"id","polarity","text" "1","positive","@DrabJay: excellent suggestion! Code changed. :-)" "2","neutral","Any decent browser should protect against malicious code in images so I don't think you'll have to worry. If you're truly concerned you can use a combination of getimagesize() and see about using a ClamAV extension/program to scan files for malicious code. Nothing is perfect though." "3","negative","I swear - I don't put pseudo code I get told off for having bad variable names and things that don't match... I put pseudocode and I still get grief!" "4","neutral","I have attached below" "5","negative","When I refactor the following line: using Resharper's Use Object Initializer, I get the following: I really hate this type of formatting because with longer object names and variables it just gets out of control. How can I get Resharper to do the following?" "6","neutral","that's what I thought, that's why I'm surprised" "7","neutral","I want them to resize based on the length of the data they're showing." "8","negative","Is it possible (or desirable?!) to set up to behave more like ? For example, instead of writing why can't I just write Similarly, instead of why not just" "9","negative","Didn't notice the horrid inline jQuery, remove it! Then open the browser console (F12) and check for errors." "10","positive","@Asad Actually do not need. I appended one letter at the end of each vowel and con table. @user3520307 My great pleasure to see my code be helpful!" "11","neutral","Do you have jQuery loaded correctly?" "12","negative","@augustss: with `ImpredicativeTypes` you can make monadic binds polymorphic as well (though it requires a heck lot of extremely ugly type annotations)." "13","positive","Here is an excellent article that might help: CodinghorrorGenerally I would say: Put restrictive chmod rules salt, salt, salt !" "14","negative","OK, so what do you want me to do about that? Hint: how about *telling us* what your problem is?" "15","positive","I recently moved from a Mac + Textmate back to Visual Studio. The one thing I absolutely loved about textmate was it's find/search feature. It made navigating solution files so easy. Is there an equivalent shortcut/addon for Visual Studio?" "16","positive","Wow, great many thanks! File was Data!" "17","negative","I need from document object or from a DOM element (i.e. a DIV) to know which is its window object. In Firefox I can do: but obviously in that AWFUL browser that statement not work!!!" "18","negative","I would agree except they are related and I really hated the idea of writing 4 separate questions since they seemed to close." "19","negative","Too slow and I prefer to operate in the same mode as my users. Also, I just really hate switching to debug. And its a waste of diskspace." "20","positive","change the following to: to Added in the select, also ensure that DATABASE_TABLE has the column _id.A cursor adapter will always need an column!Hope that helps.!" "21","negative","@IgnacioOcampo, I gave up after a while I am afraid :(" "22","positive","@user2717118: Excellent! Please consider [accepting this answer](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5234/how-does-accepting-an-answer-work), then :-)" "23","neutral","I ran through the li:last-child selector earlier" "24","positive","I'm working with a console application (C#) at the moment. What it does is pulls files from a database and stores them in their relevant folders on the C drive on a local machine. At the moment, every time I run the console app, it pulls ALL the files from the database. What I would like to be able to do, is each time I run it, It only pulls the files that were submitted since I last ran the console application. Currently, this is the linq statement that pulls the files from the database. Ideally I'd like something like the following where the date and time of the last run of the application is stored somewhere: I'm unsure on how to go about achieving this. If anyone had any advice on it I'd be very greatful :)" "25","positive","Great work in finding that bug report ticket! I was able to see the issue in the [fiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/5SCnJ/) that they provided. Notice also that the bug has been fixed! All you need to do is use a jQuery-ui >= version 1.10.3. I forked their fiddle and tried it with 1.10.3 and the issue goes away. Check it out [here](http://jsfiddle.net/mcoomey/JPC4J/1/). @user3496151: The fix that I demonstrated in the previous" "26","negative","Then you've got major problems! Let me meditate on it; it is extremely unpleasant, whatever. Are you on Linux or some other Unix-like platform?" "27","positive","works excellent!! thanks a lot guys!!!" "28","negative","Reinnstalled Xcode4 - same thing. Awful!" "29","positive","I want to programatically detect if my site is within the Facebook iFrame app so I can display certain features specifically for Facebook. Otherwise if someone goes site without Facebook. Preferably an FBML, C# or JS solution would be great :) Thx!" "30","negative","Someone is scared to tell the reason of -1 !" "31","neutral"," I'm not very good at vb6, and I would do that from the aspx page by adding to the SqlDataSource an Update Command like `UPDATE [table] SET [date_debut_session] = @date_debut_session WHERE [id] = @id` and asp:parameters. define 'here': in the aspx or in the codebehind? 'cause I've tried and it works in the aspx but I haven't tried in the codebehind. have you tried [this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4223938/how-to-apply-particular-format-of-date-by-using-eval)?" "32","positive","Indeed your question is an easy one, so I answer your question with some additional points that I think help you more than the answer itself:First, this is the code: Notes: Please1 - don't a simple problem a real hard one! if it's a hw you can convince the tutor about defining the string delimited with something like , (if he/she insists) or whatever, and if this is a real project convince the customer, you don't want to torture yourself! 2 - you said you want to split the string into a 4 x 4 matrix, what if you want a 5x5 matrix? So take advantage of constants, and the same for the delimiter Hope these help." "33","negative","Yeah, it's definitely annoying!" "34","positive","I am learning ML. Can some one please help me out with basic input/output functions in ML?? I just want to read input from console and store it in a variable and use it in my ML program. Please help. If you can point me towards some example for this also it would be super great!!! Thank you." "35","positive","@PeterGrantBue: I'm happy that my solution suits your needs. :-) Please, accept my answer if it really helped you out. Good luck with your game! ;-)" "36","neutral","I am using WinForms." "37","positive","Not to worry I've SOLVED it!" "38","positive","I'm trying to make a link inside the fancybox single image title. I want it to redirect me to another fancybox window (witch is inline)... I have a script that makes the whole single image a link, but this targets my document title instead of the anchor title... I really hope someone will have a solution or a better idea on how to do it!! :) Thank you thank you thank yooou! :) btw: I have almost never worked with scripts.. In depth anyways..." "39","negative","Is it possible to prevent a user from editing the title of a node on the node edit screen? One of the things I really detest about Drupal is the rigidity of the title & body field in each node." "40","negative","I'm curious, shouldn't the other question be marked as a duplicate of this one? This question is two years older and has a higher rated answer." "41","negative","I really hate people who downvote for no reason. Just tell me what your problem is in a comment after you downvote. God!" "42","positive","Excellent advice, thanks!" "43","positive","Nice! I love the video software! lol. Had to download it. Anyway, I fixed the Open Modal, I didn't fix teh fixed modal. I'll get back to you in a minute" "44","neutral","Moderate > 300 - 500 nodes at once" "45","positive","I just followed your excellent recommendation --- thanks! :-)" "46","negative","That's depressing :/ Are you sure I can't get a collection of all controls on the page with a particular class and give them a single data source?" "47","negative","I have a table that is referenced by a ton of other tables via foreign keys. I am trying to delete a Document record, and according to my execution plan, SQL Server is doing a clustered index scan on every one of the referencing tables. This is very painful. I thought having a FK automatically made an index on the FK fields? Or am I wrong? Do I really have to go around my database putting an explicit index on every single FK field?" "48","neutral","Did it work? If it did you can also accept the answer by clicking the check mark beside it. It is a nice step to take =P" "49","neutral","That's right, I have no plans to replace the existing system, sidecar is an excellent analogy." "50","positive","What you can do here is hide the button that pushes the view that only instructors can see, if the user is logged in is of type student.In the view that has the button that pushes the view that only instructors can use do this:In the .h file create a property for the button that pushes the view like so: In the .m file:In the viewWillAppear method of the view do the following check: This way, when the view loads, the button that pushes the instructor view will only be accessible to the users of type Instructor.Hope it helps!" "51","negative","Dude, you scare me! At least make an effort in PROVIDING CODE!" "52","negative","When I refactor the following line: using Resharper's Use Object Initializer, I get the following: I really hate this type of formatting because with longer object names and variables it just gets out of control. How can I get Resharper to do the following?" "53","negative","looks like you have changed your needs. that's disgusting" "54","negative","This is a professional project in academia and I need to use Java for it - bc of my own limitations I'm afraid!" "55","neutral","anybody have an idea on this one?" "56","neutral","This is a slightly tricky question. I am using NSDateFormatter on the iPhone but I wanted to only show a standard date without the years component. But retain the users locale formatting for their date. I could easily override the formatting using But now the date is in my in en-nz format eg 12:01PM Wednesday July 7. So I have totally killed the locale for any other users around the world. I would like to say. Give me the correct localized date for this users region but omit the years component. Since the date is being displayed as string, I am tempted to just fromat the date and then remove the year component by just cutting this out of the string." "57","negative","I was afraid of that!" "58","positive","Wow! Yeah, I did'nt know that! Great new feature." "59","neutral","My suggestion is to keep track of whether or not you're showing an error at that choke point. If you have lots of places that are doing it, you'd need to synchronize them somehow, e.g. delegate to a singleton object that is responsible for displaying the UI, or use a mutex or something." "60","neutral","No buddy, You can't simply upgrade ZF1 to ZF2. In case you need you move to ZF2 be sure that ZF2 is not just an upper version of ZF1 but the whole Architecture is also changed.So, If you really need to move then 1. Firstly you will need to remove ZF1 library completely.2. Install ZF2 package.3. Now make changes in your code to work accordingly with ZF2 as most of the things will stop working once to move to ZF2.However, I would suggest don't migrate to ZF2 just for the sake of upgrading, migrate only if you dont have any other choice. As this is a very painful task.have a good luck." "61","positive","@ThiagoLovizzaro no worries, you have to start somewhere ;) good luck in the future!" "62","neutral","should be \'s you can tell my preferred environment...." "63","positive","Per https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/ChangingAppStatus.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011225-CH30-SW1The pending an Apple Release means: Apple is holding your app version until the corresponding Apple iOS or OS version is released to the public. If you think an app should be released on existing iOS or OS versions, review the deployment target set in your app binary. If you rebuild your app binary with a different deployment target, reject the binary for this version and submit the new version.Sounds like you need to review the deployment target and if you change it, reject the binary and re-submit. If you need help with rejecting the binary, please let me know.Hope this helps!" "64","negative","Its Ajax, I dunno anything about it. And looking at the link which you have given seems very scary to understand and implement." "65","neutral","@Gary there is another point: when using the `rm` command, it is not it which performs glob expansion but the shell!" "66","negative","Apparently, the Gmail app do not let me download the attachment... this is really unfortunate :( Gmail works with !!!" "67","neutral","anyone got a clue on this?" "68","positive","numpy is awesome :P" "69","negative","Ok this is really annoying, can't find a solution that works !" "70","positive","yeah it working fine :) Thanks !!" "71","negative","@wst It doesn't even have the decency to return the same map? That is really terrible." "72","negative","@Almo @trojanfoe yes it was a horrible syntax error, sorry guy's!" "73","positive","Few things to make this work :Your classname FILE should start with a capital letter, Your config array must be defined as $config = array() (and not $var or any other name), Your config file must be lowercase.The config file is passed through the constructor, so class ($config=array()), you can then access and store the config variables on an instance variable. hope it helps: config file : good luck :)" "74","neutral","Yes, removing the xp theming is a possible solution, but this is a customer application and the rest of the app uses xp themed buttons." "75","positive","I am looking to have an embedded youtube video with several images below it that correspond to different youtube videos. I want to set it up so that when an image is clicked on, the video above changes to whichever video corresponds with the clicked image. An implementation of this can be seen here: I am trying to implement this into a wordpress site and I really only have skill in HTML and CSS. I would very greatly appreciate if someone could help me with the code for this!" "76","negative","Why all the down votes?" "77","negative","I am aware of question, but not to sure how to map it to my current situation. (Rebase is scary, undoing rebase is double scary!) I started out with several different feature branches of my master: I wanted to merge them all together and check they worked before merging back onto the top of master, so I did a: Then Which leaves me with Then I corrected some bits that didn't compile properly, and got the whole feature set to an acceptable state: My problem is that my colleagues tell me that we're not ready for FeatureA. Is there any way for me to keep all my work, but also revert to a situation where I can just rebase FeatureC on to Feature B?" "78","negative","Also if someone could please let me know if my question is hard to understand, I will re-state. This is incredibly frustrating...suddenly my Stylus files are not compiling at all, and I have not changed any code." "79","negative","I've been reading about MVC design for a while now and it seems officially the View calls objects and methods in the Model, builds and outputs a view. I think this is mainly wrong. The Controller should act and retrieve/update objects inside the Model, select an appropriate View and pass the information to it so it may display. Only crude and rudiementary PHP variables/simple if statements should appear inside the View. If the View gets the information it needs to display from the Model, surely there will be a lot of PHP inside the View -- completely violating the point of seperating presentation logic." "80","positive","that's great too! awesome. thank you!" "81","positive","If you are on 11g you are in Luck :-) you can Use SELECT FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED in the Cursor - then you are guaranteed that two threads will never get the same row on a fetch!The RIGHT WAY to do this in Oracle would be Advanced Queueing - since this will solve ALL YOUR PROBLEMS, provides synchronization und parallel execution and other benefits...Before Oracle 11 and without Advanced Queuing (if you really want to code it yourself...) You can do it like this:(The bits marked with autonomous transaction have to be called in a separate method as an autonomous transaction. If the Update returns 0 Rows it can either be because the table is empty, or because two threads accessed the same row. - So we need a separate ending condition counting available rows." "82","negative","I'm afraid not, I ended up just removing some of the deeper folders to work around the issue - not ideal!" "83","positive","I've added to my answer to show a code once and still be scalable way of defining your font sizes. Good luck with your project!" "84","neutral","In my mental model of authentication, a user should be distinct from the way they log in. So for example, a User could have an associated EmailLogin (with an email/password), or they could have many (or none). Similarly they could have 0..* associated OpenIDLogin credentials. Are there any existing authentication libraries for Rails which use this method? Alternatively, is this a really terrible idea?" "85","neutral","jQuery version 1.2.6. The site is ASP.NET MVC, but that should be irrelevant." "86","negative","Oh. That's really sad. So It would be only plane menu options with white background., is it?" "87","positive","Awesome!!! I changed to include the / at beginning and it worked!! was that why it was not matching the app.yaml handlers ?" "88","neutral","No I just need to perform an action whenever a button in that column is clicked." "89","negative","Ah man, my changes did not save. JSFiddle was lagging terribly for me so I'm not suprised -- sorry!" "90","positive","I would just use an @import command at the top of my CSS file, then you can simply add a new font by adding a pipeline to the end of the font and type the name of any other fonts you want. To use them, simply use the CSS font-family style command: HTML Hope this helped!" "91","positive","Thanks all , that was really interesting :)" "92","negative","Then you should be more specified in asking the question. You confused me.." "93","positive","I added an example of how to use the wrapText function. Good luck with your project!" "94","positive","Great article 0xced, thanks!" "95","negative","Enumerating all partitions of a set is . Now, all permutations of all partitions of a set will be , although the example is a bit artificial. Now, to come up with a useful algorithm it's a totally different story. I am not aware of any such algorithm, and in any case its scaling will be absolutely awful." "96","positive","SVG transform on text attribute works excellent! This snippet, for example, will increase your text by 2x at Y-axis." "97","positive","Excellent! This is exactly what I needed. Thanks!" "98","neutral","Have added a modern solution as of May 2014 in answers below." "99","positive","Excellent! Works exactly like I wanted. Thanks." "100","negative","I am working with Eclipse (Indigo) to develop C projects. When I create a new C project in a new workspace, by default the Autosave before build option is not set. This is extremely frustrating, as autosave is usually the default behavior in other IDE's I worked on. I change some code, build and nothing seems to go as expected - until I remember that the option is not set... Is there a way to make Eclipse open a new workspace with this option set?" "101","neutral","You can register any serializable type with the clipboard provider:" "102","negative","FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!" "103","neutral","How to get button Clicked for single time or Long press on it clicked event?" "104","neutral","A simple Google search would suffice for this question. All are excellent resources (and the top three Google links!). Essentially, there's a new API which allows JS to request fullscreen access. That's about it." "105","negative","@Mario I disagree, while the answer is outrageously awful, it's still an answer." "106","positive","This is really great question - well organised and explained, nicely done!" "107","negative","Can't find any manual about changing width of taglist element size. Taglist element is wider than icons I had set. It looks really awful =( Screenshot:" "108","negative","My guess is that you would have to extend the classes for DataTip, to check for NULL hitData objects, to kill/stop the drawing of the display. I do not think there is a way to do that normally in FLEX. You would have to customize and override the hitData class unfortunately. What a pain!!" "109","negative","By the way, I agree with Henrik P. Hessel. This is a very horrible piece of code." "110","negative","I had a memory crash on UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() ... if you're creating and releasing a lot of them, you should wrap them in a fresh AutoReleasePool for each iteration. Even allowing the NSRunLoop to tick WAS NOT ENOUGH for Apple/iOS to do housekeeping on garbage lying around from this. e.g." "111","negative","i am currently having some difficulties trying converting a Unicode character string (DT_WSTR) into an INT this is what i have (Note most writings are in German, but i think someone who has worked with SSIS will unterstand anyways) Data Type selected: A four-byte, unsigned integer.but all it does is fail terribly" "112","positive","I m really excited to know that html 5 has in build support for audio and video playback( I know its old news but I just woke up ! :P) . What is even more exciting is that it can play local audio/video files in matters of some click. I had a look at this , could not find any offline video player. my question is why is that people are not developing an offline media player which could just be loaded form a website ? are there some issues ? Thanks" "113","positive","There's an excellent series of posts on execution plans and how to read and interpret them - and a totally free e-book on the topic as well! - on the excellent Simple-Talk site. Check them out - well worth the time!" "114","positive","Excellent, thank you!" "115","neutral","A simple width would do: And the css:" "116","negative","sounds scary !!" "117","neutral","That was I totally agree... " "118","negative","Take a look at DateTime.ParseExact to turn the string into a date and then use them as regular DateTime ranges. The regex will be awful if possible!!" "119","neutral","this is a bisection root method" "120","neutral","Are there any reference guides or tutorials for writing a MIPS assembler?" "121","neutral","I was too pithy. I should have said, The Loudness Wars Killed Music." "122","neutral","Don't rely on Lucene to strip them, do it yourself." "123","neutral","Why the following code (1) does not give me the following output (2) (1) (2)" "124","positive","Well I'm kind of new with magento, and at work they ask me to do a group of products that they will be put in discount, so I created a category sales where I can link the products and put them in sale, so this is working perfectly, but the ask me to put dates in the products so the web master can put dates where the products will be shown between dates, so now I have no idea how to do this. I really hope you guys can help me thanks so much!" "125","neutral","Are the schemas identical other than datatype?" "126","neutral","Just do it:" "127","neutral","could you show the part of code where the order gets changed?" "128","negative","In my graph each node has a name and graph is actually a tree, so there exists a . Here's the query I currently use to get the path: An actual query is somewhat heavier, but the behavior is the same. So, having a path I will get . I don't mind trimming the last , but I'm really worried about the order of the nodes iterator returned by . So, my question is mainly targeting neo4j team - are there any guarantees as to the order? Would it be better is I just returned and then manually extracted each property? I'm using Cypher with an embedded neo4j distribution, so that won't be a problem." "129","negative","yeah, compiled, but output is so horrible !!!" "130","negative","Is there any simple way to test that an installation of report viewer redistributable 2008 is working properly? I've been tasked with making sure this piece of software is functioning correctly, but given no further instructions. How would I go about testing this? .NET tools aren't what I've normally used, so I'm at a complete loss here!" "131","neutral","Can you point to the part of the HTTP caching spec that says this?" "132","neutral","Is there any reason you can't give the list a specified width?" "133","negative","The 0x1A byte is a terrible, painful [source of agony](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12483711/serialdata-eof-circumstances)." "134","negative","This does seem to be the answer. Absolutely terrible API design." "135","positive","I solved this need by using . I am able to route calls from Edge to my local machine. Absolutely love ngork! :-)" "136","neutral","This is should be the selected answer" "137","neutral","Comments should be not since we don't want this code to be shown to the user" "138","negative","You must be a sad sad person..." "139","positive","Excellent tool! Thanks for making it available." "140","neutral","Have you tried logging the uninstall to see what is happening?" "141","neutral","If string object allocations worry you, then you should precompile the regular expression!" "142","positive","Excellent answer to a very general question ! :-)" "143","negative","Tried it again - it worked. God I hate reporting services!" "144","neutral","The answer was devastatingly simple in this case. For some reason windows uses localhost as opposed to So although it says standing watch at it is actually standing watch at localhost:4567 . You should be able to navigate to this page and see your middleman build." "145","positive","I would checkout . It has great reviews on Amazon and the Head First book series are really terrific and engaging." "146","positive","i have a botton which is for changing the background image with jquery, as the following code shows it works very fine! but i want to fade in the newbg-image... is it possible to add a jquery fade method to it. