014-10-26T20:10:46,'Also LuckyMusiqLive she probably could help u make it big because I think u have talent. Just look her name up on the internet. Hit me up when u get this message',1 z12eszqpikzjdjnic04celpbjnityp1j24k,'Nick McGoldrick',2014-10-27T13:19:06,'Check out my drum cover of E.T. here! thanks -> /watch?v=NO9pOVZ9OIQ&list=UUltuCDIHsDeI01by1OW7WuQ',1 z13pwzyitx2sgz1w504cdlq4bxa5uvsqf0g,'Emily Thrun',2014-10-27T21:59:07,'Put famous people in the jungle for an hour and look what happens.',0 z13achnwtnfohviax04ccn2rlraugdighjg,'Robert Petrea',2014-10-27T22:31:50,'She kinda let herself go, huh?',0 z12sc3pptnvrfbgwl04cdnfgynv5gtuwcpg0k,'ahmed soliman',2014-10-28T16:12:32,'we all love you Katy Perry <3',0 z13ghzwpmz30ilzzw04cit0gup2kwtajq5o,Yonate,2014-10-28T17:22:33,'Sign up for free on TSU and start making money on social media add/follow me and ill add follow you!! http://tsu.co/Roberts9010',1 z12uwdpwjlnrvvuri04chd4ojrfrhvzjjls0k,'Marie farias',2014-10-28T18:10:39,'Love it when I can relate to my daughter\'s music. :-) Katy Perry - Roar (Official): http://youtu.be/CevxZvSJLk8',0 z12izheoltagv1vvg233cvfgpt3yxdhed,NeverGreen35,2014-10-28T20:04:45,'Subscribe me and i subscribe you back!!',1 z13ez3wxdsnjv1dej22uedkr2vbsgj2m3,'Chris Madzier',2014-10-29T01:23:19,'Katy Perry - Roar (Official) #soundsofsunday #music ',0 z122sdu5jnnwsr0kf23aghaz5rnkijtkl,adrianavargova,2014-10-29T09:46:20,'When I hear Katy singing this, I cry. The song has got depth.',0 z12yirkj4lzkupsnl222tbl5zwnwxfepj04,'Boshra Abdrhman',2014-10-29T09:53:12,'Love it',0 z12lznkqhkyysbznf222ft35zmy1shkb504,youngj,2014-10-29T11:28:58,'People who believe in Illuminati are stupid the same people believe that 911 was made by the American government',0 z12jwlxzxsa3srdwf04cftvx1rfjj1vrxms0k,'themind blasters',2014-10-29T19:39:38,'plz subscribe to my channel i need subs and if you do i will sub back i need help',1 z12qxxchsv2oetuut22jwxur3tjjcvmw004,'D Germain',2014-10-29T21:34:30,'please look up DHG SONGS this is my playlist with a bunch of amazing songs ',1 z13chb0r5lndj1mz504cefmpetrryb3qvf0,'Nerdy Peach',2014-10-29T22:44:41,'Hey! I\'m NERDY PEACH and I\'m a new youtuber and it would mean THE ABSOLUTE world to me if you could check \'em out! <3 Hope you like them! =D',1 z13mznp52kzciz12t22xx1q5unnxxd1ih04,'michael smith',2014-10-30T05:20:18,'00 : 39 Im pretty sure that tiger just wanted a hug',0 z12jwx2ikmq2hh05q04chpgannnofjzgxto0k,'Alain Marius',2014-10-30T16:19:21,http://vimeo.com/106865403,1 z12kj5iz2obvunpm222oynsjrnmvjhkvj,LuckyMusiqLive,2014-10-30T17:58:18,'this song gives me strength! love her lyrics. this video really brings the lyrics to life. I\'m getting known fast because i rap with meaning.. thumbs up if you piss next to the water in the toilet so its quiet...',1 z125idl4dkrwsdlbj04ccpvbcqjbt3hbbqk0k,'Mauro Tricolor',2014-10-30T20:43:47,http://minhateca.com.br/mauro-sp2013/Filmes+Series+Desenhos+Animes+Mp3+etc,1 z13xzfroimzmyxp4o04cdn1i3wypsflpj4k,'Grace R',2014-10-31T01:02:53,https://www.facebook.com/antrobofficial,1 z13fzno5fnzdwl0wm04cc3fxqkubz3v4ieg,'sreekrishna praveen',2014-10-31T07:37:32,'i love you katy perry because you will sing nice than shakira',0 z13hexio2vibenqip04cinuwsv2iifw5zeg,'EDIN TIUL',2014-10-31T20:39:28,http://hackfbaccountlive.com/?ref=4344749,1 