% DATA FILE: % Data on patient deaths within 30 days of surgery in 131 U.S. % hospitals. See Christiansen and Morris, Bayesian Biostatistics, D. % Berry and D. Stangl, editors, 1996, Marcel Dekker, Inc. % % % Data on 131 heart transplant hospitals in the US. The 3646 transplants % took place during a 27 month period from October 1987 through December % 1989. The columns are: obs = hospital #, e = expected # % of deaths within 30 days of the transplant surgeries, z = number of % deaths within 30 days of surgery, n = # of patients receiving heart % transplant within this time period. (Christiansen and Morris, Bayesian % Biostatistics, D. Berry and D. Stangl, editors, 1996.) The patient % level data used to create this data set was provided by the United % Network for Organ Sharing, 1100 Boulders Parkway, Suite 500, P.O. Box % 13770, Richmond, VA, 23225. % % The following data may be used for non-commercial purposes and can be % distributed freely. If you use the data, please acknowledge StatLib, % the United Network for Organ Sharing, and Christiansen and Morris, % 1996. % % % % % Information about the dataset % CLASSTYPE: numeric % CLASSINDEX: none specific % @relation transplant @attribute obs INTEGER @attribute e REAL @attribute z INTEGER @attribute n INTEGER @data 1,0.057,0,1 2,0.064,0,1 3,0.064,0,1 4,0.066,1,1 5,0.462,0,1 6,0.086,0,2 7,0.114,0,2 8,0.117,0,2 9,0.118,0,2 10,0.119,0,2 11,0.126,0,2 12,0.231,1,2 13,0.261,1,2 14,0.211,1,3 15,0.216,1,3 16,0.218,0,3 17,0.648,1,3 18,0.143,0,4 19,0.144,2,4 20,0.210,1,4 21,0.244,0,4 22,0.530,3,6 23,0.796,2,6 24,1.622,4,6 25,0.561,2,7 26,0.762,0,7 27,1.222,1,7 28,0.513,4,8 29,0.532,0,8 30,0.936,1,8 31,0.503,1,9 32,0.564,0,9 33,0.572,2,9 34,0.583,0,9 35,0.722,0,9 36,0.771,2,9 37,1.873,4,9 38,0.532,0,10 39,0.584,0,10 40,0.672,2,10 41,0.722,1,10 42,0.904,1,11 43,1.236,0,11 44,0.950,0,12 45,1.405,1,12 46,0.776,3,13 47,1.013,0,13 48,0.739,0,14 49,1.770,1,14 50,0.821,0,15 51,1.115,2,15 52,1.164,3,15 53,1.164,0,15 54,1.303,0,16 55,1.774,3,16 56,3.585,1,16 57,1.193,1,17 58,1.213,1,17 59,1.232,1,17 60,1.517,4,17 61,1.520,3,17 62,1.862,3,17 63,1.888,1,17 64,1.247,0,18 65,1.381,2,18 66,1.643,2,18 67,1.660,4,18 68,1.827,4,19 69,1.486,3,20 70,1.593,2,20 71,2.265,4,20 72,1.524,1,21 73,1.759,3,21 74,1.309,0,22 75,1.529,4,24 76,1.677,1,24 77,1.654,2,25 78,1.785,3,25 79,1.979,4,25 80,1.767,4,26 81,2.465,2,26 82,1.750,2,27 83,2.458,4,27 84,2.383,2,28 85,2.717,3,28 86,2.282,0,32 87,2.115,0,33 88,2.852,2,33 89,2.856,5,33 90,3.174,5,33 91,2.369,1,35 92,2.557,1,35 93,3.859,3,35 94,2.641,1,37 95,2.741,1,38 96,3.055,3,38 97,3.513,1,38 98,2.728,2,40 99,3.354,6,40 100,3.814,0,40 101,4.014,2,41 102,2.612,2,42 103,2.815,1,43 104,4.294,2,43 105,3.450,8,44 106,3.628,6,45 107,4.219,1,45 108,3.932,6,47 109,4.082,4,47 110,4.203,1,48 111,4.022,3,51 112,4.636,5,51 113,5.571,2,56 114,6.436,4,57 115,5.344,3,60 116,4.445,4,61 117,4.705,5,61 118,5.039,2,61 119,6.043,6,68 120,5.121,8,69 121,11.260,5,69 122,5.789,0,73 123,6.044,6,74 124,5.569,8,75 125,6.130,7,75 126,6.249,3,79 127,7.002,3,91 128,7.851,9,99 129,9.573,7,104 130,12.050,18,133 131,12.131,17,152