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks Ted" "147","neutral","You mean I can use LINQ as the data provider for my whole app?" "148","neutral","Why does serialization require a serial version UID in implemented class?" "149","positive","I have this regex And i really need it in a vba version for words .find method (don't need the matching-groups), here is what i have so far But i cant get the last part to work, here I'm talking about I really hope someone can help me, as regex in this case is not an option (Although i know i can use regex in VBA!) Cheers" "150","neutral","Url points to a tesco advert" "151","negative","I have just started using Vim in a terminal (PuTTY or MinTTY), after always using gVim. However, when using syntax highlighting, rather than the actual text colour changing appropriately, its background is changed to whatever colour -- and it looks horrible! I've set my terminal to use 256 colours and downloaded a 256 colour colour scheme. I checked that the and settings are as I expect, but I still get this problem... Is this a Vim or a terminal configuration issue?" "152","neutral","Use . Example shown in this question:" "153","negative","Talking about feelings.. I really hate the asp.net CalendarExtender.." "154","positive","There is a free ebook that microsoft released about windows phone developement. Its extremely useful and It could probably answer this and many other questions you might have! you can download the book from this website:" "155","neutral","In your code, strip out the stop words. You'll have to maintain your own list." "156","positive","Welcome :) :) :)" "157","neutral","What are you trying to generate specifically?" "158","positive","Thank you @Ward! We're loving how easy it is to create the GUI with Breeze! If can just work out this part, we will have a great solution!" "159","positive","Wow! It is really great answer! So helpful! Thank you very much!" "160","neutral","It seems they are two names for the same idea��� is there any difference?" "161","negative","I'm doing one app which requires AJAX call on almost every user interaction possible, I started writing JS functions, webservices etc. to handle all of that(still long way to go from here). Now I am wondering If I made a mistake maybe I should put whole page in update panel because I really hate writting JS. Is there some drawback to use it instead of custom written ajax calls to web service and js functions, and is it better to use more update panels or one big?" "162","neutral","An object created by a user is really no different from one you create yourself (except you have to be suspicious of potentially malicious input!). The simplest way to be able to edit objects outside the admin interface is to use the built-in . Similarly you can delete them with a . If you want to restrict you can edit objects you can user the from ." "163","negative","The problem was due to a malfunctioning . Very painful and a lot of time wasted." "164","negative","the problem that I am having is while designing an email to be sent to users the border of the HTML table is not disappearing even though it is set to 0 and so leaves horrible white lines through areas which are menu to be solid blue colors, below is my HTML code! Untitled Document" "165","neutral","The memory for t isn't allocated, so why I don't get segfault when I run it?" "166","positive","Wow that was exactly what I wanted! So the second solution I showed is somewhat similar to what he's describing but he describes also extremely elegant triggers that would keep all the data fully sane without any external code sanitization! I think I will go with that design!" "167","positive","That's really an excellent post, thanks for pointing that out!" "168","positive","No worries! Joe" "169","positive","Seth's answer was totally awesome! Please be sure to green checkmark it!" "170","neutral","Which enviroment and frameworks are you using actualy to dev for Android?" "171","positive","+100 for this :-) you made my day!! When writing the question I was not sure if it was related to Brook's mythicalman month and skipped it. Here I go ... and it's persisted for eternity on stackoverflow :-) I am really rofl that stackoverflow can answer questions like this!" "172","positive","excellent adding! for debugging, go to wp-content\plugins\syntax-highlighter-compress\syntax-highlighter-compress.php and add the following line to wp_shc_head() :" "173","negative","I have a page running on my local django dev server with the Django Debug Toolbar that seems to be running quite slowly but I'm unsure why: Django Debug Toolbar says SQL - 46 queries in 39.80ms And then running a profiler I get 7926 function calls (7774 primitive calls) in 0.024 seconds So I'm left wondering why is the profile time so much lower than the Total CPU Time? And then how can I find out what's causing the difference? And secondary to that - should i be worried about the 16842 involuntary context switches!?" "174","positive","I have a menu of links that need to have additional parameters added using data from cookies. I need to be able to do this client-side and not server-side. Basically I have a menu like this: And a cookie with a number like this: I am trying to get the 'users_number' to be included as a POST parameter to all of the links on that menu (ie. /link/to/page1?users_number=thecookievalue) What I don't want is users to be able to see this in their URL bar. Right now I am using: This functions as I wanted but I am trying to figure out how to do this in a way where the user does not see the ?parameters at the end of their URL. Is there a way to do this same thing but without them being able to see it? Any help would be hugely appreciated -- thanks!" "175","neutral","could some one help me how to add new css using views theme in drupal 6.0" "176","neutral","Have you run this on SQL Server?" "177","positive","Excellent tutorial!" "178","negative","Im trying to work with this awful language and I have to change an item of list by accessing to it with index I dont understand the awful syntax of TCL! How can I realise it?" "179","neutral","Are you using Hibernate or similar to interface the database?" "180","negative","here's my hack that assumes arguments are all imaginary: ...horrible! but what you ask for isn't really possible without for instance hacking to dispatch to a new subtype of java.lang.Number. Really it would make more sense to use a Java or Clojure complex number library." "181","positive","Haha great :) Happens to the best of us!" "182","positive","I am working on where i have two tables like and Country : City : cidCountryidId Means Many-to-One mapped with Now i need to access the details from I created already 'Country.hbm.xml' I created already 'City.hbm.xml' Query: Query Result I don't know why it is showing this exception..., if anyone knows, it will a great pleasure for me..!! Note: I am retrieving child details from parent" "183","neutral","What makes you think it can't?" "184","negative","Yes, you should implement pagination before that, at the SQL query stage. Otherwise there's nothing better than iterating and discarding (which is really horrible)." "185","neutral","yeah: hopeless!" "186","negative","I'm currently having exactly the same issue with Monotouch and that's why I found your question. I get the very same exception as you do. This makes me assume that I'm not facing a Monotouch issue but a basic (mis)behavior of XIBs/Cocoatouch. So the answer is: no, it is not possible. Very sad though. Ren�" "187","positive","EXCELLENT! works like magic, just what i needed" "188","positive","Wow, wow, wow! I actually found a better way to do that... if I keep the same abbreviation and change template text into: it does want I wanted, but in the way cooler way! So you can use your own variables in a template as long as you don't call them or Awesome!" "189","negative","I just tried installing those missing plugins ... what a pain!" "190","neutral","If the answer was a snake, I could have been killed by it, its already in front of me!" "191","neutral","Have you considered named parameters?" "192","neutral","Say I have a string How could I check if exists in str, case insensitive?" "193","positive","Right, since you recognize EAV, I'm supposing you'll do fine :3 Good luck!" "194","negative","Why would you do that? You're begging for horrible debugging sessions!" "195","neutral","OR you can use a regualr expression :" "196","positive","@Dimitre: +1 Excellent and complete answer!" "197","neutral","What Ant version you are using?" "198","negative","Scary question!" "199","positive","I placed all the receiver tags in : And implemented my subclass: This works very fine!!! But... The method is called AFTER uninstall was completed but BEFORE users press OK at confirmation activity showed by native system. I wanna, if exists, receive a broadcast AFTER user press OK. Thanks!" "200","negative","Come on, you are worrying about efficiency while your first line of code is incorrect!" "201","neutral","S.Keller's solution worked for me and may fix your issue too." "202","negative","I can't believe that answer from a company. Horrible!" "203","neutral","What's memory profiling (as opposed to performance profiling)?" "204","negative","Well, this is a bit of an awful hack but quite frankly any C++ application which needs a way to define an unconstructable object is probably already an awful hack! And under GCC, I get the following: test.cpp: In function ���int main()��: test.cpp:9: error: cannot declare variable ���an_instance�� to be of abstract type ���la�� test.cpp:2: note: because the following virtual functions are pure within ���la��: test.cpp:4: note: virtual void la::oh_no_you_dont()" "205","neutral","For Python 3 the following will work." "206","neutral","The issue at hand, is that your parent thread finishes, but doesn't check if there are child threads left which are still running, which are silently killed in this manner! I would recommend the following approach: Instead of use change your thread code around: to Similar answered ." "207","neutral","I read following codes in Why reverse the latin-1 to utf8 using above logic?" "208","negative","Can you show us your html and css? Fyi... styling select boxes is terribly difficult!" "209","negative","no, it is not possible -- we tried hard and ended up reverting to the 10.7 way of using a custom class.. check MAAttachedWindow well with enough swizzling and posing it'd be possible of course... but that is very evil and at least as much work as your own class!" "210","negative","EDIT: Also you should avoid using it can make debugging extremely frustrating." "211","positive","You must redraw your background with each change in your line (that��s the canvas way) Don��t worry, canvas is very fast at redrawing! Here is code and a Fiddle:" "212","negative",":~) Very embarrassing!!! When I debugged and printed the receiving addresses, I realized that I was checking the wrong email account! Sorry to have taken your time." "213","positive","I have 2 files I need to merge based on 2 columns. I have tried using awk as well as tried combining the 2 columns using _ and then using the join command. When using join, some records were not matched, even after sorting, and multiple records were created. Using awk I can match the files correctly, but cannot get the output to print with zeroes when no match exists. File 1: File 2: Desired output: Any help would be hugely appreciated, I am new to large data files and unix!" "214","positive","Its an excellent place to start!" "215","neutral","Your variables are pointing at the same object. I'd be worried if they weren't equal!" "216","neutral","Why can't setting the view's xml attribute make LinearLayout scrollable.?" "217","positive","Does iTextSharp support Windows Metro Apps? I am trying to create PDFs from a C# Metro App, but PdfWriter.GetInstance requires some arguments which is not available in WinRT. Any help would be EXTREMELY appreciated!" "218","positive","Sky, it sounds like you can maintain *complete* test coverage for an exception. Excellent work! Maybe someday I'll learn how to do that." "219","positive","I need to transform this : into this : I tried to use wrapAll with jquery, something like that : Any suggestions would be really appreciated :) Thank you very much !" "220","neutral","Diodeus: You ought to post that as an answer." "221","positive","I have never use this but looks really great and pretty easy to use !" "222","neutral","Or the dreaded AVL trees!" "223","neutral","If you're really worried about this, Java is not the language for you" "224","positive","In ASP.NET MVC, I have a form. In this form the user selects a country, and then the ID is posted back to the server, using a normal . However, for some UX reasons, I use Knockout. Therefore I need to get my observable value to have the value of a dropdownlist. I want my label in the markup, to show the countryId, depending on the selected value on the dropdownlist. Markup: ViewModel: Then my question is: How do I modify my DropDownListFor, so the countryId is being set automatically? :-) Thanks a lot! I really enjoy learning Knockout, but this one has taken me a long time!" "225","neutral","You shoud use login.done() , not login.success() :) Success is used inside the ajax() funciton only! The success object function is deprecated, you can set success only as Ajax() param! And there is no need to Parse the data because its in Json format already!" "226","neutral","I want to parse XML formatted string. How to use XML parser on MonoTouch?" "227","negative","I am working on a test application based on ASP.NET MVC. I am new to CSS stuff so I am learning that as well. I have created a master page called new.master and created a new css new.css. I am calling the view from controller as: What I am doing is that I am frequently updating the css and master page. So I run the application in debug mode frequently. After sometime I stop seeing the effect of changes in css. When I view source in chrome and check the css, it shows an old version. When I change the name of both master page and css, I start to receive updated views but that works for sometime and then again I stop getting the CSS updates. Have you faced this problem? How can I fix it? (Its terribly annoying!)" "228","neutral","We have a file named wordlist, which contains 1,876 KB worth of alphabetized words, all of which are longer than 4 letters and contain one carriage return between each new two-letter construction (ab, ac, ad, etc., words all contain returns between them): I want to create a new file that contains only words that are not derivatives of other, smaller words. For example, the wordlist contains the following words [abuser, abused, abusers, abuse, abuses, etc.] The new file that is created should retain only the word abuse because it is the lowest common denominator (if you will) between all those words. Similarly, the word rodeo would be removed because it contains the word rode. I tried this implementation: But it always froze my computer. Any solutions?" "229","neutral","See similar http://stackoverflow.com/q/308703" "230","neutral","Overall bytes includes those that have been released and is a running total of what has been allocated to your app during the lifetime of the app. The Live Bytes is the one to really worry about as that is the one that shows bytes that are currently allocated. Overall bytes could keep going on forever as long as you release stuff and the Live Bytes doesn't go too high then you will have no problems. From that screenshot live bytes looks ok. There are more details here" "231","negative","Finally found something, here: No reference to it from the Oracle pages, but found a direct link to a page on some forum post. Really sad how hard it was to find." "232","positive","No worries! Keep at it...it's overwhelming at first, but it gets easier" "233","neutral","I impleme and But I only the second one works. Can I have them both work?" "234","positive","This code seemed to do it: The accepted answer goes to dystroy as he was the first to point me in the right direction, excellent answer by Bart Kiers though, +1!" "235","negative","Afraid not, no!" "236","negative","i have an assignment at my company to build a custom cms, for the foundation i ve chosen latest laravel(version 4, i believe). Now, the requirements in laravel docs() say minimal version of php on server required is 5.3.7, our servers have php 5.3.23. I am right now on a weekend, so i cant check my code on the server( been developing the basics on localhost with xampp which has latest php). Has anyone tried laravel 4 on pre-5.3.7 php?? i m very worried all of last week's work is going to the bin... :(" "237","neutral","Partition it first, to divide the zeros from the non-zeros. Then sort the rest. Oh, and before worrying about that, profile first!" "238","positive","@sheidaei great :) keep it up! you even get 2 point bonus for accepting." "239","negative","No betas involved, the lack of repro is really annoying me!" "240","positive","Excellent!!! This is exactly what I am looking for!" "241","positive","I'm using the ImageMapster jQuery plugin, and I want to limit the number of selections that can be made on a (image-) map to a certain number. Let's say I have 30 areas, but only want 3 to be selected at the same time. After 3 selections have been made, the 4th selection should overwrite the 3rd. Is there a way I can do this? Any help would be hugely appreciated!" "242","neutral","I try make authentication using But I get . How I should correct my code?" "243","positive","is probably not what you want, but is still really excellent." "244","positive","I'm trying to create a grid (matrix) of squares in a given area with n columns and m rows, and an option to set a spacing between the squares if desired. The grid should fill squares with random coloring. I'd also like to add a zoom function, so the colored squares will appear much bigger in a region that is double-clicked. Can anyone suggest a good method to generate the grid and assign random colors to the squares? If you can suggest how to create the zoom effect too that would be SUPER :) I'm new to canvas, so any method help would be great! Thanks" "245","negative","i use with () I want to have the option to choose the months and years. I define this: But I really hate the dropdowns of . I want to have the option to choose the months and years as in It is possible??" "246","neutral","Tap the escape key. It's that simple." "247","neutral","Why don't the bytes intersect??" "248","neutral","+1 I never knew about this" "249","negative","@vascowhite I tried deleting all the products from the cms then added a new one and the same message appears. Really frustrating!" "250","positive","@EdwardRuchevits Hey passing in cat and page worked! It now remembers it each time I navigate pages! Excellent! Question though, is 'cat' a predefined PHP variable for URLs? Also, while this works for me locally... how will this function when different users specify their own category?" "251","negative","Okay so say we have a graph with a ball on it at (200,200) and we swipe our finger from (0,0) to (100,100) how do I go about moving the ball to (300,300)? This should be simple but it is really hurting my head! This is the code I have so far (using andengine)" "252","negative","Here is an incredibly disgusting way to do it: Here is a better way (I think): If you convert either output string with: you get your original number." "253","neutral","I think that's absolutely terrible practice. First of all you do not need to make the trip to the server to hide and show controls, unless you need new data. Second, any decent javascript framework will allow you to hide show controls based on the control's id, class name, or whatever css selector. Moreover using a javascript post/get to a generic handler will give you the data that you need without the postback. I'd suggest using JQuery, or some other alternative." "254","neutral","Voted up because I would like to know as well" "255","negative","After reading I was horrified! Isn't there a tool out there that can inspect a .h/.cpp file and deduce what dependencies could be waivered?" "256","positive","WOW, EXCELLENT, AMAZING. Thanks, Roddy, the link helped me sort this out. My software had Setup Software as part of its description as it is used to set up a piece of hardware we manufacture. I've changed that (in Project/Options/Version Info) to User Software and now it compiles and runs ok !" "257","neutral","Are you saying Segoe UI is your windows font?" "258","negative","Nobody? To do this with a Button is really disgusting." "259","neutral","Isn't and the same thing here??" "260","neutral","It crashes only one time and then it works normally. Here is the project:" "261","neutral","A simpler approach (rather than using a binding group) is to use the default button's click event to set the focus to itself. As this happens before the command is executed it means the ViewModel is updated in time. And if you really hate code behind, you could always write an attached property..." "262","negative","I'm trying to test if a character in a string is a space, and I'm getting extremely frustrated: I'm not getting any errors and I've looked online, but people on different forums say this is how to test for a space. Uh." "263","neutral","Typically you would handle that as a POST (not a GET), and read the xml from the request-stream (or there are helpers to let you do this). Otherwise URL encoding and length restrictions are going to make this extremely painful." "264","positive","Excellent! No one just coped and pasted the output from perldoc -f split!" "265","negative","Anyone??? I'm starting to hate VS for that reason!" "266","neutral","Regular C++, or managed C++?" "267","positive","Loved Dan's solution! For python3 do:" "268","negative","no i got errors saying undefined, the swf code loads the other pages such as back buttons etc. it very frustrating tearing my hair out!" "269","positive","Excellent! I'm glad you were able to get it work for you. Best of luck with SAS!" "270","positive","Excellent, Thanks!" "271","negative","Google says: 1 nibbles per nanosecond = 476.837158 megabytes per second In other words: Yes, very worried indeed." "272","negative","How about any ugly abuse of the builtin command ?" "273","neutral","Can we inherit singleton class?" "274","negative","How to set the default proxy for Internet Explorer in C# .net? I wanna make a browser capable of searching for a valid proxy in a .txt file and using it. The IP and Port used with the set default proxy command are valid however, the command itself does absolutely nothing. The only way I've found to use a proxy with a VS2013 .net browser is by adding it manually to IE which is incredibly useless." "275","negative","Page/MasterPage/Control lifecycle makes me cry :(" "276","positive","Excellent question!" "277","positive","@Daniel: excellent! that's it exactly." "278","negative","I think this may get awfully painful if I need to use more of `$.ajax`'s properties locally" "279","positive","I wrote a tool to create SVG maps : which also has a world map that you can customize to your liking: Hope this will help you or any other folks who are after a customizable world map!" "280","neutral","Instead of this just use . THis will help you to come back to the previous activity. As per your code, the application was completely killed." "281","positive","no worries! You should answer your own question, so others in future know what the issue was." "282","negative","For someone who uses the Ctrl-W bindings in vim habitually, it is incredibly annoying to have Chrome OS ask me, Wanna close this window, then? How do I remap keys in Chrome OS? Can't find this top secret setting anywhere." "283","negative","@JoranBeasley You're right for the new format though.. and I totally hate it :(" "284","positive","Loved all 3 responses! I picked Gordon's because it allowed me to do an outer join and ignore rows that had an additional filtering parameter (I didn't ask for this but I was able to implement that later). JBrooks solution was great because it had a smaller footprint and allowed me to leverage functions, and shree's one was a little too verbose for my bigger project but still did exactly what I needed. Thank you all!" "285","negative","What is the difference between and similarly and It is really painful when i align the controls with and when i try to align in the Design mode it adds the , how to prevent auto adding property to a control while aligning it, as I already defined the to it why it doesn't update the same property. Its really irritating when we want to do animation on controls, it reverses the direction of animation" "286","negative","@crush oh man would that be painful to query on!" "287","neutral","xp any, and win7 any." "288","neutral","Why does the test return false?" "289","negative","I built an xml-rpc server in Python using SimpleXMLRPCServer, according to the example in the Python documentation. I'm calling it from a Python client on the same machine. The body of the server function executes very fast on its own. But I find that xmlrpc client performance is excruciatingly slow, taking one second per call. (Using xmlrpclib.) A speed-up technique I found on the web () didn't help. My connect URI is: I'm running Python 2.7 x64 on Windows 7, but it works the same for 32-bit Python 2.7." "290","neutral","Where is `bInfo` defined?" "291","neutral","The ``-Q`` option doesn't seem to exist on my machine." "292","positive","Thank you, the first example was extremely helpful and I now have it working, thanks!" "293","neutral","+1 I do not have cell phone and credit card since 2007" "294","neutral","What database platform? sql server? oracle?" "295","neutral","Try this: This project explains how to make a multi colored string." "296","neutral","What's the proper way to write?" "297","neutral","how to replace all and and to '" "298","neutral","Are you expecting to speed up the video without affecting the sound, or did the timer solution just make the sound aggressively awful?" "299","negative","too bad it hasn't been updated in 2 years. And using the fetch/gclient is really painful" "300","neutral","Private: _variable_name and Protected: __variable_name" "301","neutral","Inside Inside Any work arounds?" "302","neutral","yes, that is what I'm after" "303","positive","hi guys I am trying to create a program to allow a user to input a sequence of brackets (one at a time) and check to see whether there is a corresponding ending bracket. The brackets are entered on a new line every time to aid in the reading. I've set up an ADT for it but just cant think of how to get the while loop going and the checking...... I know if an ( bracket is entered i should push that into the stack and when a ( is entered i should pop one of the stack but I just cant work out the bits in the middle any help would be loved :) //ADT code" "304","negative","You could achieve all this with reflection but it would lead to a really horrible code. You'd better access individual members of the view model:" "305","negative","Tested/cross-browser: If there is no submit button, the form will degrade miserably if javascript is not available!" "306","neutral","Is this sort of thing possible:" "307","negative","You have two divs, one over the other, and the one on top is transparent. However, when you scroll you want the div on the bottom to hide as it goes under the first transparent div. You don't want the second div's to change to as soon as it goes under the first div. You just want the part that is under to be hidden. I've googled extensively for an answer: #1-4 answer make the div on top or . The problem with this for me is my background is a photograph, i.e. as you scroll down what you see is different, as opposed to a colour or a pattern. The background of the transparent div needs to change as the real background changes. #5 offers a solution to this using JQuery however there are horrible, horrible issues with scroll lag in browsers not Firefox. Folks, how do I do it?" "308","positive","+1, Excellent explanation!" "309","positive","This worked for me." "310","neutral","i.e. is it possible to do this:" "311","neutral","What are you trying to use this offset for?" "312","negative","When I apply on()-handlers I prefer the following notation if I have more than one to apply: Does anybody knows how to set a namespace within this notation? I solved the problem in this case with falling back to a single notation: But I really hate to repeat myself. Same issue/question for using the off()-method with more than one handler. This works: I bet the off()-thing is a easy one, but I don't get it after coding the last 15 hours." "313","negative","I have a controller which has a few actions, which are triggered by hitting various buttons on the page. I would like to have a default action, but am unsure how to annotate the method. Here is an example: How can I annotate a method which will act on a POST with any submit button pressed with no key selected? I have tried: I'd really hate it if I had to set required = false on each of the methods which take RequestParams and then conditionally check to see if one comes in or not... Is there a way to annotate this to work properly?" "314","positive","That's one bit of excellent logic! Thank you so much!" "315","neutral","And on what platform? (HTML, Winforms, VB.NET) ?" "316","negative","Im working with VB 2010 In the form designer, trying to position some controls within a tab control. Sometimes when I drag a control to position it, it gets placed on a different tab than the one I currently have selected and am working with. This is extremely annoying and seems to happen randomly. Does anyone else ever have this issue?" "317","neutral","I have an selfmade Stringclass:" "318","positive","Maybe this will be of some help -" "319","neutral","I would suggest you always take a normalized approach to your database schema and then later decided if you need to create a solution for performance reasons. Premature optimization can be dangerous. Premature database de-normalization can be disastrous! I would suggest that you stick with the original schema and later, if necessary, create a reporting table that is a de-normalized version of your normalized schema." "320","negative","Combining NH attributes and some FNH automapping stuff looks very scary. I do not understand it at all but IMO classic ClassMap is much more transparent. You must pay with more key strokes but your head hurts less:). and this code deletes connection and endpoint as well from database:" "321","neutral","To hide virtual keyboard try/use this" "322","neutral","Yes, schema changes are instantaneous" "323","neutral","What is the right way to call ?" "324","neutral","I suggest you open the file using a and share that instead of the ." "325","neutral","using bash:" "326","positive","New to programming and this is my very first post! Very exciting:D Thank you all in advance for sharing your expertise. I would like to be able to somehow reference the earlier created timer and to be able to extend it (call Change upon its instance perhaps?) on Button2_Click. Please take a look at the code below:" "327","positive","On the WordPress repository is a plugin called wp gcm. Its a really great one try it out!" "328","positive","I have a slider built into my web page thats dimensions and ratio alter for different screen sizes, I need the images that I place within this slider to also alter for the same purpose. The code that I have does't seem to be working, I'm a bit of a newbie to jQuery and have pieced it together myself but I think that its essentially quite close to being functional��_ Any help would be hugely appreciated! M" "329","positive","Excellent question! There doesn't appear to be a control in Eclipse to do it, but these two blog entries: both say it can be done in the windows registry. Caveat: I have not tried this." "330","negative","While we're at it, there is no such thing as Unicode. Well, there is, but it does not concern itself with earthly matters like files. There are numerous encodings which bridge that gap, but you don't appear to be aware of that or the difference this makes. See also: [The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)](http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html))" "331","positive","Heroku is an excellent (free) option: Also, deploying to Heroku is as easy as it gets!" "332","neutral","it's just a user upload a file." "333","positive","thank you, i just want to be loved :-)" "334","neutral","I believe Mendelt is referring to the Do method." "335","positive","I m using Watir..w Ruby.. Excellent!!!" "336","positive","I know it's not what you asked but may I suggest using NIVO Slider? I've used and it's excellent!" "337","positive","I may have a solution for you: 1. Go into google chrome settings 2. Click advanced settings 3. Click show advanced settings. 