z13vcxagnwzruv4yn04cg3dzxsvkelcqgyk0k,'Nedim Alp SEÇGEL',2014-11-01T02:37:29,' Facebook account HACK!! http://hackfbaccountlive.com/?ref=4477063',1 z12xf55o4niwyvdor04cizohvyuafzpowww0k,'Jackson Heber',2014-11-01T17:28:29,'I love katty perry',0 z13bcdoyolulstiif04cef2bvmepy1i54k40k,'Khris Parkhill',2014-11-02T02:37:16,'The Perry you\'re doing a good job good job I love all of their videos and by the way can you please describe to my channel please please please please I\'m trying to get as many comments to Skyburst lights is a cancer and get famous please',1 z123tv1ijsqaz5tv123atxqy3wj5j5mqg04,'Michael Jurek',2014-11-02T13:37:06,'I did a cover if u want to check it out THANK U.....Michael Age 8',1 z12yehjxukfljxa2x23iyhoqjna4zp0mi,'Bruno Alderete',2014-11-02T14:15:55,'EVERYBODY PLEASE VOTE KATY AT EMA 2014 !!!!! Best song Best female Best pop Best live Best look Best video PLEASE VOTE KATY !!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE !!!!! VOTE VOTE VOTE !!!!! KATY KATY KATY !!!!!',1 z12whdyrktazxzbls22jjjaz5tvohh0nz,'John Monster',2014-11-03T14:08:14,'Οh my god ... Roar is the most liked video at Vevo .. while 2 months ago was Justin\'s Baby.. congrats Katy . Applause <3 ',0 z13ujhk4nwzsf14jl04cgd3o5yrnindgc2s,'kyle kops',2014-11-04T03:52:25,https://soundcloud.com/j-supt-fils-du-son/fucking-hostile,1 z12ltb3iavfkyl4yr04cjperksqvs51otyg0k,'Truc Ng',2014-11-04T13:13:28,https://www.facebook.com/myfunnyriddles,1 z13ufbpg5smtedf4v04ci5gqvqemyb2jsp00k,'OFFICIAL LEXIS',2014-11-04T20:24:58,'Hi everyone! Do you like music? Then why not check out my music channel. The LEXIS band will be uploading their own songs and covers soon so don\'t miss out. Please SUBSCRIBE too as it does help us out a lot. Just takes one click. ->',1 z12ig3mwynaxu5vtr23ed33wdofvwp2ve,'hassan ss',2014-11-05T11:36:42,'https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=313454548839369&set=a.207230212795137.1073741825.100005244783212&type=1&theater 1111111111111111111',1 z12gjxa44vzxcfuqz04cjjmphmiyhzopcuk0k,ELPaso1990TX,2014-11-05T17:37:25,'I\'d rather hear some propa explicit gangsta rap insted of this garbage. This song is trash !',0 z13uhfapiubszxn3g23jctqqpvaectjss,m450nH,2014-11-05T18:30:45,'DAMNNNNNNNN, she is sexy O_O',0 z13hhrvguty1drrkk23ie1ywjn31zj0sl,RezAIIDay,2014-11-05T22:50:58,'Such a good song ans Katy sounds great over the melody. Im growing as an artist everyday from my hit song \'CRAZY\' which has got my name out there. cant thank my fans more for their support. If you could take a moment? to check it and my music? maybe you\'ll join me to make my dream come true :) thank you for your time',1 z122ghagzyvyzrv3b23fzf4pelvusdoub,'a carlton',2014-11-06T00:55:49,'I LOVE YOU!!! Because u make me smile when im sad you cheer me up with your beautiful songs (: <3',0 z122g12wzuztdjac4232jxuomqylcfjhc04,'William Carey',2014-11-06T02:47:23,'This song is the most boring, asinine song I have ever heard. Coming from a guy who liked \"Teenage Dream\" (the song). Ever since Katy Perry\'s divorce it\'s wave after wave of shitty but successful songs... For those of you saying \"This is the next wave of pop music\". Stick it up your ass. Katy Perry is like Silly Putty. ',0 z13qh3azhtvkvbypn04cflwaxoz5x51bip00k,'Googles top ten pics',2014-11-06T05:26:28,'Katy Perry - Roar (Official): http://youtu.be/CevxZvSJLk8. I love this song and video Katy Perry Rocks Wahoo! 