% Datasets for `Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks' by B.D. Ripley % ===================================================================== % % Cambridge University Press (1996) ISBN 0-521-46086-7 % % The background to the datasets is described in section 1.4; this file % relates the computer-readable files to that description. % % % % Cushing's syndrome % ------------------ % % Data from Aitchison & Dunsmore (1975, Tables 11.1-3). % % Data file Cushings.dat has four columns, % % Label of the patient % Tetrhydrocortisone (mg/24hr) % Pregnanetriol (mg/24hr) % Type % % The type of the last six patients (u1 to u6) should be % regarded as unknown. (The code `o' indicates `other'). % % % % synthetic two-class problem % --------------------------- % % Data from Ripley (1994a). % % This has two real-valued co-ordinates (xs and ys) and a class (xc) % which is 0 or 1. % % Data file synth.tr has 250 rows of the training set % synth.te has 1000 rows of the test set (not used here) % % % % viruses % ------- % % This is a dataset on 61 viruses with rod-shaped particles affecting % various crops (tobacco, tomato, cucumber and others) described by % {Fauquet et al. (1988) and analysed by Eslava-G\'omez (1989). There % are 18 measurements on each virus, the number of amino acid residues % per molecule of coat protein. % % Data file viruses.dat has 61 rows of 18 counts % virus3.dat has 38 rows corresponding to the distinct % Tobamoviruses. % % The whole dataset is in order Hordeviruses (3), Tobraviruses (6), % Tobamoviruses (39) and `furoviruses' (13). % % % % Leptograpsus crabs % ------------------ % % Data from Campbell & Mahon (1974) on the morphology of rock crabs of % genus Leptograpsus. % % There are 50 specimens of each sex of each of two colour forms. % % Data file crabs.dat has rows % % sp `species', coded B (blue form) or O (orange form) % sex coded M or F % index within each group of 50 % FL frontal lip of carapace (mm) % RW rear width of carapace (mm) % CL length along the midline of carapace (mm) % CW maximum width of carapace (mm) % BD body depth (mm) % % % % Forensic glass % -------------- % % This example comes from forensic testing of glass collected by % B. German on 214 fragments of glass. It is also contained in the % UCI machine-learning database collection (Murphy & Aha, 1995). % % Data file fglass.dat has 214 rows with data for a single glass % fragment. % % RI refractive index % Na % weight of sodium oxide(s) % Mg % weight of magnesium oxide(s) % Al % weight of aluminium oxide(s) % Si % weight of silicon oxide(s) % K % weight of potassium oxide(s) % Ca % weight of calcium oxide(s) % Ba % weight of barium oxide(s) % Fe % weight of iron oxide(s) % type coded 1 to 7 % % The type codes are: % % 1 (WinF) window float glass % 2 (WinNF) window non-float glass % 3 (Veh) vehicle glass % 5 (Con) containers % 6 (Tabl) tableware % 7 (Head) vehicle headlamp glass % % The ten groups used for the cross-validation experiments (I believe) % are listed as row numbers in the file fglass.grp, % % % % Diabetes in Pima Indians % ------------------------ % % A population of women who were at least 21 years old, of Pima Indian heritage % and living near Phoenix, Arizona, was tested for diabetes % according to World Health Organization criteria. The data % were collected by the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and % Kidney Diseases (Smith et al, 1988). This example is also contained