4. Under privacy click content settings 5. Go to the media section (near the bottom) and click Allow all sites to use a plugin on my computer Really hope this helps! If you extra help, check out this for more information." "338","positive","This is definitely great for small stuff!" "339","neutral","This is one way of handling it, if you're receiving uploaded files." "340","neutral","What I am trying is : D:\workspace_sts\HerokuSampleApp>heroku pg:psql ! Unknown database. Valid options are: HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_GRAY_URL Seems I am missing the [] brackets for the DB URL D:\workspace_sts\HerokuSampleApp>heroku pg:psql postgres://XXXXXXXXX:pcb24a2s4fd2327p9qdhq4pelv5@:/d 5vj802XXXXXXX ! Unknown database: postgres://XXXXXXXXX:pcb24a2s4fd2327p9qdhq4pelv5@:/d5vj802XXXXXXX. Valid opt ions are: HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_GRAY_URL" "341","positive","This code works absolutely fine!" "342","neutral","I'd do something in the order of:" "343","negative","I am really desperate :(" "344","positive","Ah, excellent! :)" "345","positive","thanks so much! excellent insight!" "346","positive","how can i use the bliss view engine instead of the usual jade engine in express js. i already found one article here at stackoverflow, but this seems to be for the old version of express.js. i am using the 3.x version. in particular i would like to know how i can install bliss and following to this. how do i make a project in express.js, with a different view engine then jade? currently i use this command in my project folder: thanks in advance!" "347","neutral","if this question is fit for SO, then this is the only correct answer.." "348","negative","what I want to know is, what does create? what can I do with it? what does it mean? Every tutorial without fail will avoid talking about the first version entirely The reason the tutorial doesn't rell you what to do with it is that it really is totally useless! It allocates a single and gives you a pointer to that. The problem is that if you want an int, why don't you just declare one?" "349","neutral","Cant you just use namespaces?" "350","positive","@user3083131 no worries!" "351","positive","Look into these links. They may help." "352","negative","Very painful and doesn't work with inputs from the user." "353","negative","The documentation for the minitest-ci gem (seemingly the only option for producing test results for a CI tool such as Jenkins) has the extremely annoying habit of not preserving the results of when invoked as - the test results from running minitest:models are deleted prior to running the rest of the tests. minitest-ci's barely-extant documentation claims adding this to test_helper.rb will disable the troublesome auto-clean behavior, but it doesn't: Has anyone out there managed to get minitest-ci to preserve all the test result files? I'm reaching wits' end here." "354","negative","I have a custom UITableViewController class that is shared among a few ViewControllers of my app. I would like to do pre-emptive fetching before the user has hit the bottom of the page. However, I noticed that if the user scrolls up and then down again, my VC will trigger another fetching. So I came up with a flag isFetching which checks to prevent double fetching. Unfortunately I am running asynchronous code and I need a way to reset this flag after my fetching operation has completed. FeedVC: Delegate: I find it very painful to pass around a finish bloc in order to flip a boolean. does anyone have a better recommendation?" "355","negative","Triggering quirks mode is a terrible, terrible, terrible thing. In quirks mode, jQuery is forced to use alternative methods to interact with the DOM and is almost definitely the cause of your speed issues in IE." "356","negative","@RogerRowland: Everything else works. All my apps, including VS, and my other dev projects. So I'm really afraid to break all of them." "357","positive","Have a look at these articles Or start with this extremely excellent book to get a very solid foundation with data warehousing concepts" "358","neutral","It's do with Von Neuman and Church's Lambda" "359","positive","No worries, we were all new once!" "360","neutral","it's possible do it in winforms?" "361","neutral","Does someone have a solution **without** Linq ?" "362","negative","I had the problem that white was the Overscroll color, not actually the fading edge. try this (assuming you want a fading edge, but not the horrid white glare when you hit the ends! (otherwise set requires fading edge to none)):" "363","positive","Oh, one more: You didn't seed the random number generator in the loop. Excellent!" "364","positive","@Chris, excellent, I'm thrilled to hear that you're migrating to salted hashes! :)" "365","positive","@Jatin Can you make an answer. The link is pretty fine!!! I just need such things" "366","negative","I personally only use the 'm' and the 'p'. The rest is just zany in my view. It makes the code so darn hard to decipher. I did maintenance work on this guy's code who used semi-Hungarian notation type id prefixes on every variable, function, and other identifier in the code. He used $ signs liberally to separate words. It was hard to keep the murderous rage in check." "367","negative","* oh so very sad * :(" "368","positive","I'm pretty new to VBS but I need to extract property information from web pages and input the information into excel. What I'm trying to do is get is object information from links, text fields, buttons, images etc. The information I need is the .name, .id, .title, .value, .type, .class for each item on the page and display it together for each item ie: from the google search page the search box is .id: lst-ib, .name: q .title: Search .type: text Then the Google Button is .name: btnK .type: submit .value: Google Search etc etc. Any help would be extremely helpful!" "369","positive","There's an excellent guide over on the Android Training site: It's about efficient loading of bitmap images - highly recommended!" "370","neutral","you used days= instead of day=" "371","positive","Excellent, thank you! i did not now that." "372","positive","Excellent! Thanks much." "373","positive","Excellent answer, thanks!" "374","positive","Take a look at and be extremely paranoid about user inputs." "375","negative","I'm nearly reaching rage mode! Can anyone help me with this?? I setted a limit on a CodeIgniter Model so I can only that set of results. Why is it not working? The records are displaying correctly on function call, but I'm getting more than how it's supposed to" "376","positive","@BrodieG, but together, we are infinite bliss. Didn't you feel that already? :-)" "377","positive","It seems to be working really fine for me , IE , not tested but FF / Chrome it works !" "378","negative","Visual studio is ok, but i really hate the fact that you have to go through all the process of project creation just to compile one source file. Is there any compiler in windows that allows compilation directly from directory?" "379","negative","I wouldn't worry about that in pure Flash. I don't believe that is the mental model the Flash Engineers used (Flex, absolutely, worry)." "380","negative","I was afraid of that!" "381","neutral","Can you share some of your jquery code too?" "382","negative","Terrible! Why do you post all that code? Three asynctasks. Do we have to dig through all that? You should only post the relevant code." "383","negative","I have recently found out that anything Swing(NetBeans, IDEA) is excruciatingly slow to paint the UI over Remote Desktop(RDP). Can you guys give me any suggestion for something that will work properly over RDP?" "384","positive","Excellent, thankyou!" "385","neutral","Take a look - email is sent using , so you could just add: to the ." "386","positive","@joe Yes, if I were to declare the property and synthesize it as above, but I don't explicitly declare an ivar myself, the compiler will still actually create the ivar. So I could do `int len = [self.stringProperty length]` as you'd expect inside the class, AND I can also do `int len = [stringProperty length]` as well, without using the accessor method, just directly using the ivar (which the compiler has synthesized for me, along with setter+getter). It's really fantastic!" "387","neutral","External sheet Link not applicable, private beta site on internal ip address." "388","positive","This is excellent! Thanks Dustin, that's exactly what I was looking for!" "389","positive","I've used on pretty complex websites with great success :) One caveat through (this applies to all fixes i believe) is that you can not make a background image of an element be transparent." "390","neutral","Could you post any articles that you may have on this subject?" "391","negative","Each tab in my xcode project can have navigation/debug/utility menus open. If I close those menus on one tab, then switch to the next, they may be open. This is really frustrating! If I want the menus closed, I want them closed on all tabs. How can I change this behavior?" "392","negative","Terrible approach, XML stores data, not formats!" "393","neutral","@mauguerra: It doesn't directly answer your question, but yesterday's article on Raymond Chen's blog, [What's the difference between Text Document, Text Document - MS-DOS Format, and Unicode Text Document?](http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2012/02/20/10269537.aspx) provides some useful background information and links to more resources for learning about this. Other required reading: Joel Spolsky's [The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)](http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html)." "394","neutral","I have the same question too. But for year 2012" "395","positive","I'm selecting data from a table where one of 3 columns matches a given search string: But I need to order the results depending on where the match was found, based on a column weighting. I.e. if the match was found in the MODEL column then the row should appear higher in the results than if the match was found in the MANUFACTURER column. With the weighting being 1-MODEL 2-MANUFACTURER 3-DESCRIPTION. All help hugely appreciated, thanks!" "396","neutral","What is event bubbling in Flex?" "397","neutral","You need to implement the interface so that will use your iterator." "398","positive","Thanks for all your input. I came across this extension and it worked REALLY GREAT for me!" "399","neutral","You can change the foreground and background colors of the output by modifying the and of the object. For example, if you really hate your eyes:" "400","neutral","Is there a fast way to do that?" "401","negative","I have a somewhat complicated issue. I have a grid defined (using the Struts2-JQuery Grid Plugin). One of the columns has a custom formatter that calls a Javascript function to put a button into that column. (Note: I absolutely HATE doing it that way). The point of the button is to open up a dialog box. This dialog box contains a checkboxlist, which can't be rendered in the grid. Somehow, I need to pass a parameter to the action that returns the view that will be displayed inside the dialog. Since this is somewhat complex, here is the code: Grid definition: Javascript Custom Formatter: Dialog Definition: Remote Manage Roles JSP (trimmed): Since I get the id of the grid object via javascript, but use the JSP taglib for the dialog, how can I pass the id around?" "402","positive","There is a setting in your setup project that will uninstall previous versions by default, turn this flag OFF, then you will not have to worry!" "403","neutral","@user007 What makes your elements size changed?" "404","negative","I hate it when a simple cosmetic change is invisible to me and causes my things to not work right but I forget about the change i made!" "405","negative","How come this is considered programming related?" "406","neutral","How to localize Google Map on ?" "407","neutral","I'll update re your response" "408","positive","Oh, wow, awesome! Thanks! (this question needs to have a answer, any volunteer?)" "409","positive","Can anyone help me to delete row of plist. here is , is , is and is . Any help would be extremely appreciated :)" "410","negative","what exactly is not working? it��s hard to guess ��_ you shouldn��t be using erigi to check for a substring: 1) it��s deprecated 2) use instead. edit: your code screams sql injection!" "411","positive","Excellent! It works, thank you very much." "412","negative","I don't understand this part: One thing I've found with this is that passing the config around to all the other utility functions that I'd prefer and don't think should be a a part of one the the above mentioned classes can seem to get incredibly tedious. Anyway, look up on thread-local storage. You could make a singleton config object that is thread-local." "413","neutral","How do i do this in mongodb...." "414","positive","I've used this: ... it's really great!" "415","negative","I am writing a WsCF service to retrieve data for multiple clients. I have a service layer that references business manager objects. In essence on the service call, I want to retrieve the provider type (a custom enum in my code) and the connection string from the web.config. For some reason, the code is unable to find the settings in my project web.config. I am gathering the IIS Express AND the VS development web server are referencing the machine.config. How do I override this. It is extremely frustrating. As you can see from the snippet the setting AND the connection string name exist, but the code never picks it up. My code: Private Sub GetDBInformation() The web.config:" "416","neutral","I call the documents, baseline and test." "417","positive","I'm trying to show a currency dynamicly, that works totally fine! But I'd like to change the pattern from SFr. 150'000.00 to 150'000.00 SFr. (and still keep it dynamicly!) Any suggestions how I could do that? Here is the code: Thanks in advance!" "418","negative","Do not touch a Physics-Body inside of a TouchEvent. UI-Thread and UpdateThread hate working at the same time!" "419","positive","The was a pretty awesome read/reference! Although there are some typos, etc., it is really extensive and has tons of examples. C & C++." "420","positive","I'm using FOSOAuthBundle with FOSUserBundle for an API which is used by mobile apps etc. I'm trying to access some user profile information using the access token to find the users details, however the user_id isn't being set. Further info, I was following the tutorial in your documentation. Here's my security: Here's my config settings for UserBundle and oAuthBundle: I was following this guide: Any help or point in the right direction, would be hugely appreciated!" "421","negative","that is very very sad" "422","positive","Excellent! Appears to be a far cleaner solution. http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4560481" "423","negative","well.. taht's... sad =(" "424","neutral","I am using Hibernate for my persistence layer. And if I send a web request which asks for some database data to be displayed on the webpage For the first one or two times, the server responds rightly and data are retrieved and displayed. However, when the same request is sent repeatedly ( Just by refreshing the browser by hand to resend the request), Hibernate will not respond anything. And it is choked there! Also the log message stays at the opening hibernate session line(shown by SessionFactoryUtils class in Spring) Any solution??" "425","neutral","How to make it work,an example?" "426","positive","I really enjoy the !" "427","positive","@ChrisW. No worries!" "428","neutral","@Holli: The now new dev agreement puts MonoTouch in the clear" "429","negative","I got iPhone app. When i start it, i see black view. This black view is shown before app's first view. And it looks really awful. Can i set here preview picture?" "430","negative","That's not a jQuery onchange, it's a horrible inline onchange !" "431","negative","Hasn't made a difference I'm afraid :(" "432","negative","@tdiop your users will still hate losing their selection though!" "433","negative","I'm having an extremely frustrating experience attempting to change directories in python using variables within the program. Specifically, suppose I have: gives OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '$dir_name' and yet returns 'Directory_Name_999' (a valid directory name) and similarly changes the directory without error. Where am I going wrong here?" "434","positive","@DennisRongo Great success! Thanks for the link, post it as an answer and I'll accept" "435","neutral","See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/13760256/483588" "436","negative","Oh, how I hate TFS for giving me these headaches!" "437","negative","Freeing the local array buffer is undefined, and probably horrible, behavior! You can't free something unless it was allocated with malloc() or calloc(). It's likely corrupting the heap and causing the crash." "438","neutral","Here's the most semantic approach (and it works all the way back to IE6, no worries):" "439","positive","My client sells jewellery in different materials such as gold, silver, oxidised, etc. When using the Layered Nav widget I would like to display the thumbnails corresponding to the selected filter. So if the users selects the 'gold' attribute in the widget, the gold thumbnails should display in the archive. Using ACF I added image fields to the main product for thumbnails and modified the action in my functions.php. I am trying to write a function that will retrieve the right thumbnail for the currently viewed filter but I cant find a way to check the active attribute for the page. I think it may be possible to use a query_var variable, but my knowledge is too limited. Any help will be hugely appreciated!" "440","positive","I understand you need to know the sizes conversion. Sometimes I use this tool: And I found an excellent article about the screen sizes and densities: I hope it will be useful for you!" "441","negative","yes another reason to hate IE!" "442","neutral","You're definitely suffering from id-itis there though. Seriously, if you have a well-known ID at the top of your structure, you don't need to ID everything else... it's just a lot more work." "443","negative","I have this strange problem on my web page where if you click below the left side-panel, all the links get highlighted. It happens in firefox, not IE. I don't know why its only the side-panel that it happens to. Its not really a big deal but its extremely annoying to me, is there any way to stop it? If you want to check it out, the site is" "444","neutral","How did you get the name of the temporary table that the alter command creates ?" "445","neutral","You can try this.It works in my case." "446","neutral","First off, 16*16*3*3 = 2304 - quite modest really. At this size I'd be more worried about the confusion likely to be caused by a 4D array than the size it is taking! As others have said, if it fully populated, arrays are ok. If it has gaps, an ArrayList or similar would be better. If the Strings are just IDs, why not store an enum (or even Integers) instead of a string?" "447","neutral","He's got a point. This is what started the HTML 5 effort (as Web Forms 2 by Opera Software)." "448","negative","In Bash, you use parameter expansion: In your case, say . No need to go overboard and cry for regexes at the slightest provocation -- Bash has plenty of power!" "449","positive","@CalebHuitt-cjhuitt: Excellent ��� that works! Thank you very much. If you'd like some brownie points, please submit it as an answer and I'll mark it as the correct answer." "450","positive","The prevalence of memory leaks in programs with manual memory management kind of disproves your thesis that it's easy to establish upper bounds of a C/C++ programs's space usage. That said, excellent question!" "451","negative","Its really sad :( to hear We cann't fix Footer or Header view.. it always get scroll with rows." "452","positive","I'm quite new to this wonderfull tool that selenium is, and i'm trying to make some examples tests in my web app (html/JS). I managed to select some (most) elements withtheir id with the command but i'm unable to find some elements that do not have an tag. I tried these following lines without result, as i have have an a mix of the two aboce (alt and src in xpath and cssSelector This element HTML code is If somebody could help me, that would be very nice :) Thanks, and have a good day !" "453","positive","I've had great success with DockPanelSuite I may post some sample code to get you started but it's fairly staright forward!" "454","positive","yes, I have just installed binutils and it's looking very awesome!!! I'm going to check it out! bb with more info" "455","neutral","There are really excellent tools for handling this sort of task in .NET without having to resort to the regex hammer. This will also be more reliable than a regular expression based solution. I'd suggest that you take a look at ." "456","positive","If you are looking to load asynchronously javascript scripts, in the right order, I shall recommend you $script.js developed by the Twitter javascript lead dev It's really great!!" "457","negative","In addition to firebug (which should be your first port of call), the will also tell you where a given style is sourced from, just in case IE - shock, horror - should be different." "458","neutral","Here's the ashx ProcessRequest" "459","negative","So, I'm trying to make a 3D grapher for a class. Right now I'm working on understanding OpenGL and I'm failing horribly. I want to move the camera, but I can't at all, whatsoever. Why doesn't this work?" "460","neutral","Note that the given answers only handles making multiple variables of the same type. If, for some bizarre reason, you would need to do multiple types, this is valid (though awful):" "461","positive","@Bakuriu, thanks for your answer! :) That `class MainWindow(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow)` was surprising but excellent!" "462","neutral","For , searching the web seems to show for no sound, for full sound." "463","positive","I have a few months of experience with Ruby on Rails and really loved it from the beginning on. Now, for work, I was asked to code in Grails and although I first had some objections, I now think it's a very decent framework. One thing that really impressed me in Grails are Taglibs because they make frontend modularity so much easier. I would really like to do something with Rails. Is there anything like Taglibs for Rails? If not, what are the best practices for accomplishing this kind of view modularity (and, in essence, making my life easier)?" "464","neutral","Nope, I don't think such a magic function exists. One workaround for this would be to put your functions into a static class, and add a magic method to that class (> PHP 5.3 only, I'm afraid): For PHP < 5.3, you could do the same thing, but you would have to instantiate an object and use the magic method." "465","neutral","discusses writing jQuery plugins/libraries in excruciating detail. What NOT to do: What to do: I also wrote a last year about various methods for namespacing in JavaScript (non-jQuery related)." "466","neutral","In my Apache2 VirtualHost I have configured to specify directory name by . So now whenever URL is it's looking for in . Everything works very fine! But I'm having two kind of projects in this directories. is simply index.* in but is one level deeper - index.* placed in directory. I want to rewrite DocumentRoot to if this directory exists and I want to use it's . Is this possible with some ?" "467","negative","This is one thing that I really hate within development is forms. Below is my code and what I am trying to do is align the inputs with the labels . Is there a rule that you use to help remember when coding forms? CSS: HTML:" "468","negative","this api stinks, it is terribly designed and has lots of bugs!" "469","positive","I've decided to use the FreeFileSync tool from There is some effort to configure it to ignore some files and folders, but the tool provides nice filter possibilities. Configuring these filters can be very time consuming but they're working fine :) Thank's for all your help!" "470","negative","This is correct. It can turn out to be quite a pain!" "471","neutral","I couldnt extract using `cabextract`, used `unrar` instead. `unrar e filaname.part01.exe` worked" "472","neutral","So I came up with what is undoubtedly an extremely ugly solution: I took the Response JS data attributes out of the body tag, and used the Response.create method instead. Then someone suggested I make the plugin calls a function, then call the function after creating the Response data attributes. I have no idea why it works, but it does." "473","negative","There's always the poor man's alternative of just loading a bajillion individual frames as .gif/jpg/png and having javascript display them in sequence. It would be absolutely horrible for bandwidth and memory usage, and of course no audio, but it would (somewhat) simulate video being played. Of course, on Windows platforms, you could use ActiveX and/or embed media player and play avi/wmv files as well, without ever touching flash." "474","positive","No worries just making sure that you had solved it!" "475","positive","I have a mobile web page with a table containing many rows. Each row has additional information. Ideally, when a user taps on each row, a new layer will display, covering the whole screen, that provides more information for each row. The layer can be closeable by tapping on the new layer itself. Is this something I can do with a to begin with? Or do these rows need to be divs instead? Please if someone could push me along, that would be excellent! Thanks." "476","neutral","Because there are too many changes in Rails 3, without tests it may be very painful))" "477","negative","No, they've stopped working again and gone back to the 403 forbidden message. Incredibly annoying." "478","neutral","The documentation mentioned has no clear path to completion." "479","negative","An example: Extremely frustrating!" "480","positive","@PaulMougel,Thanks Super Great! it works! I added it (res.end()) habitually and have never thought it might could be the reason. Happy New Year. Thank again you so much." "481","neutral","templates are not inheritance" "482","negative","I'll bet you that your main's function signature is incorrect. You use: but SDL_main.h wants Aside: You see, SDL does something really horrific when compiling: It renames your function to , injecting its own main function which, in turn, calls yours. Note that if this doesn't work, then you may be compiling with wrong flags. To be sure, take the flags by running: For more information, see" "483","positive","Check this thread on Joel of Software forum: Lots of excellent free icons packs!" "484","neutral","What form of authentication does the site use?" "485","negative","that��s really sad :(" "486","neutral","Do I need a call in this code?" "487","neutral","I want a text file containing links to the Wikipedia articles listed , one link per line. I could do it manually but that would be very painful. How can I automate this task?" "488","neutral","For those, who use ShinobiCharts.framework: creating a category on Shinobi classes causes such error. As a workaround, you can replace categories with inheritance (this may be very painful)." "489","positive","My solution for at indexes and of any string would be: If this evaluates to True it means that the character at index x is enclosed by a set of parentheses. You can test for the index y respectively Hope that helped, Cheers! Alex" "490","neutral","Links are fixed." "491","negative","Right ... if only I was using SQL server.. Informix unfortunately :( :( :(" "492","positive","Oh! Excellent!! Worked like a charm!" "493","neutral","what about 3rd question?