😀😘',0 z13zyrkzxm21hblzq04cgl4yslaoc1zh52g,'Abhishek Kumar Gendah',2014-11-06T12:56:46,'And somehow she has access to makeup in the middle of the woods...',0 z12wy3fjlwnexjpzw04cf5ubzkudvfdinn00k,'Fazeela Boodoo',2014-11-06T13:44:00,'It looks so real and my daughter is a big fan and she likes a lot of your songs.',0 z133v1lwfvzcvrlp004cgbnqivi4xnqwgbk,LrsLzk,2014-11-06T15:58:58,'I can\'t comprehend why this video has nearly 700,000,000 views. Some people found \'Gangnam Style\' funny so that explains its high view count but this is just an awful pop song. I really have no clue on this one.',0 z12kh3rhbs3duzfea23hzf1qhlyuextzx04,'Bobby Carlos',2014-11-06T16:30:30,'Lets be honest, you wouldn\'t last 1 day on your own in the jungle. Stop living n a fairy world.',0 z133hdqrqpukup0lp22chhoaztrhvxov5,'Quinho Divulgaçoes',2014-11-06T19:50:16,'me segue ha https://www.facebook.com/marcos.sousa4?fref=ts',1 z130ut4izmyus5xr504cfzrx1umeglx4urg0k,'Serj Cat',2014-11-06T20:04:45,'Nature is beautiful, no need to place tits in video to impress people.',0 z12xjtzzfw2rtdt5p04cfbmihmusv3hjouc0k,'Yourmomma Son',2014-11-06T22:17:27,'This is so stupid. If you Roared at a Lion in real life you\'d dede',0 z12cvzca1qi3frejt04chrbhzsekxxopids,'Paola Zelaya Deras',2014-11-07T01:17:29,'This song is so AWESOME!!!She made everything stand out and all the viewers could imagine themselves at the setting of the video. Awesome Job Katy Perry!!!!',0 z12esjnx1qn4vhywy04cfvpaunnxtvhbpnw0k,'dinda zivic',2014-11-07T09:19:50,'Katy Perry - Roar (Official): http://youtu.be/CevxZvSJLk8',0 z12xunyyvkfmjpwbn04chxeipmaqg1apkxs0k,'BIANCA FLORENTINA MANTA',2014-11-07T11:25:13,'Katy Perry is lion',0 z13ocdbaxwqdvjnwx04ccz1pnvqtezdriqc0k,'Uroš Slemenjak',2014-11-07T12:16:21,'People, here is a new network like FB...you register also free, the difference is only that you get paid for sharing, commenting and liking posts and so one...don\'t waste your time on fb for sharing and not being paid!! Register here to make also money with your everyday posts!! https://www.tsu.co/slema13 Wellcome to everyone! ;)',1 z120thzonkjsz3euu233jn0alpmcupqtk,xsilvermistx,2014-11-07T13:17:57,'I\'ve figured out why I dislike this song: it\'s supposed to be a power ballad right? Something that\'s uplifting and motivating by the end. However, the final chorus has NO extra UMPH at the end and actually sounds just like the first one. Instead of crescendo-ing into a powerful finish, \"Roar\" just says on the same wavelength. It falls flat.',0 z13sx5nrhq22yvste23fvnirosixy55ag04,'The Robot Green Hypno',2014-11-07T13:37:51,'i like this song the video goes perfect with it',0 z12hxjxqlu2bifvq204cgbggameftpswvfw,'Paul Lewis',2014-11-07T15:05:25,'\"....because I AM a champion...and you\'re gonna hear me roar!