in the % UCI machine-learning database collection (Murphy & Aha, 1995). % % The data files have rows containing % % npreg number of pregnancies % glu plasma glucose concentration in an oral glucose tolerance test % bp diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) % skin triceps skin fold thickness (mm) % ins serum insulin (micro U/ml) % bmi body mass index (weight in kg/(height in m)^2) % ped diabetes pedigree function % age in years % type No / Yes % % Data file pima.tr has 200 rows of complete training data. % pima.te has 332 rows of complete test data. % pima.tr2 has the 200 rows of pima.tr plus 100 incomplete rows. % % % % Information about the dataset % CLASSTYPE: nominal % CLASSINDEX: last % @relation prnn-synth @attribute xs REAL @attribute ys REAL @attribute yc {0,1} @data 0.05100797,0.16086164,0 -0.74807425,0.08904024,0 -0.77293371,0.26317168,0 0.21837360,0.12706142,0 0.37268336,0.49656200,0 -0.62931544,0.63202159,0 -0.43307167,0.14479166,0 -0.84151970,-0.19131316,0 0.47525648,0.22483671,0 0.32082976,0.32721288,0 0.32061253,0.33407547,0 -0.89077472,0.41168783,0 0.17850119,0.44691359,0 0.31558002,0.38853383,0 0.55777224,0.47272748,0 0.03191877,0.01222964,0 0.25090585,0.30716705,0 0.23571547,0.22493837,0 -0.07236203,0.33376524,0 0.50440241,0.08054579,0 -0.63223351,0.44552458,0 -0.76784656,0.23614689,0 -0.70017557,0.21038848,0 -0.64713491,0.15921366,0 -0.76739248,0.09259038,0 -0.51788734,0.03288107,0 0.17516644,0.34534871,0 -0.68031190,0.47612156,0 0.01595199,0.32167526,0 -0.71481078,0.51421443,0 0.07837946,0.32284981,0 -0.80872251,0.47036593,0 -0.84211234,0.09294232,0 -0.98591577,0.48309267,0 0.29104081,0.34275967,0 0.24321541,0.51488295,0 -0.60104419,0.05060116,0 -1.24652451,0.45923165,0 -0.82769016,0.36187460,0 -0.62117301,-0.10912158,0 -0.70584105,0.65907662,0 0.06718867,0.60574850,0 0.30505147,0.47417973,0 0.60788138,0.39361588,0 -0.78937483,0.17591675,0 -0.53123209,0.42652809,0 0.25202071,0.17029707,0 -0.57880357,0.26553665,0 -0.83176749,0.54447377,0 -0.69859164,0.38566851,0 -0.73642607,0.11857527,0 -0.93496195,0.11370707,0 0.43959309,0.41430638,0 -0.54690854,0.24956276,0 -0.08405550,0.36521058,0 0.32211458,0.69087105,0 0.10764739,0.57946932,0 -0.71864030,0.25645757,0 -0.87877752,0.45064757,0 -0.69846046,0.95053870,0 0.39757434,0.11810207,0 -0.50451354,0.57196376,0 0.25023622,0.39783889,0 0.61709156,0.10185808,0 0.31832860,0.08790562,0 -0.57453363,0.18624195,0 0.09761865,0.55176786,0 0.48449339,0.35372973,0 0.52400684,0.46616851,0 -0.78138463,-0.07534713,0 -0.49704591,0.59948077,0 -0.96984525,0.46624927,0 0.43541407,0.12192386,0 -0.67942462,0.30753942,0 -0.62529036,0.07099046,0 -0.02318116,0.40442601,0 0.23200141,0.71066846,0 0.09384354,0.46674396,0 0.14234301,0.17898711,0 -0.61686357,0.25507763,0 0.23636288,0.51543839,0 0.38914177,0.40429568,0 -0.95178678,-0.03772239,0 0.24087822,0.71948890,0 0.12446266,0.45178849,0 -0.60566430,0.26906478,0 -0.71397188,0.30871780,0 0.31008428,0.34675335,0 0.18018786,0.46204643,0 -0.42663885,0.64723225,0 0.06143230,0.32491150,0 0.07736952,0.32183287,0 0.42814970,0.13445957,0 -0.80250753,0.66878999,0 0.40142623,0.42516398,0 0.37084776,0.26407123,0 -0.80774748,0.41485899,0 0.50163585,0.23934856,0 0.58238323,0.22842741,0 -0.59136100,0.30230321,0 -0.87037236,0.26941446,0 -0.72086765,0.19676678,0 0.27778443,0.21792253,0 0.33240813,0.27349865,0 -0.14092068,0.39247351,0 -0.59759518,0.14790267,0 -0.85581534,0.14513961,0 -0.88912232,0.26896001,0 