( When is it appropriate and when not?)" "494","positive","The previous solution is really great! However, I'm looking for one more feature: is it possible to eager load last subordinate record before a specific date? This is needed so that my users can browse a history a song's votes (with links to previous and next days)." "495","neutral","Why? If this works, why spend the time and effort? If you really hate it that much, write a function that encapsulates that bit of logic." "496","neutral","You should use template engine. See ejs, or jade for example. If you are using Express nodejs framework, then it is very comfortable to use jade. There is also template engine called Bliss which is like Razor Engine in ASP.NET" "497","neutral","I'm trying this Some solution?" "498","neutral","This should definitely be Community Wiki IMHO." "499","negative","The other day I noticed that if I run IEInspector's HttpAnalyser and capture the post data when logging into my bank account or amazon account the post data shows my user name and password in the clear. This is a little concerning. Does anyone know at what point the SSL encryption takes place? This I assume would mean that any software that is installed on your machine could potentially get access to this post data. Very scary." "500","neutral","Say I have the following code:" "501","neutral","Don't. Use a CSS declaration instead." "502","positive","Excellent solution! This is the way to do it." "503","positive","+1 That looks like an excellent resource!" "504","neutral","From command line: then type password" "505","negative","I'm very sad now :(" "506","negative","does a similar thing (and yes, i find the 'pc' moniker for windows machines very disgusting)" "507","positive","This is amazing. Thanks so much for explaining. Excellent explanation!" "508","neutral","I have updated to Genymotion 2.0 and downloaded/deployed the new 4.3 images (Galaxy Nexus and 10.1 Tablet) upon installing the appropriate GApps package get a devastating error upon launching a development app with the following stack trace making the device restart." "509","positive","excellent, all working now, thanks !" "510","negative","That `#define n 10` is scary :( Are you sure you don't intend on using that letter anywhere else?" "511","positive","that was from something else - that apparently the fragmentmanager holds on to fragments. But you're right - it doesn't make any difference one way or the other. Nice library by the way - extremely useful!" "512","positive","Short and to the point... excellent! +1" "513","neutral","You don't need to tag your title, that is what the tags are for." "514","negative","I am not familiar with Python scripting. I am simply trying to create a small GUI that will allow me to alter a parameter in an ArcGIS Model using the Tkinter Scale and then run the model by clicking a TKinter Button. (The code below is not finished and is being used for testing purposes, hence the button does not actually call a different script yet). I get this TypeError in the Traceback: I have tried deleting many different things from my code to determine what these arguments might be but to no avail. It is incredibly frustrating as I am sure it is the most simple problem. My code is as follows:" "515","negative","Off topic, but I really really hate the 5 ` `s in a row. That's abuse!" "516","neutral","Having How to convert a to a ?" "517","positive","Excellent code @ Peter, but not to be generating consecutive events, it might be better to use unbind (), like this: Thanks!" "518","positive","@Daniel Lee: That is an excellent video! I had downloaded Automapper, but wasn't sure how to use it on anything more than the simplest object mappings. I love how some of the concepts shown help keep the code DRY." "519","neutral","Given: I expect: But get: Why?" "520","neutral","How send imageData using POST?" "521","positive","This just saved me a lot of grief!" "522","neutral","This only works if you have firefox installed." "523","negative","yes I'm having the exact same issue, very annoying!" "524","positive","The sollution suggested over here is perfect: I register a BroadCastListener on all Activities that should be removed from the backstack and when I reach the main menu, I just send the broadcast and all receivers call finish(). This works really great!" "525","negative","@PabloB. sir, this is sad :(" "526","positive","Your implementation looks absolutely fine to me! A range-based away subscript is a type for performance reasons. It does not copy the indicated sub-array, instead it just points to the range defined by the you provide to the subscript." "527","neutral","This RegEx might work for you (it is very hungry-greedy): But I would advise to use instead. It provides the ability to use HTML's DOM. So you would work with it just like with XmlDocument:" "528","positive","been trying to save my data from my while loop to script variables but no success. Did an example if how I want to save my php data to script variables. This doesn't work for me. Anyone have any idea? Don't want to save all data manually. Very greatful for answers! Ask if you don't understand :)" "529","positive","excellent - thanks everyone!" "530","positive","I found an excellent tutorial on how to create site columns and content types - here : (THANKS AGAIN ROB!) Does anyone know of a written or video tutorial that will explain how to create a list and list instance in MOSS 2007. I use WSP Builder, and the build in templates from Microsoft aren't compatible (or up to the task). Preferably a method that focuses on the CAML (xml) , and explains in detail the theory, and demonstrates how it is done. Thank you." "531","neutral","not to worry, it was a permissions issue with the file!" "532","positive","Use Web Essentials... it works really great, and has lots of other useful tidbits!" "533","neutral","Can the nodes be the same but be declared in a different order?" "534","positive","I have a file containing unsigned 64 bit integers in little endian format shown below I'm looking for a way to read these numbers in and then convert them to their decimal equivilant The code I have so far is as follows: which gives me the following output from the first number I've been looking at how to use structs for this as it seems like it is what it was made for but I've been unable to find the correct syntax using them. Any help would be hugely appreciated!" "535","negative","You're right edited. Sad fact! :(" "536","neutral","I am really terrible at RegEx, In the code below I only want the actual numbers between and How can I achieve this?" "537","neutral","Remember to Include System.Text if you want to use StringBuilder." "538","negative","I've changed the color scheme on sublime text 2 and I really hate the colors it changed to. So what is the name of the default settings? Because I want to change it back to the standard." "539","neutral","It might be a good idea to remove info from the table but remember that SQL works pretty fine with millions of rows! In your case, I'd run a cronjob every day that removes the rows that got made longer then 48h! I think that this would be enough." "540","neutral","Delphi (since 2009) now has a TDictionary class for doing this." "541","neutral","Also, which version of Windows and x86 or x64?" "542","positive","+1 big fan of your blog Jason." "543","neutral","I am not sure how to fix this:" "544","neutral","I ran this in a rails console:" "545","positive","I'm using bootstrap modals to display a iframe all works well, but in ios 7 safari (ipad) the user can not type any text in any of the text boxes (the keyboard simply doesnt open, nor does it focus) or are they able to click any links, yet it displays on the screen absolutely fine! and outside of the iframe the site continues to function. has anybody else run into this? cheers" "546","negative","It's technically possible to achieve this in T-SQL with nested loops and embedded queries. All hugely ugly in T-SQL. Far easier to do it in a language that's more general purpose." "547","positive","@eat Wow! Excellent point! I don't know why I didn't see that before. That solves the issue with np.reshape and now I can use that. No need for another thread. Thanks again!" "548","neutral","I try and but it doesn't work." "549","negative","I'm very worried about the following screen. When i launch Instruments in Allocations mode, i see every image of my app adding to Living. I really don't understand how it could be possible..." "550","negative","So I have also ran into this problem. I have found a solution(it's terrible, be warned!) Open Unity and load your solution in MonoDevelop 4.0.1 (older version you can set the target framework more easily) Navigate to your project directory and open Assembly-CSharp-vs in notepad. Change the line TargetFrameworkVersion v3.5 to TargetFrameworkVersion v4.0 You will have to do these steps every time you load Unity(blah) but it does work." "551","neutral","i would reccomend you rewrite the bad code. Even if its really painful." "552","negative","Too slow and I prefer to operate in the same mode as my users. Also, I just really hate switching to debug. And its a waste of diskspace." "553","neutral","Here is my CSS here is my HTML" "554","neutral","Checkout the following links help you" "555","neutral","What platform? What languages will you accept?" "556","positive","For anybody else that is looking for a great tutorial, the is absolutely excellent. It gave me the background for the way an MVC application is designed, and enough to start making my own applications and research to fill in the blanks. Highly recommend this tutorial." "557","negative","Android camera stuff is extremely frustrating, I understand that. Make sure to read through all of the and check out this code below referenced from :" "558","neutral","this doesn't work." "559","negative","Ternary gets _extremely_ ugly if you're using more than one else statement, I wouldn't recommend it at all, let alone in this situation." "560","neutral","Any suggestions on how to fix?" "561","neutral","Isn't it better done with BufferedGraphics class?" "562","positive","Excellent job including the Fiddle! I still can't quite understand the question though. Could you include the output?" "563","positive","Excellent news, good stuff!" "564","neutral","could help?" "565","negative","@btevfik..thats very sad:(" "566","neutral","You can use the imageInsets property to move the frame of the icon." "567","neutral","An easier way to do it is to make a globally visible function. AKA, declare it in a public header: and define it within your compilation unit - but outside any . As a little bonus.. it with an alias.. and you can REALLy abuse it!" "568","negative","I'm using this practice to add comments using AJAX , by sending the data to an ASP.NET Handler which collect the information and then insert the comment, but I am afraid that any one could use it , am I wrong !?" "569","negative","It's the most ugly :( :( :(" "570","negative","Based mostly on , but also , and my own experience, I don't think it's possible without a lot of ugliness, pain or without converting your LINQ to SQL code generation over to (not appealing, IMO)." "571","negative","Nope... doesn't fix it I'm afraid!" "572","neutral","Method 2 will not work if run as administrator" "573","neutral","I would continue running in the background and set an (called by the os when you app is REALLY killed) and there use" "574","negative","I'm completely horrible with javascript and jquery, How do I get the content from a PHP file?" "575","positive","I absolutely love this tip!" "576","negative","You may get some mileage from in Christian Wade's blog - it all looks mighty painful to me!" "577","positive","That looks like an excellent technique and pretty much negates my question! :)" "578","positive","this is a really great idea!!! please standby while i try thank u so much" "579","neutral","Why wouldn't you use a staticmethod?" "580","positive","Excellent recipe!" "581","neutral","Do You know the size of the message, or the end marked somehow?" "582","positive","First I was afraid to ask such simple question, but it was worth it!" "583","positive","excellent news!" "584","neutral","Shouldn't this be Modulus(CurrentItem + 1, 4)?" "585","negative","It's a command-line tool. Unforunately Xcode doesn't use CodeSense for editing files outside a project, which is incredibly frustrating." "586","neutral","How can i get? My attempt was:" "587","negative","Oh God, I remember this, it was absolutely horrible. Worse, I can't remember how to fix it offhand." "588","positive","mechanize ended up giving me the most functionality...thx" "589","negative","Our QA team uses HP Quality Center for defect tracking, test plans, etc. The dev team really detests Quality Center and wants to use JIRA for internal task tracking. Can these two systems work seamlessly together? I have worked on projects where 2 teams used separate issue-tracking systems and keeping them in sync was a major headache. Anyone have real-world experience integrating Quality Center and JIRA?" "590","positive","First off I'm really loving all the things you can do with CouchDB. I'm coming from a lot of front end JavaScript and I use console.log() for lots of debugging and testing tasks. I'm wondering how to console.log or what a better way to debug might be in CouchDB. Any suggestions would be really awesome!" "591","neutral","or just Is there a difference?" "592","neutral","On it's own, perhaps, but for my intended purpose, no, it is not inefficient." "593","neutral","Follow the answer and the link in it." "594","neutral","Add quotes around the search criteria" "595","negative","How absolutely terrible you can't set controls not to show up on the print" "596","positive","@BrianGlaz : Really great answer!" "597","negative","is it not by default ? if yes , then it is really horrible..." "598","negative","Yes, same happened to me ... sometimes defines can be really horrible." "599","neutral","No, that article still DOES work in the latest Chrome and Firefox as of February 24th, 2013" "600","neutral","If you also want to display the date it can be done by using DATE /T." "601","neutral","It just allows you to skip null checks in your equals() method." "602","negative","Visual studio crashes as soon as I open aspx or ascx View from MVC 2.0 project. If I delete all bin and obj folders from projects, I can open aspx and ascx View page. But it crashes again after compiling. It started to crash after I moved strong typed model to different project. I got stuck and cannot go further, really frustrated! I'm using Visual staudio 2008 Sp1. MVC 2.0, Window xp sp3. .NET 3.5 sp1. Anyone can help?" "603","positive","Excellent I was not aware of this!" "604","neutral","How to check a popup menu item?" "605","positive","Excellent, thanks for reporting back!" "606","neutral","Are you upsizing or downsizing?" "607","positive","Excellent! Will try it soon. But it should work i guess." "608","neutral","I think Jon probably cleared the code for you." "609","negative","Nobody answers here..sad!!!" "610","positive","Am a beginner in using Ember i am working on a template for my site and when i put the TEMPLATE code in a handlebar it's not working but if i remove it form the handlebar it works, meaning i have linked the correct JS and Css files needed. Am posting the index.html and App.js please assistance would be great :) :) INDEX.HTML APP.JS GitHub is here for the file..... Thanks Loads Shei" "611","positive","I'm trying to open a different ajax modal for each table row clicked. So I did this: That, however doesn't work - while this does: If anyone could please point me in the right direction I would be extremely happy :)) Thanks everyone!:)" "612","negative","Such awful code!" "613","neutral","There is no author tag for the c#" "614","neutral","I have this jQuery code: why $(this) doesn't work in a setTimeout method?" "615","neutral","Note you can also export to TXT (as you said you need to in your answer further down, jazzrai)." "616","neutral","Sort of - :" "617","negative","I'm afraid you can't!! Weka is not covering that functionality." "618","negative","@David Wallace: Yes, and it's even more sad when some guys -1 the correct answer!" "619","negative","Is this visual studio specific or all c++ projects behave this way? Why??" "620","neutral","Too complex, breaks the third rule of the zen of python." "621","neutral","how can i check that my UTF-8 data is all 3-byte Unicode ?" "622","positive","I am wondering.. is tree view/navigation possible to do (and somewhat easily) in XForms given a XML data structure? If it is possible, where can I find a really excellent example (code and hopefully a working form to view)? Also, are there any tips you have for implementing this? (I'm new to XForms, and only know the basics so far) Thanks so much!" "623","positive","@catsby is correct -- you'll want to use the to do this. SIDENOTE: Heroku's platform API is actually incredibly awesome. You can use it to scale dynos, set variables, provision / deprovision addons, etc." "624","neutral","Is it possible to pass a an Objective-C pointer function to a C function?" "625","positive","I'm trying to apply route filter to a specific url. So, my file is under public directory: My filter: Finally my pattern: If I try to access the rule does not work. I can see whole contents of file. If I try to acess the filter works great. Because there is no file which named under the directory. Any help would be really great!" "626","neutral","Why don't you just run multiple instances, one per document?" "627","positive","Worked really great! Thanks a ton!" "628","positive","Ive made a simple android quiz and would like to display the question count ID within the layout(The questions will be randomly selected). For example on the bottom of the layout it might say Q6. Currently the layout only shows the questions, possible answers and a next button. Would I need to change the java class and the layout? Any suggestions would be really great! Thank you!! Here is the question class:" "629","negative","fails horribly for, e.g., `domain = 'http://www.google.co.uk/'`" "630","neutral","Oracle table clusters are not like SQLServer's clustered indices." "631","positive","Try replacing... with.. Best of luck, hope that helps!" "632","positive","Excellent - thanks !" "633","negative","What a sad answer!! Maybe I can just don't install it, and leave the hell to user." "634","neutral","Don't mess with Ext.Loader unless you feel extremely masochistic. The Land of Big Pain lies down that road." "635","positive","I think that solution is now ready. Here's the code: David Wasser you are extremely helpful, thanks!" "636","positive","Excellent answer!! my vote is +" "637","positive","Here is an answer to a similar question: It's a complex workaround, but looks working pretty fine!" "638","negative","I really hate asking questions that I feel were asked a thousand times before. This is one of those questions I feel others must have encountered, , none of the supposed solutions work for me so I must be doing something wrong..... I have an extremely simple app setup. index.htm, and terms.htm. There is some textual data in test.htm. I set both and at the appropriate time after stuff has loaded. At first I tried loading terms.htm's data into an element within index using (both test and index are in the same root /assets/www/ directory, and my webview loads index oncreate) but absolutely nothing was happening. So I opted to try .ajax so that I could at least get an error message, and all I get is 'error'. Surely, it is possible to load local textual assets with JQ on DroidGap?" "639","positive","Excellent approach!" "640","neutral","How can I check if and are in both the MySQL table fields and MySQL code." "641","negative","Currently making a java program that grabs data off of a MSAccess Database and some of these errors are extremely frustrating. I keep getting this SQL.Exception : Too few parameters. Expected 1 error on the last remaining bugs in this program. Little background on the db: It has 3 tables (A player table (11 columns), a team table (3 columns), and an Opponent table (6 columns). These are both of the functions and I am fairly certain the problem lies in here somewhere or this function" "642","negative","Is search and replace the only way to rename as asp control in the code behind file? I find this extremely annoying, but it is the only way I can find. Scenario: I'll find a variable that needs renaming (Usually to meet naming convention) I'll rename the variable in the aspx/ascx file. I'll have to go in the code behind files and search and replace. I get annoyed Are there any better ways - preferably that would not touch a similarly named variable in another scope in the project. I'm on VS2008 with resharper -- does VS2010 address this perhaps?" "643","neutral","VBScript as in VBA or an external vbs file run from cscript?" "644","neutral","It seems the rano.org-link is working again." "645","neutral","I solved this. That filter in web.xml must be first filter in file." "646","positive","David: +1. For a second I thought they may have been passing a `Furious Neanderthal`, or something, to Word!" "647","positive","thnx man, it works really good, awesome stuff !!!" "648","negative","Is packed-decimal part of the EBCDIC format, or is this just a file which happens to use both? I'm not familiar with that format, I'm afraid :(" "649","neutral","I want to compare columns on the basis of parameter e.g. Any suggestions?" "650","negative","This is not the answer but I figured out a very sad workaround. Extend the TextView component class In the constructor of the subclass, fire off the code ...yuck" "651","negative","You could look at using , but performance might be completely horrible." "652","neutral","@AngryOliver Edited!" "653","positive","Recently I've started Operating Systems course...now going through its contents I'm thinking about learning UNIX from its internals.Also I have completed a Computer Architecture course and really loved it.Can you suggest a good book on UNIX Internals from which I can learn the practical aspects of how the architecture designs work in a real life OS?" "654","neutral","TLDs must go under META-INF too." "655","neutral","I think the first approach is OK, but you have to be sure to always have branch B updated with the new changes introduced in branch A. Otherwise if you don't keep them synchronized, these branches will diverge and merging them back on trunk will be a really pain. SVN merge's are ok if you do them early and often." "656","neutral","Maybe this?" "657","negative","I just updated my MacVim to 7.3 and with it, it now changes directories to whatever file I'm currently editing. I use PeepOpen, so it's incredibly annoying to cd back to my project directory every time I want to edit a new file." "658","neutral","How a javascript can get the current locale in ruby on rails application?" "659","negative","I had the same problem and ended up doing the same workaround. When I was done I didn't really hate it though, because it allowed me to free-up the UIPageViewController and all of it's child UIPageViewControllers and all of their resources when the user wasn't actively using the tab." "660","negative","-1 for not explaining or giving details. I hate these types of questions!" "661","neutral","I had similar issue. This article explains why and how to solve it:" "662","negative","this is a disgustingly horrible hack, but it might get the job done:" "663","neutral","Try [castor](http://www.castor.org/xml-mapping.html) mapping." "664","neutral","tags may be self closing or not. would it be possible for a regular text:" "665","positive","There's no such thing. Any such log would have to be programmed into the database, so no worries, you don't have to disable it since it doesn't exist by default!" "666","positive","Excellent! I got it working with your help." "667","neutral","Just wondering what actually happens after you exceed 2147483647 records?" "668","neutral","In what context are you asking this question? Database type?" "669","positive","Code Contracts are pretty cool, but they do have some limitations. They will only create compiler warnings, not errors. Also, this analysis is pretty slow on large projects. However, I'm hoping this technology will evolve and eventually be integrated into the language itself. It's incredibly promising!" "670","neutral","I ended up with a regular expression:" "671","neutral","If you're really worried about that, make an NSTimer that fires in say 5 seconds, and send traffic when it fires. Invalidate the timer when your view disappears." "672","positive","@Jason no worries!!" "673","negative","I've done some easy .hover(function() statement in jQuery. When i hover over a text i simply want a #div.fadeIn, and on non-hover fadeOut. It works. But it's just if i spam the text-trigger with hover and un-hoverring really quickly and then stop the animation begin to give a blinking effect. It just kind of loops, really annoying!" "674","neutral","Just save the stream to a file using and load it with Documentation" "675","negative","it generate but i need But in i did not find a way how to change ID attribute. i need to use text_field_tag because it fills textbox with params if submit fail. if i think about im worry if i change an ID it does not fill a param ?!" "676","positive","You should . It has a lot of good packages. I found these packages to help you with zip files for example: The NPM registry is really amazing :)" "677","positive","@Alex: Great :) Happy further coding!" "678","negative","Oh the horror! Try `page.php#iframe_id` as the target." "679","neutral","Did you ever find a solution?" "680","neutral","Is there anyway to do this in configuration?" "681","positive","Excellent! I'll make it as answer, that you can hopefully accept with a lovely big green tick :-)" "682","positive","Excellent workaround..!" "683","neutral","@OregonGhost: Does it matter?" "684","positive","I am creating a small widget and I want to allow others to use it. The iFrame is loaded from HTTP - but I want to allow users to login via HTTPS i.e. that is - send a request for login via SSL Is this allowed within the same-origin policies or ? i.e. the scenario is that a user can integrate my javascript to their website, the widget opens and i want to allow them to login via https ? Any help would be hugely appreciated :)" "685","negative","@ceejayoz I use svn for development, but I really hate the idea of having many .svn folders in production." "686","positive","Excellent! You should document that as an answer and accept it so many more people can solve this with a google search on 'single line of text' :)" "687","neutral","will give you what you want, I think." "688","neutral","I don't think you want this - if I'm typing a document into Word and I hit K, I'm going to be