\" Today I AM my own champion Today I AM a champion for the Creator Today I AM doing positive in my world Today I AM blessing and healing all around me Today I AM successful and creating success ',0 z125tj4zjlngxfvxr04cg5wyhkmxhxloesk0k,'Anders Lundgren',2014-11-07T18:08:44,'#nowplaying \"Weekendmix\" track 04 : Katy Perry - Roar (DJ Denis Shmelev & DJ Alex Serov Remix) http://youtu.be/CevxZvSJLk8 Listen live at: www.smartfm.nl/livestream.html',1 z12mdpxzzvmxwfevl23juhzibvqyvp52s,'Martwy Karas',2014-11-07T19:33:46,'Katy Perry\'s songs are the best of the songs of women artists.',0 z12ji3wbxwivep2zu04cglfrtxvdg3dwzzc0k,'Caitlin Hepton',2014-11-07T21:02:30,'i like this song because of all the animals and i like this song .',0 z13wytcx3ljjhvo2w23qejnwjyzryv2xh04,'Sam Kesha',2014-11-07T23:21:19,http://www.wattpad.com/story/26032883-she-can-love-you-good,1 z122vl141lzkvjqon04ccxwxuy3lypghum00k,'Kathy Akers',2014-11-08T02:16:29,'I love this song so much!:-D I\'ve heard it so much I pretty much memorized the lyrics',0 z12rsv4qfpiojdp1p23szbkbfxqthbkh304,'Free Fire',2014-11-08T05:02:26,'Hey Guys, I know you tend to skip these comments, but Take a look first. I am Free Fire, A Big Room, Progressive House, Deep House, Dubstep & Chillstep Producer from a small town in Missouri. Down here, I have no support from the community, and all I really ask is some critiquing, Support, and Views. My Music has gotten much better then what it was 10 months ago, and I promise my new content should be more then satisfying. Soon I should be able to advertise and I wont pester you guys anymore. So gimme a chance and check out my music, thanks and god bless.',1 z12usroi1ovwtzud022kttmyetj2vng2n,'Jacky Chan',2014-11-08T14:17:38,'For latest movies 2014 please visit this site http://www.networkedblogs.com/p/11cPWb?ref=panorama',1 z13vedzz3kiuvd25d04cgfoxzlvwznlwyfc,'Rafael Macho Gonzalez Jr',2014-11-08T17:22:54,'I love that you subscribed',1 z12kgb3b1qbgghhvk23rwj3j5lmehn3fz,'Oreja Ramanauskaite',2014-11-08T20:37:45,'https://www.tsu.co/ToMeks Go register ;) free money;)',1 z12tchtw5m2ff5oyl04cjnl4oofcgx0y1is,'We are proud to be Smilers',2014-11-09T12:31:35,'great song, but we all know that Katy buys her views..',0 z13fctugtriitvzco23gtnb4mnbff144f04,MntDewWigger,2014-11-09T12:50:06,'check out mah girl it duh shit yo',1 z123svxivleiez5vt23mdzk55siwe5on0,'Marnell Ampungan',2014-11-09T13:43:04,'Check out this video on YouTube:Facebook lhudygirlamaya ',1 z13tf12gvt2owtxpl04ceprwxmqnxx5a2gs,'Kwon Kee',2014-11-09T19:35:44,'Hey yall its the real Kevin Hart, shout out to my fans!!! follow me +RealKevinHeart ',1 z13felizynymfpd4304cc1loanvyw54pcmw0k,'Nathan Waterhouse',2014-11-10T01:07:06,'Check out my acoustic channel ',1 z13udjviuyetffdbo04cfltbemrbx1szsrk0k,Arianna,2014-11-10T02:18:19,'♫I know someone will see this ♥ I have a dream… I don’t have the greatest videos or the best quality Right now I feel like i\'m not getting anywhere and I need your help ♫ If you could possibly watch my videos it means the world to me ♥ Please thumbs this up so others can see… I appreciate it so much ♥♫ Please listen before you hate. Honestly i appreciate it so much You don’t have to love me just give this 17 year old a chance',1 z13wsnj44xfigrbse22iubv5kmebxlebm04,'monal shah',2014-11-10T09:00:34,'https://apps.facebook.com/my-polls/utsitcompetition2014?from=user_link&ref_id=ouxg5e . Please open this link and vote for anand niketan international school, the project name is project Fr-e-dom and share it with yours friend.',1 z13auhswxvj3vl1ms22nhpbbrmetc1kvx,MagpiedudeGaming,2014-11-10T15:58:40,'I hate videos like these with those poor animals.',0 z131xnrwqtybhzilh22hipqauyuhvnlx104,'Cem