0.21345680,0.43611756,0 -0.53467949,0.57901229,0 0.31686848,0.39705856,0 -0.68121733,0.04209840,0 -0.97586127,0.45964811,0 0.41457183,0.27141230,0 0.32751292,0.36780137,0 -0.93209192,0.09362034,0 0.58395341,0.47147282,0 -0.44437309,0.23010142,0 0.29109441,0.19365556,0 -0.51080722,0.41496003,0 -0.96597511,0.17931052,0 0.18741315,0.29747132,0 0.17965417,0.45175449,0 -0.72689602,0.35728387,0 -0.54339877,0.41012013,0 -0.59823393,0.98701425,1 -0.20194736,0.62101680,1 0.47146103,0.48221146,1 -0.09821987,0.58755577,1 -0.35657658,0.63709705,1 0.63881392,0.42112135,1 0.62980614,0.28146085,1 -0.46223286,0.61661031,1 -0.07331555,0.55821736,1 -0.55405533,0.51253129,1 -0.43761773,0.87811781,1 -0.22237814,0.88850773,1 0.09346162,0.67310494,1 0.53174745,0.54372650,1 0.40207539,0.51638462,1 0.47555171,0.65056336,1 -0.23383266,0.63642580,1 -0.31579316,0.75031340,1 -0.47351720,0.63854125,1 0.59239464,0.89256953,1 -0.22605324,0.79789454,1 -0.43995011,0.52099256,1 -0.54645044,0.74577198,1 0.46404306,0.51065152,1 -0.15194296,0.81218439,1 0.48536395,0.82018093,1 0.34725649,0.70813773,1 0.43897015,0.62817158,1 -0.21415914,0.64363951,1 0.57380231,0.63713466,1 0.38717361,0.58578395,1 0.32038322,0.53529127,1 -0.20781491,0.65132467,1 -0.18651283,0.81754816,1 0.24752692,0.39081936,1 0.66049881,0.89919213,1 -0.28658801,0.73375946,1 -0.32588080,0.39865509,1 -0.25204565,0.67358326,1 0.37259022,0.49785904,1 -0.29096564,1.04372060,1 -0.30469807,0.86858292,1 -0.21389978,1.09317811,1 -0.36830015,0.75639546,1 -0.46928218,0.88775091,1 0.39350146,0.77975197,1 -0.45639966,0.80523454,1 0.51128242,0.76606136,1 0.22550468,0.46451215,1 0.01462984,0.40190926,1 -0.19172785,0.80943313,1 0.38323479,0.75601744,1 0.49791612,0.61334375,1 0.35335230,0.77324337,1 -0.34722575,0.70177856,1 0.58380468,0.76357539,1 -0.13727764,0.71246351,1 0.38827268,0.44977123,1 -0.53172709,0.61934293,1 -0.11684624,0.87851210,1 0.54335864,0.41174865,1 -0.45399302,0.66512988,1 -0.21913200,0.83484947,1 0.30485742,0.98028760,1 0.65676798,0.75766017,1 0.61420447,0.75039019,1 -0.45809964,0.77968606,1 -0.21617465,0.88626305,1 -0.26016108,0.81008591,1 0.31884531,0.84517725,1 -0.23727415,0.80178784,1 0.58310323,0.77709806,1 0.02841337,0.75792620,1 -0.41840136,0.68041440,1 0.67412880,0.60245461,1 -0.25278281,0.70526103,1 0.51609843,0.62092390,1 0.20392294,0.91641482,1 -0.17207124,1.00884096,1 0.27274507,0.29346977,1 0.07634798,0.56222204,1 -0.36653499,0.64831007,1 0.44290673,0.80087721,1 -0.19976385,0.54295162,1 -0.54075738,0.65293033,1 -0.07060266,1.00296912,1 0.50715054,0.35045758,1 -0.06048611,0.62982713,1 0.21532928,0.60260249,1 0.46809108,0.87182416,1 -0.29888511,0.73669866,1 0.86129620,0.47289330,1 0.70120877,0.74572893,1 -0.11342797,0.60067099,1 0.31234354,0.90756345,1 -0.12172541,0.84112851,1 0.36867857,0.37052586,1 0.57311489,0.40949740,1 -0.25841225,0.67192335,1 0.30937186,0.50823318,1 0.43319338,0.77016967,1 -0.30448035,0.57820106,1 0.44276338,0.58023403,1 -0.19442057,0.89876808,1 -0.06105237,0.74184946,1 0.07619347,0.35386246,1 0.85826993,0.95819523,1 0.37039200,0.72342401,1 0.51481515,0.76203996,1 0.43127521,0.54259166,1 0.42286091,0.65242185,1 0.29815001,0.93453682,1 0.37128253,0.70089181,1 -0.51528729,0.76473490,1 0.38525783,0.65528189,1 -0.34825368,0.50529981,1 0.68510504,0.78067440,1 -0.36528923,0.45703265,1 -0.40903577,0.74230433,1 0.43574387,0.44689789,1 0.26887846,0.44559230,1 -0.49254862,1.01443372,1 0.07615960,0.63795180,1 0.49226224,0.46876241,1 -0.40249641,0.71301084,1