very angry when your application pops up instead of a k appearing in my document. Windows allows you to assign shortcut keys to an icon on the desktop, but it limits them to the function keys or to combinations containing both Alt and Ctrl. Right-click on a desktop icon and go to Properties, and look for the field marked Shortcut key." "689","positive","try it out very helpful, loved it n its easy to use" "690","negative","This is heinous. I would not allow such a thing to survive a code review." "691","positive","This one by Christoph Pojer is pretty awesome! FileManager uses the FancyUpload3 script that is soon to be released for good-looking file uploads. And, it can be easily integrated with TinyMCE as well." "692","positive","I have an array of words that gets shuffled into paragraphs using jQuery. I'm trying to add some commas , in between them. Ideally i need a single comma added to every 4th word but this is beyond my modest jQuery skills. This is my code: Really hope you can help!" "693","negative","This isn't really pythonic so much as tortured, but here's a short version (with meaningless 1-character variable names, no less!)" "694","neutral","@Ryono: what do you mean by that, exactly?" "695","negative","for some reason that still hates me!" "696","neutral","MS Access is not involved here, only the Jet database engine." "697","neutral","... or any rounded corners..." "698","neutral","I figured out the problem. I was writing out the NULL terminator and that's what was causing libxml2 to choke (although I could have sworn I already tried it without the NULL terminator, d'oh!) The fixed code should simply be:" "699","neutral","Simply use . It will point out all your memory allocation mistakes with excruciating preciseness." "700","neutral","have you actually tried your solution?" "701","positive","I'm reading an excellent article by Paul White - ! and he uses this code: I'm trying to find out more about using dbo.Name to declare a variable, not having much luck with books online. Any ideas where I can find this? Thanks" "702","positive","Excellent information, thanks!" "703","neutral","I don't see much out there for java but I would look into with JNI." "704","positive","No worries - everything is easier with jQuery!" "705","negative","Very annoying! If you are desperate to get this working you could force Chrome to redraw the element (on window resize, maybe?):" "706","neutral","Ah, so you found it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/268062/" "707","negative","That is really sad :(" "708","positive","I'm currently working on a responsive multi-level menu which currently shows every level of the hierarchy instead of only the first, which is what I want to achieve. I've created a fiddle, which can be found here: Here's the relevant Code: CSS: And also my JS: If someone could lead me in the right direction, I'd be really greatful! Thanks!" "709","positive","Absolutely awesome, alexn! I knew I had forgotten about something important. It works like a charm." "710","positive","Wow great idea! Try to do it with inlineEditSupport. http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/pages/Content/pages_compref_inlineEditSupport.htm" "711","positive","I might explain but documentation on MSDN is already pretty excellent. Consider visiting Following Links. Here is the link to in with Example -- and -- synchronization in -- MFC -- Hope these help" "712","neutral","In SQL Server 2008, how many clustered indexes there can be in one table?" "713","positive","+1 for this question - I have the same issue." "714","positive","I have imported video FLV Player(with no skin) in layer(flv1) The flv Player instance name is myflvplayer1 Actions: Frame 1 Till frame 142 there's animation playing, after that: (so here video start to play in full screen) Now when this video finishes I want it to Jump to frame label main Where I have put many navigation buttons (My main menu page) So any help will be very great.! This is DVD based presentation, so everything is being loaded Local." "715","positive","Also, is there any tutorials you would suggest for me to downgrade the .NET Framework for an already built project? That would be really great :)" "716","positive","I'm trying to put together Handlebars + Masonry + Infinite Scroll. I successfully implemented Handlebars & Masonry but have no idea how to use Infinite scroll. My json is . Any kind of examples/help will be really awesome!" "717","neutral","I just wanted to know the concept of database pooling.How it is achieved." "718","negative","I am running VS 2012. Working on a project that is stored on a mapped network drive. Whenever I go to close the solution it takes several minutes (5-7) for Visual Studio to close. It does eventually close, but very painful waiting for it to finish. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix?" "719","negative","Official guide says: Tomcat deployment is trivial and requires copying the WAR file into the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder and restarting the container. But this is really painful :-( Does there any way to deploy app without restarting Tomcat ?" "720","negative","It is really painfull to get all code form TFS whenever you make a build using NANT. Is there any settings in ccnet.config which will only take the files which are changed form last time which can speed up the process." "721","neutral","I'm using vncviewer and everytime I try to change the resoultion the window closes." "722","negative","Okay, so given the overwhelmingly negative response, does anybody think db image storage is _ever_ justified?" "723","positive","No worries found it! I clicked on the little button on the top right of this" "724","negative","Im maintaining a site where I need to 'click' a link with javascript. The href is inline javascript, not a url so I cant just navigate to that url instead. Im expect this is bad practice (the rest of the site is terrible!) but I need to make the link 'clicked' with javascript. Im using jQuery. I know this question has been asked before but it seems normally people are trying to follow the link, which I am not." "725","negative","Coding horror!!!" "726","negative","is there a way to automatically call a function using an event after the user has browsed a file using a I've been trying to find something for the past hour but failed horribly, I saw that I should try onchange but that also failed.." "727","neutral","No I am not talking about email clients." "728","neutral","If you are really worried about memory you can put those images in a global image (or your custom object) array instead of putting it in a local variable. Take a global variable Use timer (i.e. setTimeOut ) to check if the din contains img tag with class . If it does not find any matching element (and image_cleaned is false ) then delete that array. Then set . Then remove timer (optional but better)." "729","neutral","Installing VS2008 installs the 3.5 Framework." "730","negative","My first instinct is to branch normally (using p4 integrate), and then use an IDE or sed script to change the package names. But this makes future integration from the trunk extremely painful." "731","neutral","Or if you don't want to worry about hieght calculation do this!" "732","negative","I agree, I would use two functions. Basically, you have two different use cases, so it makes sense to have two different implementations. I find that the more C++ code I write, the fewer parameter defaults I have - I wouldn't really shed any tears if the feature was deprecated, though I would have to re-write a shed load of old code!" "733","positive","excellent! glad to hear it!" "734","positive","I'm using some modifications to Glenn Berry's excellent DMV queries! However, I would like to add to the resultset the 'last server restart', or to be more specific, the date/time the statistics for (all, the specific) DMV was reset. Since it would be quite important to know last reset when looking at the statistics, I want to make absolutely sure the date/time is accurate and shown. Question: How can you get the most accurate date/time of when a/all DMV statistic was reset? Thanks! -D" "735","positive","We ended up rolling our own, similar to Figaro but with support for nested values, multiple files, and placeholders. It's pretty awesome: !" "736","positive","I'll suppose that field() is a function that you've created to get a single field according to some conditions how about this code?: i'd be really amazed if this code is not working correctly Good Luck!" "737","neutral","Can you unaccept the current accepted solution and accept this answer?" "738","negative","I have a that has three views per cell, with three cell displaying on the view at one time (for a total of nine views). Think of it as a bookshelf. Sometimes I can have as many as 500 books. I've added shadow to the with code that is this: When I add the shadow code, as seen above, scrolling performance is just totally killed and becomes choppy. Each image has a different so the shadow has to be created for each item as it scrolls. Anyone have any tips on how to add shadows to my images on a without having this issue?" "739","positive","If it wouldn't have been a programming question, The answer of your title would be Priceless :)" "740","neutral","What are the LC_* environment variables ?" "741","negative","This is how I would do it... I really hate javascript popups..." "742","negative","Oh, I did not know that. As usual, IE comes out to be a pain in the a**!" "743","positive","is in so u need not to worry! Internally the data is always stored as TEXT, so even if you create table with , SQLite is going to follow the rules of data type" "744","neutral","You could also use property for this:" "745","positive","Excellent! Tank you so much, much appreciated." "746","neutral","How do I consume a key event in javascript, so that it doesn't propagate?" "747","neutral","It winds me up when `~(logical page N �� physical page N)`." "748","neutral","Can you provide a use case of what you are trying to achive?" "749","positive","this is an excellent link thanks a ton! havent gone through it in detail. just glanced. but it looks really promising. Will read it in detail shortly" "750","positive","@mludd: excellent!" "751","neutral","This, of course, depends on your debugger. Can you elaborate?" "752","neutral","Spehan: Did you manage to get it done on OSX?" "753","positive","Is there a shorthand for a new line character in Scala? In Java (on Windows) I usually just use \n, but that doesn't seem to work in Scala - specifically outputs in Eclipse, (sic) from the command line, and from the REPL (GREAT SUCCESS!) works, but is there anything shorter?" "754","negative","Dotfuscator community edition is not good at all..." "755","neutral","How do i scroll to a panel within an updatepanel after i load the content" "756","neutral","try deleaker or similar debugger (vld, purify)- must help..." "757","neutral","Samples on their new site: http://www.pdfsharp.net/wiki/PDFsharpSamples.ashx" "758","negative",":-( This is a well-known CSS bug in IE6. AFAIK the workaround (it's horrible, shield your eyes) is to put an IFRAME underneath your menu so that the IFRAME obscures the improperly z-indexed SELECT. It's so very horrible. But JQuery is here to the rescue, as always:" "759","neutral","I have a composite control, I need to get the address of page hosting it." "760","negative","Is there a simple library out there for Java in a Maven repository that will give me simple, one-liner hash methods for the popular hash functions such as MD5, SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512? I'd really hate to have to reinvent the wheel to do this." "761","positive","Beaaaaaaautiful!" "762","positive","I think you should be able to make your connection without doing a lot of contortions with your database. It's just a matter of getting the right connection string in your code. Check out this very excellent reference -- scroll down for SQL Express tips. http://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server-2008" "763","positive","If you are currently using a to display the , than you can create a custom which does filtering automatically as you type keys. The following webpage provides an excellent example of this: Good luck!" "764","neutral","can i just use my and meta tags in Ruby or is there an easy way to do it?" "765","neutral","Can I by any means get the elapsed time of the storyboard in Silverlight?" "766","positive","Excellent! It works like this: [code]extern C {" "767","neutral","...Sometimes this piece of code [..] returns the same number (and sometimes it works fine)... So it works randomly??? :) :) :) Ok, ok, downvote me now!!" "768","positive","excellent idea :) I just added, tests it and works like a charm! Thanks" "769","neutral","With PHP you can use method to run you .sh file. Pass the name of the script via post data, but be very very careful, user can modify the param to execute malicious code on your machine!" "770","neutral","I want to show my own custom image for facebook connect. How can I do it?" "771","negative","I use neo4j tool to start Neo4j in windows, But a strange thing is, today, when I open the neo4j shell, I start it , but no response, the status is in yellow and never turn to green, it can't establish neo4j server. It is so terrible for my database!!!! Does anyone meet this ?" "772","negative","i am working on iphone app, at once it started showing me error, with no exception, i am really afraid of this error, can any one tell me why this is happening?" "773","positive","I was wondering if is there any jQuery plugin or something to create a search bar similar to Mac's Mail app, where you can search inside specific categories, very awesome Thanks in advance!" "774","negative","Very sad, no way...(" "775","positive","There is a guy who made the exact same observation as you, and he has published a blog post with a simple working example of a Quartz.net Console application. I used it with great success yesterday!" "776","neutral","I need to know if my file is audio file: mp3, wav, etc... How to do this?" "777","neutral","How much data is it? 1 megabyte? 1 gigabyte?" "778","positive","I loved the wild solution that Marcus offered and it would be great if it could be undeleted!" "779","positive","I'm building a little script that changes content and css live on the page based upon the values of various input fields. I'm able to change the content live absolutely fine as you'll see here: I'm not able to get this working with the css method using the same principles though: Thanks!" "780","neutral","How do I make some rows editable and some rows non-editable in slickgrid?" "781","positive","To expand on my comment, if you don't already see then benefits of relative positioning then I'll assume you are a begginer. Here is a useful video to help you re-design you page: Also, this is useful for comparing when each positioning method is best used: And finally a general website that will be extremely useful for you in the near future may be !" "782","positive","That would be very awesome, thanks! If you do post it I will likely contribute..." "783","negative","What a strange website candyundies.com sounds disgusting!" "784","neutral","my current setup is: what I want to do is: my current .htaccess setup is:" "785","neutral","@JohnSibly : can I use that in VB.NET? I think it's not isnt'?" "786","positive","In my MySQL table, there is a row labeled state. There are 3 values possible for this. How could I utilise PHP to echo Unbanned as apposed to 0 in state? And Banned as apposed to 1 and Temp-Banned as apposed to 3? How would I use php to display UnBanned instead of 0 in the MySQL? I am using a table for this. All help is incredibly appreciated :)" "787","negative","I think this'll be what I'm going to go with. I really hate dealing with XML files." "788","positive","Hopefully this will provide some ideas as to how to adapt a timer based approach for your needs: If your needs are more sophisticated then a TThread based approach may be more appropriate. But whatever you do, do NOT resort to Application.ProcessMessages it will only cause you grief !" "789","negative","Working with ANEs is an incredibly frustrating process." "790","negative","The error occurs because is looking in the wrong environment (i.e., not inside the data frame). You could explicitly specify the but that would be ugly, awful code. Much better to use as Iselzer suggests." "791","negative","@Johannes: Don't bother, he's much too stupid and heinous to be worth helping (see his comments on my answer, it's a model of how to get help)." "792","neutral","Whats the difference between these two, and which is the better approach." "793","negative","Is there a way to create a batch api request with different access tokens to be used? I need to crawl data from youtube channel using the offline access tokens of our users but the problem is we have 20K of that and having 1 request at a time is really painful and is taking lot of time." "794","positive","Excellent, I'll try that now, thank you!" "795","positive","Great question, I have been trying to figure out why my child class function doesn;t get called since an hour now!" "796","negative","I'm not good at programming and my trying to open one of my spreadsheet documents. Below in the basic login im using, I then request a list all my spreadsheet, which is returned in $feed. And now I'm worried I'm not on the right track with opening a document so I can read and write cells." "797","negative","You forgot regression tests - it is a real pain for a manual tester to run through hundreds of forms just to check for some basic stuff which could be easier done automatic. Better spare the tester this tedious stuff, so he can concentrate on the nasty testing." "798","neutral","Strangely enough, by slightly changing the 'canonical' rules and starting from a random configuration, Conway's Game of Life (I don't know why my Wikipedia link is not working!) seems to generate pretty nice mazes! (I don't remember the exact rule, but it's a very simple modification that tends to 'densify' the population of cells...)" "799","negative","It's scary that there is no way, but I must agree because it's fact." "800","positive","Well, not free. But we have had very good results with Nevron. Their support is excellent as well. Another good option is TeeCharts." "801","negative","I was intending on use the Title attribute in the @Page directive to customise each pages title, but it simply doesn't appear to do anything. The site uses master pages - I don't know if that is a consideration. Master Page snippet: Page snippet (from ): What is more, if I run the page through the , it complains about... end tag for head which is not finished ..whereas the the tag is present in the source code. I've already got a workaround in place, but it's annoying the hell out of me, so I'm determined to find a resolution!" "802","positive","I have never parsed ini files, so I can't be too specific on this issue. But i have one advice: Don't reinvent the wheel as long as an existing one meets your requirements Good luck :)" "803","neutral","I've heard that unit testing is totally awesome, really cool and all manner of good things but 70% or more of my files involve database access (some read and some write) and I'm not sure how to write a unit test for these files. I'm using PHP and Python but I think it's a question that applies to most/all languages that use database access." "804","positive","Great! I learn a new very useful information about DirectShow :-)" "805","positive","I am pretty sure this can help! Cheers!" "806","neutral","We make heavy use of Velocity in our web application. While it is easy to debug the Java side of things and ensure the Velocity Context is populated correctly, it would be extremely valuable to be able to step through the parsing of the VTL on the merge step, set breakpoints, etc. Are there any tools or IDEs/IDE plugins that would make this kind of thing possible with VTL (Velocity Template Language)?" "807","positive","For Java see this excellent article" "808","neutral","The following article will help you: [Auto-bind byte[] to asp:Image](http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/445876/Auto-bind-byte-to-asp-Image)" "809","negative","I was wondering if there was somewhere I could get some starter kit / theme sample for ASP.NET. I am not a designer, but I need to build a prototype for a project, and if I do it myself it'll certainly be awful Do you know where I could find that (ASP.NET specific)?" "810","positive","Nice work !! Loved it." "811","positive","Excellent answer. This should be the selected answer." "812","neutral","[Building Tcl/Tk with Mingw](http://wiki.tcl.tk/14828)" "813","positive","An excellent resource I've found for CI recently is by Martin Fowler, author of the famous Enterprise Application Architecture book. URL:" "814","neutral","The skeleton-pair mechanism mentioned in the post preamble is quite general and is built-in to emacs -- no need to fetch wrap-region for new emacs installs or worry about wrap-region's compatibility." "815","negative","I would suggest FlexUnit for automated testing of libraries you're building but it is a serious pain to use for a full application." "816","neutral","Why do you need to have the encryption of the passphrase reversible? That's not generally desirable." "817","neutral","For C/C++ on Windows you have (at least) two choices: Use the SerialPort class provided by .NET. Use the Win32 API. There is an dating back to 1995, and many free libraries and examples on the web to get you started. The .NET option will be much easier." "818","neutral","With perl you could do this:" "819","positive","You didn't mention the language, but for Java we've loved . For C/C++, getopt." "820","neutral","At work we use teraterm and realterm for checking serial data is correctly formatted. Also we have a hardware splitter with a switch so we can monitor traffic to our application via a cable back to another port. Windows allows you access to the serial port via CreateFile. That gives you a handle and from there you can configure access." "821","positive","This is an excellent question. I look forward to hearing an answer." "822","neutral","You can probably instruct your web server to compress the data for you at the HTTP level, and then you won't have to worry about it on either end. For Apache, have a look at ." "823","positive","great question, wondering it myself!" "824","positive","Good luck with the browser project!" "825","neutral","I'm trying to decode the result of the Python os.wait() function. This returns, according to the Python docs: a tuple containing its pid and exit status indication: a 16-bit number, whose low byte is the signal number that killed the process, and whose high byte is the exit status (if the signal number is zero); the high bit of the low byte is set if a core file was produced. How do I decode the exit status indication (which is an integer) to obtain the high and low byte? To be specific, how do I implement the decode function used in the following code snippet:" "826","neutral","I'm trying to customize some TFS work items via the VS2008 xml editor, but every time I open a work item xml file it jumps to the graphical designer. All that gives me is a View XML button that doesn't let you edit the xml directly." "827","negative","on the root window is how xbindkey does it. Be careful about having some alternative method of killing the grab though, it's very annoying to have to go somewhere to into your own box just to kill that process... And that's why, if it was me, +echo 'moo' > /tmp/moo-fifo would be the way to do it. That way, you could also control it in any number of other ways you haven't thought of yet." "828","neutral","This should be moved to http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/12932/telephony?referrer=s2GigkBNnqYlaRLwFFF1-A2" "829","neutral","@Larsenal If you want to branch outside of .NET there has been a lot of discussion about Intel's which is a parallel library for C++." "830","negative","I'd forgotten to put the code tags around it and everything was garbled and the formatting was terrible for about the first 90 seconds of life. Apologize to those who clicked quickly and saw the garbage." "831","neutral","Have you taken a look at [remotefs](http://remotefs.netbeans.org/)?" "832","negative","this link is dead :(" "833","neutral","Does string immutability work by statement, or by strings within a statement? For example, I understand that the following code will allocate two strings on the heap. hello will remain on the heap until garbage collected; and s now references hello world! on the heap. However, how many strings does the following line allocate on the heap...1 or 2? Also, is there a tool/way to verify the results?" "834","positive","i wonder if there is something similar to Sql Profiler for Sql Server Compact Edition? i use SqlCE as backend for a desktop application and it would be really great to have something like sql profiler for this embedded database. or at least something simliar to the NHibernate show_sql feature... any ideas? thanks j." "835","positive","Tom - I did the Java thing from 1996 until 2002. My official reason for leaving Actuate? Microsoft understood the need for basic things like enumerated types (since added to Java but it took way too long) and excellent Windows UI support and Actuate had no interest in building .NET products." "836","neutral","We have a watchguard appliance at work and I'm able to connect to it using just the standard VPN client that's available under linux through NetworkManager (left click on NetworkManager -> VPN Connections -> Configure VPN)" "837","neutral","It is Dependency Injection (DI) - see Martin Fowlers' descrition here: http://martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html#InversionOfControl" "838","neutral","This can probably be done using JavaScript." "839","positive","This is really great, worked a treat thanks" "840","negative","Not without logging or tracing, I'm afraid" "841","neutral","I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere... I have a function that needs to set the bg color of two tables. Only the first table in the function is being affected. Is only one for loop allowed in a function? ...or is the 1st for loop maybe never exiting? I can pretty much work around this by creating multiple functions but I really want to understand why this behaves the way it does! Thanks! Here is my simplified code:" "842","neutral","If you worry about the cost of Throwable.fillInStackTrace(), then I dare say you're doing it wrong :) (assuming that your definition of cost is bound to CPU cycles.)" "843","positive","In my company, we are currently using Qt and are very happy with it. I personnally never had to move a MFC-app into using the Qt framework, but here is something which might be of some interest for you : It's part of Qt-Solutions, so this means you'll have to buy a Qt license along with a Qt-Solutions license. (edit: ) I hope this helps !" "844","negative","This ws-addressing issue is a real pain in the ass. Not only does WSS2 use an old, pre-release version of WS-Addressing, it adds propritery elements to the soap header (e.g. wsa:via) that arent part of the schema. What a crock." "845","neutral","This is an open-ended question. What approaches should I consider?" "846","neutral","Lots of people talk about writing tests for their code before they start writing their code. This practice is generally known as Test Driven Development or TDD for short. What benefits do I gain from writing software this way? How do I get started with this practice?" "847","positive","All the places I've worked have given me liberty with regard to development environment, although the production env. has always been some brand of Linux - usually RH or CentOS. I personally use Windows 7 for dev., and I wouldn't use anything else. You spend way less time debugging the OS, and more time coding. This makes management much happier! (PHP developer mostly)" "848","neutral","To add something to this (cause I found it while searching on this problem, and my solution involved slightly more)... If you don't have a Browse with... option for .aspx files (as I didn't in a MVC application), the easiest solution is to add a dummy HTML file, and right-click it to set the option as described in the answer. You can remove the file afterward. The option is actually set in: C:\Documents and Settings[user]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio[version]\browser.xml However, if you modify the file