Devecioğlu devecioğlu',2014-11-10T16:14:20,'Hii youtube',0 z12kwjfxuybnjvhcj23avhwptniuhbrok04,'Karim Bazoka',2014-11-10T16:36:17,'nice ..very nice',0 z13rz1ewdlrfy5tef23hwjkjlr25vhk4304,'makayla Yarborough',2014-11-10T17:00:11,'I love this song!!!',0 z13vyd3ofqi4vjute22mhjbaqxf2dvjql04,'Nice Girl',2014-11-10T18:11:36,'*KATY YOU ARE A SHIT GO DIE!!!!!ROAR IS A FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP*',0 z13kjhwrdtvjzbbtc22ag3u4nmaocb023,'Jamie Breedlove',2014-11-10T18:18:04,' I love your music ',0 z13szfnqoxaouldyf04cgrp5tmichhawj2g,FudgePlaysMC,2014-11-10T18:18:08,'My 6th grade teacher looked exactly like Katy Perry come to think of it...',0 z13rynciopfrjhjjp04ccb4zazr4hrerjf0,'Taina Boaventura',2015-06-04T17:16:09,'curti? click here ? https://www.facebook.com/demiilovatofas?ref=hl https://www.facebook.com/pages/Frases-Secretas/448800865296855?ref=hl',1 z12hezdwqkqvg1zec22mtnerjlixyrt33,'DIIL GANG',2015-06-04T19:02:10,'http://www.ermail.pl/dolacz/UnNfY2I= Please click on the link',1 z12ww5toptirsbbjb04chfqgguiqu3jqfik,'Lauren And Victoria',2015-06-04T23:00:48,'Come check out our parody of this!',1 z12mznwahnvyz3mjm04cfnizwzmijtjhsp40k,'Those two boys',2015-06-05T03:15:10,'Please subscribe to us and thank you',1 z13ihroixyvmzvl2h22kclthlnmmxtggl04,'Destiny Cable',2015-06-05T03:33:16,'PLEASE VOTE FOR ME FOR THE WET SEAL MODEL 2015 CONTEST! MY INSTAGRAM USERNAME IS destinyforever_ http://www.wetseal.com/modelsearch15/modelsearch15.html',1 z13tz53yppyvd3obo04cef4zzounf1cporg0k,'Portman P.',2015-06-05T10:04:47,'SIMPLY PUT, OUR CUSTOMERS LOVE US... and so will you!https://www.facebook.com/greenleader',1 z12wgp0z4oj1sxqqf04cgfuwczfsvnjw3ew,'sunny leone',2015-06-05T15:11:28,https://binbox.io/DNCkM#qT4Q1JB1,1 z13uuxnivmfpvplmi23vvrdhsku1vpnfy,KillerDan,2015-06-05T17:59:36,'Almost 1 Bil. What? Wow, GS sucks, in my opinion.',0 z13ndnjbcnj5y1jpv04cg3z4tqfjihobu0w,'Julia Szefer',2015-06-05T18:13:30,'Katty is the best! ! ! ! ',0 z13ocniikmi1vzubr04ccn3jkzihtrbzpp00k,'Bader Awesome',2015-06-05T18:21:28,'That was very good I mean very very much good ',0 z12sjp3zgtqnvlysj23zuxxaolrvd1oj504,'Kacy Cluley',2015-06-05T18:59:52,'This song means so much to me thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much:-) Xxx',0 z132enrpoy35yxpoe04cjr4zur3jvbyq3xo0k,'Kasia Fabisiewicz',2015-06-05T19:02:05,<3,0 z132jbmxfqm4fjysg23nwjfb2mv2vxnua,'Decio Alves Martins',2015-06-05T19:29:20,'KATY PERRY, I AM THE \"DÉCIO CABELO\", \"DECIO HAIR\". I AM 60 YEARS OF AGE. I DON\"T HAVE FAMILY. I\"M SINGLE. ALONE. HOMELESS. I WAS AN ALCOHOLIC: 15 AT THE AGE OF 46. I AM AN INVISIBLE COMPOSER. MY DREAM IS TO RECORD MY SONGS. COULD YOU HELP ME? PLEASE! PLEASE! I TRUST THAT THE YOU WILL GIVE ME A CHANCE. I HAVE 109 VIDEOS IN THE YOUTUBE: deciocabelo canal. KATY PERRY, I WAS BORN IN OCTOBER 25, TOO. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! DECIO HAIR.',1 z12cdlswetvnejcri04cex0jfwy2u3tzj54,'Rafi Hossain',2015-06-05T19:55:08,'Honestly speaking except taylor swift and adele i don\'t lile any of the modern day singers. But i must say whenever i hear this song i feel goosebumps. Its quite inspiring!! Thanks miss Perry!',0 z120e5uautvcuper304ccf4bjrjugdpbwrc0k,'moaz adnan',2015-06-05T20:01:23,'who is going to reach the billion first : katy or taylor ?',0