directly while VS is running, VS will overwrite it with your previous option on next run. Also, if you edit the default in VS you won't have to worry about getting the schema right, so the work-around dummy file is probably the easiest way." "849","neutral","In what language? In PHP it is: example:" "850","neutral","possible duplicate of [Paging SQL Server 2005 Results](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2840/paging-sql-server-2005-results)" "851","positive","In JavaMail, you can use as the URL scheme to use IMAP over SSL. (See in your JavaMail distribution for more details.) For example, . Similarly, use to send emails via Gmail. e.g., . Again, read for more details. Hope it helps!" "852","positive","I use ApexSQL Diff. It is an excellent tool for doing just what you're describing...compare schema, compare data, generate change scripts. It not free, but it works well. NOTE: ApexSQL Diff only works with SQL Server." "853","neutral","Doesn't the CLR automatically release any unreleased mutexes when the application terminates anyway?" "854","positive","I have created a class to dynamically put together SQL function statements within a project. I have found this class to be pretty useful and would like to incorporate into future projects namespace connectionClass { } I want to be able to dynamically input the project name without having to do it myself for every different class! the connection string will be defined within the properties settings in VS. Any help would be greatly appreciated:)" "855","positive","Fantastic! This makes using ipython with --profile sh the best possible method for me to do this :)" "856","neutral","I'm in the process of implementing a binary tree in C++. Traditionally, I'd have a pointer to left and a pointer to right, but manual memory management typically ends in tears. Which leads me to my question... Are data structures an appropriate place to use shared_ptr?" "857","neutral","How is it invariant if you're using the current culture?" "858","neutral","Events firing are delegate invocations, which are a But dealing with interfaces for subscriber/publisher/observer/observable scenario is more painful that using events." "859","neutral","I'm not sure why this is marked down. AutoHotkey is an excellent solution when you need to do something that you just can't do using an existing API. It has many safeguards that can be used to ensure that the correct program is targeted. There are many possibilities. The answer that is marked as an answer, isn't an answer. It just an obvious statement which is the reason the question was asked in the first place. I would suggest anyone marking down this answer should first look into AutoHotkey and learn what it can do. It should be built into windows." "860","neutral","In Perl: That's even in the FAQ." "861","neutral","What is the replacement string for an image url? (edit your question to add this info). For example, what is the desirable result for http://www.mysite.com/nonono.jpg?" "862","positive","Craig Shoemaker has made an excellent show on asp.net caching:" "863","positive","Great question!" "864","negative","Ew, that sounds a bit ugly! Is it possible for an instance of a class to be created before its unit's initialization section has run? In other words could an instance of TMyObject try to use FLogger before it's been set in the initialization section?" "865","positive","Very well put, I really like this !!!" "866","neutral","But why the custom `WorkMethod` delegate instead of `Action`?" "867","positive","I have found Html Helpers extremely useful to simplify view pages code. Apart from the ones included in the latest release of Asp.Net Mvc which one do you use? How much you can reuse them in different projects and are they linked only to html generation or did you put some custom logic inside?" "868","neutral","I think your question would be more appropriately phrased as What are some recommended ways to handle auditing in a database?" "869","neutral","Well, keep in mind that (in theory) you have the original code to help, as well as the text of the log messages. The only thing that should be obfuscated would be the class and member names. In addition, many tools (Dotfuscator is one) create a map file to tell you what obfuscated construct name maps back to which original name - this can make it a pain to figure out exactly where the log messages come from, but nowhere near impossible." "870","positive","2 million unique visitors per hour? Wow! Is this Experts Exchange or some (other) pr0n site? ;-)" "871","neutral","The class in Java has only two data members, a reference to an array and a size���which you need anyway if you don't use an . So the only advantage to not using an is saving one object allocation, which is unlikely ever to be a big deal. If you're creating and disposing of many, many instances of your container class (and by extension your instance) every second, you might have a slight problem with garbage collection churn���but that's something to worry about if it ever occurs. Garbage collection is typically the least of your worries." "872","neutral","lint is constantly updated... so why would you want a more recent one. BTW flexelint is lint" "873","negative","There are major oversights in the CSS spec related to basic page layout. Sad. It is about as well thought out as HTML." "874","neutral","I have a silverlight control (View) which displays a list of items in a specified property of the datacontext (viewmodel). What I need is for the scrollviewer in my control to scroll to the top or bottom depending on where the latest item has been added to the list. (It'll always be either the beginning or the end of the list, I don't need to worry about middle of list insertions.) In WPF i'd just use the DataContextChanged event to start listening to the viewmodel, but in silverlight that event is internal. Any ideas on how to tackle this?" "875","positive","if/when you figure this out - you definitely need to share it back to the world.. I'd love something like this!" "876","negative","I'm working on a webservice + AJAX interface, and I'm worried about authentication. This moment I'm passing username and password to the webservice as arguments, but I fear that this approach is highly insecure. I was told that ssl could solve my problem, but I want more alternatives. My webservice is written in php and my interface is in php + AJAX. The webservice receives arguments from POST or GET and retreives xml (in a future maybe I'll use JSON)" "877","positive","How come this doesn't work (operating on an empty select list But this does: Replace: var dropdownList = $(#requestTypes); With plain old javascript: var dropdownList = document.getElementById(requestTypes); Any insights greatly appreciated!!" "878","negative","Got a spite downvote, it's still a valid question." "879","positive","is a really great option for git. Most of the free, public hosting sights will insist that you license your code with an OSS license (and, possibly, your documentation). That's potentially a different thing that you're talking about (backups). For just backups, you may want to try a for-pay service or even something like ." "880","negative","Why would you want to do that?? No offense, but that is the most annoying and useless 'feature' ever!" "881","negative","This is a horrible solution. It will silently fail for floats. It also lacks parentheses." "882","negative","@NoBugs a NullPointerException can be thrown for 1000 reasons. Are you sure you load the .wav correctly? Are you sure it is in the right path? IIRC, the .wav file should be inside the compiled jar. Although I might be terribly wrong." "883","neutral","I'm working with an Access database and I need to concatenate different related rows into 1 row. I found a solution and used it with great success. However I need to add extra conditions to it, it should only be done if certain other columns are equal too. For example: 1 X Alpha 2 Y Beta 1 X Gamma 1 Z Delta should become 1 X Alpha,Gamma 1 Z Delta 2 Y Beta Does anyone know to do this, especially for a newbie like me?" "884","neutral","For the record, this code is not thread safe without additional locking (which is absolutely fine, thread safety was never part of the design specs for this class)." "885","negative","I've tried with Postsharp, but their current implementation targets 2.0, and it's getting painful to make it work. Should I roll out my own AoP implementation (I'm thinking of a very VERY basic and utilitarian implementation here) Or there is an alternative I'm not aware of?" "886","neutral","Given a handle of type HWND is it possible to confirm that the handle represents a real window?" "887","positive","In our eternal quest to integrate Javascript into our RSpec and Cucumber workflow we're evaluating and are provisionally very excited about it. Any advice on Culerity in general or specifically as compared to Selenium?" "888","neutral","Out of the box, in MS Reporting Services, the image element does not allow for the centering of the image itself, when the dimensions are unknown at design time. In other words, the image (if smaller than the dimensions allotted on the design surface) will be anchored to the top left corner, not in the center. My report will know the URL of the image at runtime, and I need to be able to center this image if it is smaller than the dimensions specified in my designer." "889","neutral","SetWindowPos + SWP_NOACTIVATE does the job." "890","neutral","It's supposed to work via FastCGI. But I haven't had great success (using Vista). I can get PHP to run, but it crashes after a page loads (FastCGI does). So I'm modding you up. I'd like to see a reliable answer myself." "891","negative","Something that has always bugged me is how unpredictable the method in Javascript is. In my experience, the timer is horribly inaccurate in a lot of situations. By inaccurate, I mean the actual delay time seems to vary by 250-500ms more or less. Although this isn't a huge amount of time, when using it to hide/show UI elements the time can be visibly noticeable. Are there any tricks that can be done to ensure that performs accurately (without resorting to an external API) or is this a lost cause?" "892","negative","Is there a way to reuse a 3rd party control reference? For example, I have this referenced in my App.xaml I don't want to repeat this 3rd party control xml namespace on each page/control that needs a control from the library. Is there anyway to centralize these references and use the prefix defined here? The possibility of each control having a different prefix is also worrisome. In asp.net you would put a reference in the web.config and it was available globally, I'm just looking to see if there is a similar method in WPF." "893","neutral","I have a need to explore VOIP integration into a .Net application. It would be incredibly helpful if the toolset was usable via ASP.Net (version 2.0 or higher), and provided the developer the option to allow interaction on the client either embedded within the web browser or external to the client web browser. It should be compatible at a minimum with Internet Explorer, but would be better if browser independence were an option." "894","positive","A quick remark to the excellent answer by Troy, if the version you downloaded is the newer one, 3.2, the Quick Nav has been remapped to Ctrl + Shift + Q." "895","neutral","Maybe it helps someone else: you can use www.browserstack.com to access VMs with different browser versions directly from the dev machine. (i have no affiliation with the company)" "896","neutral","Those official guidelines are for developing class libraries, and only apply to the **public** elements not the private ones." "897","neutral","humans only agree with each other 70% of the time even in polarity sentiment analysis. Jeff's point, while not very encouraging, does accurately reflect how extremely difficult is to get anywhere with this." "898","negative","A colleague recently asked me how to deep-clone a Map and I realized that I probably have never used the clone() method- which worries me. What are the most common scenarios you have found where you need to clone an object?" "899","negative","The solution is crying out for the MSMQ solution but unfortunately the posting service is not on the domain. Is there anyway to post to the public queue that is on the domain from the machine in the DMZ? I could use a webservice to post but this is a extra component to maintain. The database table is the alternative solution but again it is not the ideal." "900","positive","Excellent summary of subject on StackExchange security blog: http://security.blogoverflow.com/2011/11/why-passwords-should-be-hashed/" "901","positive","I'm interested in seeing the answer to this as well. :) Good luck!" "902","positive","I exchanged emails with Marc-Andr� Cournoyer of about supporting Delphi on his site. Since his site uses to do syntax highlighting, and it uses syntaxes, he needs a Delphi syntax for TextMate. Turns out it has a already, so it is 90% of the way there. Does anyone know where I might find one that has already been updated for Delphi? A Delphi Prism / Oxygene one would be great too!" "903","positive","Furthermore if you need to look at the .NET/unmanaged stack just donwload and look at your w3wp.exe processes to examine memory and other stats without having to do a remote/local debugging (just look at the .NET Tab on the properties of the process). It will show all the .NET performance counters for that particular process. Awesome tool!" "904","neutral","As an aside, if you can use a pull parser and not a SAX parser. They're much easier to work with. With SAX you have to worry about saving state between the callbacks." "905","neutral","If you want to explore the full (terrifying) extent of lambda style functions in PHP, see:" "906","negative","This serves me right for browsing s.o. on waking up. My eyes hurt!" "907","negative","The more I use UpdatePanels the more I hate them. I suggest you learn jQuery or another javascript library and avoid using UpdatePanels all together." "908","positive","To summarise the link provided by Codeslayer (in case the page url changes)... Change the sql file templates to ANSI encoding by opening with notepad and then saving it as an ANSI file. You can do the same for files already created. \Common7\Tools\Templates\Database Project Items You've just made our DBA's very happy!" "909","neutral","One thought might to have another separate process count the number of rows in the table where the insert is being done to determine what percentage of them are there already. This of course would require that you know the total in the end. This would probably only be okay if this you're not too worried about server load." "910","neutral","Assuming I have only the class name of a generic as a string in the form of MyCustomGenericCollection(of MyCustomObjectClass) and don't know the assembly it comes from, what is the easiest way to create an instance of that object? If it helps, I know that the class implements IMyCustomInterface and is from an assembly loaded into the current AppDomain. Markus Olsson gave an excellent example , but I don't see how to apply it to generics." "911","neutral","There are many libraries that make cross-platform development easier on their own, but making a complete wrapper for all platforms ends up being either small and highly customized, or massive and completely ridiculous. Carried to it's logical conclusion, a complete wrapper for all aspects of an operating system becomes an entire virtual runtime. You might as well make your own programming language." "912","neutral","This is a solution to a local problem, not an obvious/general purpose System.String operation. A utility class might be in order, but it would be extension method abuse to use an extension method here." "913","neutral","What tools are free tools are available for testing WebServices that are behind NTLM2 authentication. SoapUI Is Excellent tool with all functionality that I need, however, it doesn't support NTLMv2. If someone has a way of making that work, please provide solution." "914","neutral","I'm looking for a reliable, implementation-independent way to clone an entire Document. The Javadocs specifically say that calling cloneNode on a Document is implementation-specific. I've tried passing the Document through a no-op Transformer, but the resulting Node has no owner Document. I could create a new Document and import the nodes from the old one, but I'm afraid there might be bits of Document metadata that get lost. Same thing with writing the Document to a string and parsing it back in. Any ideas? By the way, I'm stuck at Java 1.4.2, for reasons beyond my control." "915","negative","If the data you want to store is already a String, the conversion is a pain." "916","neutral","I don't think that's fair, I never got too deep into WPF but what I did, didn't seem to suffer from these issues (in a lot of ways WPF was a more mature UI technology than HTML). The new javascript-based UIs I think work on a node-style event loop so I don't think the ui thread is even an issue. For all its many many faults, Microsoft does deserve some credit for how its dev tools have evolved." "917","negative","its a pain in the neck" "918","neutral","J# was, from the very beginning, a migration language. There were lots of devs who had used VJ++, Microsoft's version of Java. When .NET came out, the company provided J# as a way to move those devs and their code, unchanged, to .NET. Today, starting out, there is no reason to use J#." "919","negative","I am planning to use community sever for one of our projects, i used it in the past but we had a lot of problems customizing it and understanding how things work, im affraid to get into that again, and i would like to add some things to it but i dont know how flexible it is." "920","negative","The built in ones are awful. You can easily write your own RSS, RDF and ATOM parsers. I have a tutorial and a full visual studio project you can download that does just that http://www.jarloo.com/rumormill-5/" "921","positive","by architect is pretty much the holy book for scalable web architectures. The by of , creators of LiveJournal, are also excellent case studies. Check out first." "922","neutral","http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3167909/what-motivates-you-to-document-not-document-your-code" "923","positive","Hey Jon... just now (after reading the question and answers) I saw that it was you that asked the question. 4 years later I'm here looking for exactly the same thing! StackOverflow is really amazing... By the way: I just love the badge Works on my machine you have in your profile... I think I'll borrow this! :D" "924","neutral","Have you tried using SetWindowPos. This is the canonical function for moving, resizing and setting z-order in Windows. There is a SWP_NOACTIVATE flag you can use. Look at (VS.85).aspx. I have not tried this on a window belonging to another process, but it is probably worth a try." "925","positive","I would like to be able to do Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor via code. A PowerShell script would be idea. I have googled around a far amount and WMI seems the way forward but as I have zero knowledge in WMI I thought I would try here. Hope someone can help! Cheers, Zi" "926","neutral","Side note: some people hate that menu. Just take a look at all the Greasemonkey scripts that get rid of it." "927","positive","this is gorgeous!" "928","positive","I'm sure this could be of some great help for you : Hope this helps !" "929","neutral","This question would now be more appropriate on SuperUser." "930","negative","IF another person says NUnit, I am gonna puke! Where TF did you people learn to read?" "931","positive","Thanks, I downloaded FileSeek and it worked great!" "932","positive","I have set up the gravatar RoR plugin successfully (yeah!) but when someone does NOT have a gravatar account, I want it to display the identicon, which I guess shows up when d=identicon in the gravatar URL...but since I am using the plugin, I am basically saying gravatar_for (user) so...is there a way to add that value? Thanks!" "933","negative","Schemas - Okay, 2000 has owners, but they can be a real pain to get permissions right on." "934","neutral","Here, I see `BAADF00D` (bad food), `BEEFCACE` (beef cake), `BAADCAB1E` (bad cable), `BADCAFE` (bad cafe), and `DEADDEAD` (dead dead). Is this intentional?" "935","negative","When specified as above, Spring distinguishes constructor arguments by order of appearance. The notation would only switch between setting the attributes by constructor to setting them by accessor. I'm afraid, this will not change anything." "936","negative","I have two loops running in my code, I want to use an element from an array as the key in a second array, but am unsure how to do this with Smarty. contains an integer (pulled from the db) I want to use that value as the key in a second loop, which runs fine if I harcode in the integer: Pseudo code for the sort of thing I've been trying is: But of course, this doesn't work! Can anybody help?" "937","negative","I completely agree with you on that subject. In practice I think TDD often has some very negative effects on the code base (crappy design, procedural code, no encapsulation, production code littered with test code, interfaces everywhere, hard to refactor production code because everything is tightly coupled to many tests etc.). has given talks on exactly this topic for a while now: Recent studies (Siniaalto and Abrahamsson) of TDD show that it may have no benefits over traditional test-last development and that in some cases has deteriorated the code and that it has other alarming (their word) effects. The one that worries me the most is that it deteriorates the architecture. -- There is also a between Robert C. Martin and James Coplien where they touch on this subject." "938","neutral","How do you configure tomcat to bind to a single ip address (localhost) instead of all addresses?" "939","positive","+1 for excellent knowledge and many thanks" "940","negative","Every time I download the ZIP file it is corrupted!" "941","neutral","I usualy send all mine to /dev/null that way I don't ever have to worry about it. I have known some people who set it to /bin/logout so that when someone logged in they were logged back out." "942","negative","I'm afraid you're either reading Steve Sounders' post wrong, or typing it wrong. Steve's findings are that his Squid proxy didn't cache the querystring URL - which is the exact opposite of require filename changes in order to break the cache." "943","neutral","+1 for actually *answering* the question." "944","positive","I would use pure ruby (Matz Ruby Interpreter (MRI)) to start off. My understanding is that iron ruby is not quite ready yet. If you are looking for a good book my current favorite (over pickaxe) is by matz and flanagan, the book is very concise well written paragraphs and they provide great examples (in 1.8.* and 1.9) Enjoy! :D" "945","positive","Wow, you are right, thanks! I'll accept Brians' answer." "946","neutral","instanceof is very efficient, so your performance is unlikely to suffer. However, using lots of instanceof suggests a design issue. If you can use xClass == String.class, this is faster. Note: you don't need instanceof for final classes." "947","negative","Link (burstproject.org) is inactive and seems to have reverted to horrible Go Daddy wall of links/ads." "948","negative","In general, how expensive is locking in Java? Specifically in my case: I have a multi-threaded app in which there is one main loop that takes objects off a DelayQueue and processes them (using poll()). At some point a different thread will have to remove errant elements from the queue (using remove()). Given that the remove() is relatively uncommon, I am worried that locking on each poll() will result in slow code. Are my worries justified?" "949","positive","Good Morning, I'm using SharePoint Designer 2007 to create a workflow for a MOSS site I have created. What I'm looking to do is have the workflow send out an email if a document in the library hasn't been modified for the past 30 days (and it's Status field is not set as Closed), but I'm stumped as to how I can do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!" "950","neutral","What are some effective strategies for preventing the use of my proprietary images? I'm talking about saving them, direct linking to them etc... Presently I have a watermark on the image, but I'd rather not. .NET platform preferred, but if there's a strategy that's on another platform that integrates with my existing application that'd be a bonus." "951","positive","This whole DB is almost entirely read only so I'm not too worried about it changing." "952","positive","Perhaps pipe the users through Google's Web Transcoder - http://google.com/gwt/n then you don't have to worry about the WML conversion, as google will translate your page into WML." "953","neutral","So, this answer only shows a *way* of achieving IoC rather than explaining the concept, is that right?" "954","positive","That's right, I have no plans to replace the existing system, sidecar is an excellent analogy." "955","negative","Evil! Evil incarnate!" "956","positive","This will answer your question: Good luck!" "957","positive","Excellent question. Running a large project in successive version of Python wouldn't be very definitive, unless you had, say, unit tests that magically achieved 100% code coverage, so a tool like this would be nice to have." "958","negative","I understand its not a desirable circumstance, however if I NEEDED to have some kind of HTML within JSON tags, e.g.: is this possible to do in Python without requiring to to be escaped beforehand? It will be a string initially so I was thinking about writing a regular expression to attempt to match and escape these prior to processing, but I just want to make sure there isn't an easier way." "959","neutral","In WindowsForms world you can get a list of available image encoders/decoders with My question is, is there a way to do something analogous for the WPF world that would allow me to get a list of available" "960","positive","I'm trying to create a small snippet to allow the onloaded image to be adjusted to fit the users resolution. And then allow the user to toggle between the actual image size, and the adjusted image size for their resolution. Here's what I got so far: Any help is greatly appreciated!" "961","negative","I've always been a bit frightened of Python. Is it not a relatively massive leap from an ingrained Web development mindset?" "962","positive","Thanks for this, I didn't know about fluid. Great little piece of software!" "963","positive","I do know the iPhone prefers PNG. But also PNG-24 with alphatransparency? I hope it does!" "964","positive","@massive I've replied to your question about dealing with concurrency issues in bulk updates by editing my answer. Hope this helps!" "965","positive","Hi there, I was able to set the focus back on the selected item after some research on similar issue. All i needed to do was, call the BeginInvoke method on the Dispatcher property of the Listbox and do the focus setting on the selecteditem in the listbox in the delegate method call which is as below: box.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.System.Idle, new focus(SetFocus),box); Where focus is the delegate and SetFocus is the delegate method where i get the selected item from the listbox and set focus on the corresponding listboxitem. Hope this helps!! Regards, Sowmi" "966","neutral","here is the magic DataFormatString={0:c0} this will remove the decimal places" "967","negative","Anyone else get this or suffer from this? I am using Vista and VS 2008 and when I goto open a Web Site it literally takes 2~3 minutes for the dialog box to show up. Once i actually select a website it's not a problem but getting to that point hangs VS really bad." "968","neutral","what about 3rd question?( When is it appropriate and when not?)" "969","neutral","I have the following installed: (for VS 2005) (.Net regex compatible find and replace, because VS has its own regex syntax)" "970","positive","This is my Gridview This is in my Code Behind inside my Page Load............. Now as you will see i have a ImageField inside my gridview. When the ID = 1 then i want to show the image located here ~/pics/ID1/MyImage.jpg and so on and so on. I also want to show a Thumbnail of the Image so the User dont have to download the WHOLE image. Any help will be great! Etienne" "971","positive","Agile Development can't be sold using documentations. Instead, ask your management to let you be Agile on a small pilot projet. For this pilot project, you must: - find a motivated end user to help you. - be free not to use the standard developping processes of your company. Then, succeed !!!" "972","negative","By the way, as a side note, you should be using `using(Stream s = ...)` statement instead of manually writing a try {} finally {} block which might be error prone and also a pain to write." "973","positive","Is there anywhere I can download a SWF fo sIFR 3 of the Rockwell font (like the one that comes with sIFR 3), but with a bunch of special characters embedded too? Specifically the pound sign (��), but more would be great :) I don't have access to Flash right now and I've tried the automatic tools but with little success. I've looked everywhere, does anyone have any pointers? Many thanks!" "974","negative","This isn't worthy of an answer, but I thought I'd mention: many of the interfaces I've really enjoyed have been minimalistic -- there's almost nothing for me to see. Like QuickSilver for OS X." "975","negative","You should fix the libraries that are creating bad or non-named threads. I'd hate to debug your libraries' threads only to find that the names where changes elsewhere." "976","neutral","Different engine versions? Have you tried naming that expression in the result?" "977","positive","There are several articles on the Internet about developing elevated processes in Vista, but essentially elevation requests involve decorating .NET assemblies and WIN32 executables with elevation status in the application manifest file (may be embedded or side-by-side). There is an excellent blog post about your question which provides the code you'll probably need:" "978","neutral","In what language? In PHP it is: example:" "979","negative","I see that over on this question there is a request to say how to do something using LINQ to see if a property matches in a collection. However, is this the fastest reasonable process by which to do this? I will be deploying something that requires a certain amount of resource management, and I want the application to be as responsive as can be, without making the code terribly hard to decipher when someone else, or myself come back to it later." "980","negative","I am trying to build an application that can request files from a service running on another machine in the network. These files can be fairly large (500mb + at times). I was looking into sending it via TCP but I'm worried that it may require that the entire file be stored in memory. There will probably only be one client. Copying to a shared directory isn't acceptable either. The only communication required is for the client to say gimme xyz and the server to send it (and whatever it takes to ensure this happens correctly). Any suggestions?" "981","negative","I have a window using a WPF ListView/GridView bound to an ObservableCollection. The performance is utterly horrific. The application chokes trying to load 300-400 items and CPU usage spikes each time an item is added/removed/modified. Profiling doesn't reveal anything obvious. Anyone have any suggestions?" "982","neutral","If it's managed (i.e. part of the framework) you don't need to worry about it. If it implements IDisposable just wrap it in a block. If you want to use unmanaged resources then you need to read up on finalisers and implementing IDisposable yourself. There's a lot more detail under" "983","positive","This worked great for me, thanks!" "984","neutral","I have the following javascript: for some reason, in IE only, it chokes on css.appendChild(css_data); Giving the error: Unexpected call to method or property access What's going on?" "985","positive","Mono appears to have really come a log way since the last time I really used it. I'm interested in doing some ASP.Net development using Mono. I have used .netTiers/CodeSmith at work and really enjoy the speed with which code generation gives you a clean working data access layer. The question is has anybody used any code generation with Mono? I am open to learning something like SubSonic or NHibernate if those work better with Mono. Thanks in advance for any help." "986","positive","Download the DirectX/XNA SDK - it comes with plenty of sample code. Great place to start!" "987","neutral","With regard to Peter Lawrey's note that you don't need instanceof for final classes and can just use a reference equality, be careful! Even though the final classes cannot be extended, they are not guaranteed to be loaded by the same classloader. Only use x.getClass() == SomeFinal.class or its ilk if you are absolutely positive that there is only one classloader in play for that section of code." "988","positive","I think the question is valid. I agree with the other responses, but it doesn't mean it's a terrible question. I've only ever had to use a Safari CSS hack once as a temporary solution and later got rid of it. I agree that you shouldn't have to target just Safari, but no harm in knowing how to do it. FYI, this hack only targets Safari 3, and also targets Opera 9." "989","positive","I'm working on an iPhone app that will upload images to a web server. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to generate unique names for each image file that gets uploaded. I'm sure there are a million ways to do this, but if anyone has any suggestions I'd really appreciate it! Thanks." "990","negative","Why is it a pain for the time to be accurate? The OS keeps it synchronized for you automatically using NTP on any operating system made in the last 10 years..." "991","neutral","VirtualBox also has API's for automating their VM's." "992","negative","I have no answer, but I'll 2nd the sentiment about the documentation quality for OpenSSL... I'm working with it now also (just starting), and it's horrible trying to find examples or documents for anything beyond simple operations... I feel your pain." "993","neutral","I've used the pspell package to do this. Take the search term, check the spelling. If its not OK, PSPELL will make suggestions. You can even run the suggestions though your search, count the results, and then say: Your search for foo returned 0 results. Did you mean baz (12 results) or bar (3 result). If you are worried about performance, only do this when a search returns 0 results." "994","positive","i really love the idea of it as i can create a folder for my user control, and make sub folder images, css, and put local resource file, so the whole thing is contained in one folder, and that makes it really efficient for me (management wise). but the bugger is you cant get intellisence like global resource, so is it possible in any way ?" "995","positive","Excellent answer below. Would be great if you could mark one as accepted." "996","positive","I'm using this code to launch a .cmd file: It works fine, but I want to actually see the cmd.exe window running. How can I make it show? Any help would be greatly appreciated!" "997","positive","Great! Three solutions (from sykora, Leonard and fgm) that make this map work. I like the one from fgm for its brevity" "998","positive","But they fixed it, and you don't have to worry about it as long as you set the correct doctype, to make IE not be in quirks mode." "999","positive","@Dutchie432: you described exactly what I was looking for... I'm also using the Pulsate effect. I had a `.stop()` in place but it didn't work. Now it works as expected. What a comment can do? It's also an answer... :D The search outsourcing was hilarious :o)" "1000","neutral","Something that would at least avoid the pain of would be" "1001","positive","great answer - this code works like a charm on Mac OSX! :-) doing a few settings up front removes code duplication when accessing settings from many places, see http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/qsettings.html#basic-usage" "1002","neutral","Just a note. You don't need a plugin to do this in Firefox. It's built in." "1003","neutral","I'm just designing the schema for a database table which will hold details of email attachments - their size in bytes, filename and content-type (i.e. image/jpg, audio/mp3, etc). Does anybody know the maximum length that I can expect a content-type to be?" "1004","positive","The named scopes already proposed are pretty fine. The clasic way to do it would be:" "1005","positive","I just came across the following answer on another question: Hope that helps!" "1006","neutral","You can try out , it allow prototyping with different styles, what's more, it can make interactive prototype and run it in browser." "1007","positive","I just started using cdb and I love it! I've found and a few interesting articles I've found on using cdb, but I'd love to see other peoples resources. What sites do you use to extract the max usefulness from cdb (windbg)" "1008","neutral","On Visual Studio 2005 C++ compiler, I get the following warning when my code uses the fopen and such calls. How do I prevent this?" "1009","negative","I'm trying to pull the whole set of objects that I want to work with into memory so I can cut down on calls to the database. If I call a SELECT for each iteration I'm looking at hundreds of thousands of calls, which is running horrifically slow." "1010","negative","Perhaps I am missing something, but I am just learning javascript. My understanding of Single Origin Policy is that Google Analytics should not be able to send data back to Google. How is it able to transmit send data to Google without violating the policy?" "1011","positive","Good question. I noticed method entry breakpoints slow things down considerably when I'm debugging Java programs with Eclipse. I hope someone has the answer!" "1012","positive","None of the above is exactly what I was looking for, so I wrote one. super simple to use %B in the printf!" "1013","positive","You can easily define a comparator for a one-level , so that lookup becomes way less cumbersome. There is no reason of being afraid of that. The comparator defines an ordering of the _Key template argument of the map. It can then also be used for the multimap and set collections. An example:" "1014","neutral","Multiply by 100 and then convert to an int." "1015","negative","malicious users don't just exist out there on the internet - most of them have jobs in corporations and you are probably working with a couple of them right now - there is a reason that all user accounts and physical access are the first things you cut off when you fire someone" "1016","positive","I used for a medium sized project, and loved it. It's incredibly feature-rich, has pretty good documentation, and an amazingly good support forum -- it's one of those ones where you ask a question, and a guy who works for the company that produces the software almost invariably answers it within a few hours. I used it with PHP and MySQL, but as far as I know it works with ASP.NET as well." "1017","negative","I have a web page that renders the same in IE7, Firefox, and Safari - except when printing. IE7 appears to allocate too much space for borders when printing. In the example below, the box heights plus borders should add up to the same height in the 2 columns. I set the borders to 10px to exaggerate the problem. I hate CSS hacks, and so far I've been able to create my pages without them. Any suggestions?" "1018","positive","Works pretty good for me, you perfectionists! (just teasing)" "1019","neutral","Anyone know a quick easy way to migrate a SQLite3 database to MySQL?" "1020","negative","Managing url paths can be a real pain in ASP.NET. AbsolutePath vs RelativePath vs etc. drives me crazy. I find that many solutions require the user to edit web.config element to include the correct subfolder path; ex. Website Root: Web.config setting: / Website Root: web.config setting: /blog/ Is there a way to properly handle this without having to make changes to the web.config?" "1021","positive","^^ By the way - best of luck! I'm not there yet. Will be ready to launch soon though..." "1022","positive","I've been programming Ruby pretty extensively for the past four years or so, and I'm extremely comfortable with the language. For no particular reason, I've decided to learn some Python this week. Is there a specific book, tutorial, or reference that would be well-suited to someone coming from a nearly-identical language, or should I just Dive into Python? Thanks!" "1023","neutral","@gbjbaanb, Why are you even talking about builds **here**? Read the question again. The deltas are significantly smaller for the files you are talking about because there are common bits between versions to take advantage of. Not so for video files. Add a 5 minute preview to the start of your video file and the bytes of the *entire* video file changes. There are no common bits a general-purpose `diff` can take advantage of, which is exactly the reason why your out-of-the-box git and hg fail miserably for these binary files." "1024","negative","I have several hundred (static - no includes or server-side parsing) HTML pages. I would like to validate the HTML (XHTML 1.0 Transitional), but the idea of plugging each of them individually into the W3C Validator - or even using a Firefox plug-in to open each one - fills me with dread. Does anyone know of any (Windows) apps that can do bulk validation? The Validate entire site feature on is the closest I've come, but that's limited to 100 pages." "1025","negative","Start with Master Pages on day #1 - its a pain coming back to retrofit." "1026","neutral","Variables protected are prone to be malicious changed by derived class? Should I use private in base class variables instead of protected?" "1027","negative","I'm trying to delete several working copy directories, but I get an Access Denied on all the SVN files, running as admin or normal user. I've killed the Tortoise cache process, and cannot figure what is wrong. Any suggestions?" "1028","positive","Great question and great answers!!! Thanks guys!!" "1029","neutral","What have you done so far? You have code to show us?" "1030","positive","I'm trying to get multiple rails apps hosted under the same domain, but different directories. My configuration before attempting to host multiple apps (which works great), looks like this: I google'd around and found documentation suggesting I use the following configuration: That configuration, however, only causes my directory structure to be revealed, and no app appears to run. Any advice would be great!" "1031","neutral","@Cocowalla The CLR does not manage native resources. However, if a process terminates, all handles are freed by the system (the OS, not the CLR)." "1032","negative","This is horrible. First you're sleeping, which will never wait exactly the right amount of time. It may fail if the computer is busy and shutdown takes longer than expected. And otherwise it will waste time. Furthermore, you're using shared *persistent* state. The right solution is simply to free the `runOnce` mutex before calling `Application.Restart()`." "1033","negative","Lambdas automatically 'suck' in local variables, I'm afraid that's simply how they work by definition." "1034","neutral","I would like to mention something I came across recently but I haven't been able to test it yet. There is a new program called FreeNX that has set out to be a replacement for VNC. Here's the link: http://freenx.berlios.de/" "1035","negative","How do I stop a browser refresh from happening when a flash object has focus inside a pop up window? Yes, I abhor pop up windows too. Yet we have a flash questionnaire that is being wrecked from users who use refresh. I also already have js in place that effectively blocks refresh, UNTIL the flash gets focus and the user presses refresh. I have access to the Flash through our Flash developer, but he is uncertain of how to do this. The closest we could come up with was to use the fscommand trapallkeys, yet it does not appear to be working." "1036","negative","Also be aware that as a programming language TeX is most awful, the worst language in real use I've come across." "1037","negative","@ravenspoint: If you want to create the object on the heap now and delete it after execution in an other thread, I should probably remind you of RAII -> very bad programming style!!! Or do you want to make some silly synchronisation to ensure the data is still valid, when being read by the new thread?" "1038","neutral","Is it easy to create GLUT pop-up menus for my OpenGL application? If yes, how?" "1039","negative","Since I am completely useless at regex and this has been bugging me for the past half an hour, I think I'll post this up here as it's probably quite simple. In PHP I need to extract what's between the tags example:" "1040","positive","I've been using a custom function for some time now to prevent clickjacking on certain sites. However, I've been surprised to find there's not a lot out there about how to do this 'idiomatically' using the various popular JavaScript frameworks. Are there users of jQuery, Dojo, YUI, and/or ExtJS that have used their framework to implement clickjacking protection? I'd love to see examples!" "1041","negative","Enlightenment DR16 is packaged with openSUSE 11.1 but it's a bit painful to use with KDE apps as there's no obvious (on the Enlightenment site, google etc.) way to provide a systray for KDE apps that require one (e.g., ktorrent). Anyone know of a way around this? I'm not using e for the eye-candy - I'm running on a 2.6GHz Celeron and KDE (4.1) performance isn't exactly stellar so I'm trying out a few alternatives." "1042","positive","Jeo Clecko's SQL for smarties is excellent." "1043","neutral","ISpellChecker is an interface, not a defined class. Therefore any class implementing that interface can be 'injected' into TextEditor. Whoever creates TextEditor can determine what implementation of ISpellChecker it uses. And this answer describes Dependency Injection, nothing to do with IoC." "1044","neutral","I have been abusing the Dictionary class in .NET 2.0 as a set:" "1045","positive","This will recalculate the number of words whenever you stop typing for a while (specifically, ms). Enjoy!" "1046","positive","+1 for not being afraid to ask" "1047","positive","I can animate the addition of a UIView to my app, it looks very pretty so thank you apple. However, how do I animate the removal of this view from the super view? I'm using: to animate the in transition ... how do you animate the out transition????" "1048","positive","I tried PekWM for some time. I really liked it. It allowed me to group programs of the same type, for example: Terminals." "1049","positive","Love this solution!" "1050","positive","Thanks Nat. The external data is large (external search results) so it's not possible to keep it as a new list. We're a SharePoint plugin so I can't guarantee that the BDC will be available at all installations. I guess I'm kind of out of luck with your suggestions but I appreciate the answer!" "1051","negative","Since you're testing legacy code I'm assuming you can't refactor said code to have less dependencies (e.g. by using the ) That leaves you with little options I'm afraid. Every header that was included for a type or function will need a mock object for that type or function for everything to compile, there's little you can do..." "1052","positive","Excellent points, David. I think in Corey's case, he doesn't have an Access front end so our posts are for general knowledge that applies to most Access developers." "1053","neutral","I would suggest renaming the file in the repository from config.php to config.php.sample. This is the file that you would edit to change the default options. For deployment, either to your development environment or to the production server, you would copy config.php.sample to config.php and edit it without worrying about future conflicts." "1054","negative","Is there any way to have a statement across multiple lines without the underscore character? It is really annoying in multi-line strings such as SQL statements, and especially LINQ queries. Beside from the ugliness and difficulty when changing a line (nothing lines up anymore) you can't use comments in the middle of the multi-line statement. Examples of my daily personal hell." "1055","positive","I have two tables which looks like this: Each news can only have one tag. What is the most effective way to handle inserts to the news table? The Tags table has like 50 000 rows. I'm only doing bulk inserts of approx. 300 news at a time, around 2 times per hour. I assume that i need some in-memory cache for the tags? If the tag is not in the tags table, i need to insert it and set TagID to the newly inserted id. Hope you'll get the idea!" "1056","negative","such a strong argument without any reference, is completely useless because just opinionated." "1057","neutral","I really do not see the point why you would need to resort to using dreaded . But here is another option if you are using SQL Server version 2005/2008 Use Recursion" "1058","negative","That's what I was thinking, but I am afraid it will bring confusion to the structure. I will need to add Set children field to parent class which should not be used anywhere in the code, only for hibernate cascade deletion. Do you think it is ok?" "1059","negative","I found a number of people asking the same question starting around 2005, but here is the first google result - also discusses silverlight. As far as I can tell, however, the only thing you would need to worry about would be setting up the mime types and providing access to the files." "1060","neutral","In Flex 3, buttons call their click handler when they are clicked on by the mouse, or when they have the focus and the user depresses the space bar. Is there a straightforward way to cause Flex 3 buttons with focus to call their click handler when the user presses the enter key?" "1061","negative","So for my text parsing in C# , I got directed at YAML. I'm hitting a wall with this library I was recommended, so this is a quickie. And so on. Is that valid?" "1062","positive","Basically I am looking for the guidelines for How to approach on hard ware sizing for a given requirements.what are the parameters need to consider to arrive at sizing decisons. It will be really great if any body can help on identifing sizing details for appserver, webserver,database etc..Please" "1063","positive","We've deployed 's Plot Pack in both ActiveX and .Net flavors with great success. Great API, incredibly flexible, provides a toolbar that lets users pan/zoom/customize. It's solid, has a long track record, relatively inexpensive, and is very fast. (I'm not affiliated, by the way.)" "1064","negative","Whatever you do, make sure that you don't use Apache's DBCP. It's a horrible implementation that will actually cause performance problems, not fix them." "1065","positive","Congratulations!" "1066","positive","By the way, I upvoted you because I think it's an *excellent* question." "1067","neutral","Because the table design is wrong. If it can't be changed, that's short-sightedness and you'll have to suffer by using sub-optimal SQL. A table change is a one-time cost which can be amortized, sub-optimal queries cost every time you use them." "1068","neutral","The indexes you need are dictated by your query requirements, not your schema design." "1069","neutral","You might also want to see: http://marcgravell.blogspot.com/2009/02/async-without-pain.html" "1070","neutral","While this could work when I'm developing and debugging the solution, I'm afraid it wouldn't work once the solution is deployed and a user needs to change the settings." "1071","neutral","Also, make sure the mouse is using VMware drivers. Sometimes it reverts to general PS/2 drivers, which can cause very irritating lag." "1072","positive","Actually, I've just fixed it. Fiddled with ColorBox and got it working. I'm running it in a function every time the images change, which didn't seem to work with the previous lightbox plugin but does with this one. Hurray!" "1073","positive","For you guys who can't find the 'Documents and Settings' (whatever reason there may be) here is another path where the trusted.certs can be found: Hope this helps!" "1074","positive","Excellent - Cool" "1075","positive","I just have to say this is a brilliant idea, love it! +1" "1076","positive","You should really take a look at sprox ( ). It builds on RESTController, is very straight forward, well documented (imo), generates forms and validation magically from your database and leaves you with a minimum of code to write. I really enjoy working with it. Hope that helps you :)" "1077","negative","-1 This is due to omitting var before a making it global and is unrelated to the question." "1078","negative","Wide lines are a #@$# in most diff'ing tools as well, which can make code reviews a pain." "1079","neutral","If the files were never committed and they're no longer on the hard drive, then I'm afraid they're probably gone, unless your user has manual backups, or some other recovery/undeletion strategy works out." "1080","positive","How do I cache an individual user control with ASP.NET MVC? I also need the VaryByParam etc support that usually comes with ASPX Output Caching. I don't want to cache the entire action though, only one of my user controls in the view. An example would be nice :) Thank you!" "1081","neutral","I hope none of my bugs end up in wikipedia!" "1082","neutral","I too am using ideas from Rob's pattern and for now am updating like Pure.Krome. But i think concurrency is too vital to ignore and should be a habit of any enterprise application developer. I'm ignoring it for now, but it will go in my later iterations. I would really love to see how your approach turns out David." "1083","positive","Get Updated. Not that I'm that a Java Fan, but I'm working now with a Java Team and they do deserve the respect :) See comment by SztupY" "1084","negative","In vc++6.0 MFC Application Project , I will not get the compile Error , but when i run the project i will get the error Debug Assertion Failed! program:project.exe File:winocc.cpp Line:345 For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts. (Press Retry to debug the application) what Error it is and why this type of error occurs, how to debug this error, plz help any body," "1085","positive","There's a sample at the always excellent Cocoa With Love site:" "1086","neutral","I want to be able to grab content from web pages, especially the tags and the content within them. I have tried XQuery and XPath but they don't seem to work for malformed XHTML and REGEX is just a pain. Is there a better solution. Ideally I would like to be able to ask for all the links and get back an array of URLs, or ask for the text of the links and get back an array of Strings with the text of the links, or ask for all the bold text etc." "1087","neutral","and XPath... XQuery is more what you are looking for if a SQL structure is desirable." "1088","positive","It's not a place, but I've found by Charles Petzold excellent. It covers everything you ask about and is focused specifically on WPF/silverlight. Of course Petzold (as usual) is able to communicate the important concepts beautifully." "1089","positive","An alternative to recording would be to use the MS Speech API with C#, enter the words via keyboard, and have it state what was keyed in. Just a thought... Good luck on your app -- it sounds like a really cool program!" "1090","neutral","struct.unpack() returns a tuple. That is why there is a comma at the end of the float. To get the float out of there just ask for the index." "1091","positive","Great manual, helped immensely!" "1092","neutral","You hate the price. Fair enough. ;)" "1093","positive","I really enjoy programming in Mathematica, and hence was looking for solutions in it." "1094","neutral","I don't understand why all the answers assume Rails. Is that indicated in the question?" "1095","positive","Very good point! I've changed my example code." "1096","neutral","When I deploy my application on JBoss 5 the EJBs are created before the QueueService is started. Creation of Message Driven beans now fails miserably because the queues are not yet available: How can the deploy sequence be configured?" "1097","positive","How can I check if I have listed all the dependencies correctly? The is an excellent tool for checking both build dependencies and dependencies by setting up a clean base system within a chroot environment. By compiling the package within pbuilder, you can easily check the build dependencies, and by testing it within a pbuilder environment, you can check the dependencies." "1098","neutral","Cant you just use namespaces?" "1099","positive","You should really check out . I evaluated it quite a bit last year and really liked it although in the end we deployed TFS2008 and so we're using TeamBuild to get a lot of the integration goodness. But really FinalBuilder had TONs of prebuilt build activities, great support for lots of environments and tools, and a nice IDE for designing it all." "1100","neutral","The whole purpose of J# is to ease the transition of Java developers to the .NET environment which didn't work so well (I guessing here) so Microsoft dropped J# from Visual Studio 2008. For your question, Is there a real benefit of using J#?.. in a nutshell... No.." "1101","positive","We eventually dropped using Filestream. I believe we never could get it to work right with Nhibernate. Good luck!" "1102","neutral","Galileo came out the other day, and even though plugins under Eclipse are, IMO, just a little bit easier to deal with than , it would still be really awesome if there was a simple way for me to upgrade to the new version (and take my plugins with me). Any tips?" "1103","negative","This is sad. 2010 and VCPROJ files have to be maintained by hand so the revision control system doesn't whack it out." "1104","positive","I came across this and really liked their gallery, not sure if the script is in-house or came from some free/commercial script out there ? Thanks" "1105","negative","This is probably silly but very frustrating. Using VS2008 with a C++ project, when I'm working normally, the breakpoints window is visible and active but when I'm debugging it disappears and can't be shown. This is a problem if I want to edit the condition of a breakpoint while running. Pressing the breakpoints window button doesn't do anything and neither does pressing Ctrl+Alt+B Does this happen to anybody else? It's a brand new install with Visual Assist and QT integration as extensions. same configuration with VS2005 doesn't have any problems." "1106","neutral","Is it possible to embed an inline search box into a web page which provides similar functionality to the or similar plugins for Firefox/Safari?" "1107","neutral","I've used a few times in the past, and clients really liked it. It's not AJAX, as it loads all the full sized images on page load, but if you were motivated I'm sure you could make that change pretty easily." "1108","negative","I'm afraid I can't really accept an answer here as it turns out that it can't really be done, without using a workaround, which I didn't want to do. Sorry!" "1109","positive","+1: Excellent question :)" "1110","neutral","Is there a way to make a TSQL variable constant?" "1111","positive","To Kev's excellent Answer - Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers should be required reading for people working in Software Engineering." "1112","positive","Good morning ! Is there any way to pre compile stored procedures in SQL Server? My requirement goes like this.. I have some stored procedures, which take more time in compiling than executing. So I want to precompile all the stored procedures. It would be nice to precompile them when the db server is started and running. Any ideas on this would be greatly helpful! Thanks & Regards, Pavan." "1113","positive","I have really enjoyed playing with my first robot. Now I want to make something a little more exciting. What's the best tutorial on making advanced robots?" "1114","negative","Don't use it. I hate std::pair exactly for this reason. You never know which is which, and since access to first and second are public you can't enforce contracts either. But after all, it's a matter of taste." "1115","neutral","I've asked a related question at http://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/8456/how-to-perform-carrier-phase-recovery-in-software" "1116","positive","Here's the current code I am using. The above code works perfect in making vertical (top to bottom) gradients but I'd like to be able to make horizontal ones as well. I have a very good understanding for PHP, but I don't deal with PHP image functions very often. If someone can help me and figure this out I'd really appreciate it!" "1117","positive","I am working on an opensource app that using SubSonic 2.0.3 I need to regenerate some of the code so I need the tool that does that. I cannot find this version 2.0.3 of the code generator executable. Any help would be greatly appreciated!" "1118","neutral","My problem with Boost (here, and elsewhere) is that you can often get on without it (in this case with C++11 or before C++11 [with a function](http://stackoverflow.com/a/138633/111307)). Boost adds a significant compile time overhead, had tons of files to park into your repository (and to have to copy around/zip/extract if you are making an archive). That's the reason I try not to use it. I know you can choose what files to include/not include, but you usually don't want to have to worry about Boost's cross dependencies with itself so you just copy the whole thing around." "1119","neutral","You really should look at an NIO framework like or . I've used MINA with great success in an enterprise chat server. It is also used in the chat server. Grizzly is used in Sun's JavaEE implementation." "1120","positive","In addition to the great LINQ-implementation of Dean, I had fun wrapping the code into an extension for DependencyObjects: This makes it extremely nice considering reuseablity." "1121","neutral","Just wondering; do you hate the string variable type?" "1122","positive","I knew about the _viemurc/.viemurc file, but I didn't realize you could map commands to VS ones with vsc. Very good tip!" "1123","neutral","The first time I load the website in the production web server, it start very slow, subsequent pages load very quickly (included the home page). I precompiled the site, but nothing changes. I don't have any code at Application start. I don't have cached items. Any ideas? How can I find out what is happening?" "1124","neutral","Here's a similar question on DBA.SE: [Does the order of columns in a table's definition matter?](http://dba.stackexchange.com/q/18719/2660)" "1125","positive","Awesome -- this approach will work! Thanks! BTW -- I've followed your blog for quite some time! Thanks!" "1126","neutral","Additionally you may customize the parsing behavior by providing appropriate dependency properties." "1127","neutral","I am looking for a very fast way to filter down a collection in C#. I am currently using generic List collections, but am open to using other structures if they perform better. Currently, I am just creating a new List and looping thru the original list. If the filtering criteria matches, I put a copy into the new list. Is there a better way to do this? Is there a way to filter in place so there is no temporary list required?" "1128","neutral","I'd really like to know if anyone knows of a way to do this, also! I need to connect to it frequently from the server and a browser will never be an option - the server has no GUI and it should be run from cron." "1129","neutral","@EBGreen - I didn't want to be guilty of Not invented here; if there is a pre-canned answer, I'm game." "1130","negative","Your code sample strikes me as a very strange design and an abuse of what properties are intended for. Why not just an instance method : Your property also returns if the key does not exist, but claims to return an , nor a ." "1131","neutral","Be careful since it's often not morally reprehensible, but in fact illegal copyright infringement." "1132","neutral","C# syntax is so close to Java (and better in some ways) that you might as well learn C# instead of J#. And since C# is more widely used, you can easily find Java --> C# tutorials on google or check out and watch some videos." "1133","neutral","I recommend juanagui's answer as it deals with pasting in non-numeric data http://stackoverflow.com/a/2673131/755404" "1134","neutral","Not unless your Java framework is horribly inefficient, or for apps in which the db server does 99% of the work." "1135","neutral","This is recognized around our office as the Ah, crap! I forgot about that. burndown:" "1136","neutral","I can't understand where the extra bits are coming from in this article about s-boxes. Why doesn't the s-box take in the same number of bits for input as output?" "1137","neutral","You should prepare your statement only once, outside of the loop, and then bind the parameters in the loop. This is why prepared statements have bind parameters - so you can reuse the prepared statement. Hibernate does exactly this, treating all SQL as a prepared statement behind the scenes, though you can obviously abuse this if you use literal rather than bind parameters." "1138","neutral","I'm new to Flash but want to create a nice video for a product. It takes a long time to make a nice looking presentation , and I'm hoping for a jump start. Are there any good templates which are free on the internet where I can quickly change the text in ,for example, to make my video? I've tried looking in google, and there are too many websites, many of which look gimmicky. Any recommendations? (A video like this one - - would be amazing!)" "1139","negative","@DevSolar I would like to use boost more, but its synergy with C++11 is terrible, and there are some rather... _curious_ design decisions (Iostreams requires Devices to be copyable, but makes streams noncopyable... oh, and also nonmovable - at least in the implementation I'm using, maybe they fixed it?)." "1140","positive","Excellent. I had the 4.5.1234.4 build and didn't see an update yesterday. Thanks!" "1141","negative","I'm cleaning up the CSS on a fairly large (and somewhat disorganized) website. Is there a simple way (or a piece of software) that will let me find, for example, all the a tags that are within h3 tags? Or all the spans that are within p tags? I want to modify some of these CSS rules but I'm afraid I'll break something hidden somewhere. Any advice?" "1142","neutral","I have an image and on it are logos (it's a map), I want to have a little box popup with information about that logo's location when the user moves their mouse over said logo. Can I do this without using a javascript framework and if so, are there any small libraries/scripts that will let me do such a thing?" "1143","neutral","What about forgetting all the wrapping of the functor pointer, and instead use as the functor? that way, you don't have to worry about managing the copy in any way shape or form." "1144","neutral","@MrChrister : The actualOrderNumber is relied on by multiple legacy app. Changing it would be extremely problematic. The end-user-visible order number is also used in several apps; adding a new field is do-able but hard. An obscuring format outside the persistence layer is TSTTCPW (I think)." "1145","negative","As mentioned on StackOverflow podcast 30 - JanRain RPX has beaten me. Sad face for me." "1146","neutral","The last thing you should be worrying about is how fast one of these is. There is no way that checking a string for being an integer is going to be a bottleneck in your code." "1147","positive","+1 for don't believe into the myths that there are a lot of issues with MS Access" "1148","negative","Ah, this was actually dumb...I solved it. I had two checked out directories that were both very much the same. I was in Eclipse and I didn't realize that I had been editing the wrong file all along. STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! Oh well it's not a total loss, now you all get to see how to fix ff3." "1149","neutral","You might also want to see: http://marcgravell.blogspot.com/2009/02/async-without-pain.html" "1150","neutral","Url points to a tesco advert" "1151","positive","awesome! it works" "1152","positive","Great question!! I'm hoping to use something like migrations with Django too." "1153","positive","Excellent question." "1154","neutral","This question is still incredibly vague about what you are looking for. I guess your acceptance of an answer, however, lets us reverse engineer the problem." "1155","neutral","Consider using Ragel That's what powers mongrel under the hood. Parsing a string multiple times is going to slow things down dramatically." "1156","neutral","@Rob, the only thing `onclick` should be intended to do is be taken out back and shot. Metadata used to indicate that an element is enhanced in a behavior layer may smell depending on implementation (I would personally use `class`, which doesn't repurpose anything), but it doesn't smell anywhere near as awful as a behavior layer that pollutes the global scope, not to mention the data layer." "1157","positive","Great chart! Good find." "1158","positive","I'm sure lots of people will say this by the time I've typed this but... I know it's not PHP but we're finding just the job for this kind of thing. It really is an excellent piece of software." "1159","negative","In theory, you could apply that philosophy to every single question on SO. But it would be terribly boring to do so." "1160","neutral","Newbie question. I��m writing an ASP.Net MVC app in VB.Net and have been using NerdDinner as a sample (which is in C#). I��m stuck on the validation process specifically the code found in Models\Dinner.cs . I have tried converting it to VB.Net using but it chokes on the Yield statement which found in the GetRuleViolations method (see code below). So my question is how would you do the equivalent in VB.Net? namespace NerdDinner.Models { }" "1161","negative","I have a basic app written with ATL, using the wizard with VS2008. I have a treeview in the left side of the app. I see how to (painfully) add tree items. Question is how do I show a menu when the mouse is right clicked? How do I trap any click events on each item that could be selected?" "1162","negative","For C# Visual Studio uses 4 spaces by default, whereas for C++ it is hard-tabs. Why is it so? Why is it different? My project consists of both C# and C++ code and the difference really annoys me. I want to set a common standard for all the sources, but I wonder if this would have any drawbacks." "1163","negative","Why the down-votes and sniping? It's not a particularly well-asked question but it's certainly valid and by definition programming related. (it's pretty hard to do anything with Django without programming as it's a web programming framework!)" "1164","neutral","ctypes is in the python standard library, swig and boost are not. Swig and boost rely on extension modules and are therefore tied to python minor versions which indepentent shared objects are not. building a swig or boost wrappers can be a pain, ctypes makes no build requirements." "1165","neutral","I doubt that you will find that much help, considering this is a technique usually reserved for malicious usage (bots, etc)." "1166","negative","I want to change an image of an UIImageView from the applicationDidFinishLaunching method of the app delegate class. But I am afraid that this class doesnt know much about the controller outlet. What must I do in this case?" "1167","positive","Is it possible to use some kind of attribute to throw an exception. This is what I mean. Instead of doing this: Do something like this: Any help would be greatly appreciated! Best Regards, Kiril" "1168","neutral","What kinds of considerations are there for migrating an application from NHibernate 1.2 to 2.0? What are breaking changes vs. recommended changes? Are there mapping issues?" "1169","neutral","Take a look at this class: https://github.com/dberm22/DBoard/blob/master/src/com/dberm22/utils/MediaPlayer.java You can call it with (new Thread(new MediaPlayer(PATHTOFILE)).start();" "1170","positive","I'm reading about the CallContext class (). The documentation says something about logical threads and Thread Local Storage. What's a logical thread, I didn't know that there existed multiple kinds of threads? What's a Thread Local Storage, is it a class or a principle of some kind? I have not been able to find it in on MSDN, but I'm sure it is there some place, so any links would be great :-)" "1171","neutral","If you give each key a unique name, e.g. invoices.invoice_id instead of invoices.id, then you can use the natural join and using operators with no worries. E.g. instead of SQL is verbose enough without making it more verbose." "1172","positive","Library independent, very nice! Although I prefer the declaration more class like: `function MyClassName() {};`" "1173","positive","I have a piece of JSON string, which I want to parse in Erlang. It looks like: I looked at mochijson2, and a couple of other JSON parsers, but I really could not figure out how to do it. Any help greatly appreciated!" "1174","negative","Not an answer, but why on earth would you want 32,000 items in a combo box? That is a terrible way to store that much data." "1175","neutral","I need to see the contents of the viewstate of an asp.net page. I looked for a viewstate decoder, found but it asks for the url of a page to get its viewstate. Since my viewstate is formed after a postback and comes as a result of an operation in an update panel, I cannot provide a url. I need to copy & paste the viewstate string and see what's inside. Is there a tool or a website exist that can help viewing the contents of viewstate?" "1176","neutral","I'm using the theme library to draw some text which works absolutely fine on Windows Vista - however, on Windows XP the returned HTHEME is NULL. This is the code I'm using: hTheme is valid on Vista, but NULL on Windows XP. I've read the documentation for and on MSDN, but nothing mentions that TEXTSTYLE isn't supported on XP (even Google doesn't throw up any good suggestions)." "1177","positive","Mika Tuupola: If you are Interested in my modified jeditable (added two callback events), you can . It would be great if you would provide these events in your official version of jeditable! Here is my (simplified) integration code. I use the events for more then just for the hover effect. It's just one usecase." "1178","neutral","You can use the new function that's available on the File class (I believe it's only available in AIR 2) eg:" "1179","neutral","Take a look at . Bear in mind that running both side by side is not supported by Microsoft () and there's no guarantee that they will work absolutely fine side by side - a Windows Update could easily break something and sometimes people find conditional comments don't work properly amongst other things. All I can suggest is you give it a go and see how you get on." "1180","positive","Awesome solution Binod, works perfectly! This was a lifesaver, thanks so much." "1181","neutral","Worked for me." "1182","positive","Thanks all for the great responses!! All of these worked" "1183","neutral","See http://trac.openidenabled.com/trac/ticket/376." "1184","neutral","I only have one important piece of advice - make absolutely sure you can revert back to the state before you started the refactor without losing anything. Then just dive in and go for it. You may well end up having to stop and start again, but that's nothing to be afraid of (as long as you heeded my one piece of advice). You'll learn a lot doing it." "1185","neutral","Could you add some details about the error you get? Nothing is jumping out at me as horribly wrong." "1186","positive","@acidzombie24: My pleasure! :)" "1187","negative","This is simply the tip of the WTF iceberg I'm exposing with this question. The rest of the app, and the purpose for its very existence is more painful, if you'll believe it." "1188","negative","Your solution is subject to all sorts of horrible HTML escaping issues and possibly injection attacks." "1189","negative","Anyone have a graphical tool for developing mod_rewrite rules. Ideally it would display a pipeline of rewrites and then when given an instance of a uri would show the transforms as the get applied. It's always a pain to get them setup just right so any way of making it easier would help." "1190","positive","Couldn't agree more about TextPad being an excellent editor (my personal favourite). However, whilst it does search over multiple files (and very quickly at that) it doesn't do search and replace over multiple files." "1191","neutral","I understand that server-side validation is an absolute must to prevent malicious users (or simply users who choose to disable javascript) from bypassing client-side validation" "1192","neutral","Seems like a duplicate question. Please see excellent answer for [Should Usings be inside or outside the namespace][1] [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125319/should-usings-be-inside-or-outside-the-namespace" "1193","positive","Awesome! Thank you!" "1194","negative","Just to add more - JavaScriptSerializer and DataContractJsonSerializer aren't always compatible with each-other (DateTime, IIRC, is a pain)." "1195","negative","I actually tend to prefer PascalCase here - but out of habit, I'm guilty of UPPER_CASE..." "1196","positive","That's great! Thanks a lot for the tip!" "1197","negative","This fails miserably when min is INT_MIN and max is INT_MAX. Then max - min + 1 equals 0, resulting in division by zero." "1198","positive","And it fits with MVVM. +1" "1199","positive","@knatten - Great Idea! Please update the table at the end :)" "1200","negative","cat'ing a script to paster shell scares me. The interactive Python shell has different rules for, e.g. terminating multi-line statements." "1201","neutral","Just MSDN link about it is here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/9k7k7cf0.aspx" "1202","neutral","I have tried to do the following: It builds without a problem, but visual studio gives a error when I switch to the WSP View. The error is as follow: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information. No further details regarding the actual issue. So is it possible to create a base class that inherits from SPItemEventReceiver which can be used by ones custom list item event receiver classes?" "1203","positive","then you might want to take full control over how Preferences should follow your desired storage by implementing . You can see a linux based implementation here: Good luck!" "1204","positive","This is an amazing requirement! Can we please know why you would want to do such a thing?" "1205","negative","Now that's a lousy, lousy way to answer a question. Where do you do this?" "1206","neutral","The point of the require_once function is that no matter the scope, you won't include a file twice and redefine a class causing a PHP error. So no worries about memory leaks, if the require_once is hit, the class def goes in the global symbol table only one time. But aside from that, yeah use autoloader." "1207","negative","I tend to have just 1 file, but don't upload the web.config when I update the site - maybe this is bad practice, but I think its what Microsoft intend you to do. Can be a bit of a pain though if you (or a new team member) accidentlly upload it..." "1208","neutral","What Javascript keywords (function names, variables, etc) are reserved?" "1209","neutral","If someone is trying to do something malicious a simple regex just can't do it -- take (function(){this[loca+tion]=http://example.com;})() In general if you can't trust your users (which is the case with any site on which arbitrary people can add content) blocking all js is necessary." "1210","neutral","Is it possible to configure nHibernate to connect to Paradox database (*.db files)?" "1211","negative","StyleCop has rules that seem to differ from MS's prior style guides. For example, StyleCop hates m_ and _ for prefixs to private members. Also, the VS default code generation violates StyleCop by putting using statements outside the namespace. *sigh*" "1212","positive","Hey, I am trying to further my knowledge of javascript and was wondering if anyone could explain to me what exactly is happening in the script below: Most importantly, why are there 4 'google_ ad_ ...' at the beginning and what is the purpose of them? A line by line explanation would be awesome :) Thanks for any help. I really appreciate it." "1213","neutral","I have not figured out how to set the font yet, but I did find an excellent example of how to make the colors on alternating rows of the list to vary in color: http://www.actionscript.org/forums/showthread.php3?t=188206 (It was different in AS2 - just needed one line. Now you need one line plus three whole classes.)" "1214","neutral","Copy any applicable preferences files in ~/Library/Preferences from a machine that you have checked Don't show again on." "1215","neutral","I am new to fluent nhibernate and nhibernate. I want to write a fluent nhibernate autopersistence convention to handle creating the many to many mappings for my entities. This is what I have right now: It seems to work, but I feel that there is a better way to do this. Now my questions: Do you have a better way to do this? Do you usually want the Cascade behavior here? Do I need to worry about something besides making sure both sides of this association end up with the same table name?" "1216","neutral","What libraries/methods that you know of can do some basic HTML representation in Swing? Can you comment on your experience?" "1217","negative","My goal is to write a cookie when the user authenticates. We are using a crappy framework that hides its source code and event model so when I use their login control I can't set a session timeout on it! Anyhow, I am trying to write a cookie when the user is logged in, and then refresh the cookie expire time on subsequent page views (sliding expiration). So I figured I could initially create the cookie during Application_AuthenticateRequest in teh global.asax but that seems to be firing even when the user hasn't signed in yet. Is that suppose to be the case?" "1218","negative","Obligatory I Am Not A Lawyer. Are you violating the legal clauses of the GPL? Probably not. ATI and nVidia do this sort of thing with their graphics drivers for Linux. However, it's important to note that Linux is GPLv2; this may have changed with GPLv3. Are you violating the spirit of the GPL? Yes, and judging from the way your question was written, you already knew this." "1219","negative","I'm using vbscript, all that does is reverse the setting of checkbox.checked, whichever way it is. As an aside, vbscript is awful to work in." "1220","positive","claims to: Export Balsamiq Mockups to HTML/CSS/JS and Adobe Flex 3 at a click of a button. Balsamiq's perfect companion No coding skills required Pays for itself after one use If it really works Napkee could be extremely useful. Does Napkee work as advertised? What is the quality of the exported HTML? Is it a must-have companion to Balsamiq (which I love)?" "1221","neutral","You're missing Aero? Check out http://win2008workstation.com" "1222","positive","+1 excellent question" "1223","neutral","why do people hate anonymous block initializers" "1224","positive","Wow, it works! Thanks." "1225","positive","I've just been looking at php's autoload() function. Seems a nice idea, but I'm not sure how it handles multiple directories. My current development basically has a library directory structure grouping classes into subdirectories by operation. I'm wondering I have to declare a include() for each directory ... which I really hope I don't have to do. Can you advise - thanks" "1226","neutral","What should go into the top level namespace? For example, if I have MyAPI.WebLogic, MyAPI.Compression, etc. If I put classes into the top level namespace, am I violating the principle of encapsulation?" "1227","negative","I hate to say it, but the selected answer is wrong. C# Express ships with 3.5 SP1, including .NET SP2, etc..." "1228","negative","@gap: No, I never wrote the helper class, I'm afraid." "1229","neutral","I'm all for option 2. I'd say it's a formatting issue, which is, in my opinion, for the view to worry about." "1230","neutral","files starting with a dot can be a pain to windows based tools..." "1231","positive","Fantastic answers! Thanks a ton!" "1232","positive","http://delta.tigris.org is an excellent tool for automated minimization of a test case." "1233","positive","Well, without any third-party tools, I'd say try using the clipboard ring, but roosteronacid's idea about the snippet is probably quicker. Hope that helps!" "1234","neutral","Maybe, things have changed since then?" "1235","neutral","You can get IDs or classes on elements, but you cannot really retrieve the selector of an element. You can use `width()` and `height()` to get the dimensions." "1236","neutral","I'm writing a basic chat program, and I need to notify the user that the other person closed the app. I have my own protocol, and I've already added a Quit message. The only drawback is that it isn't sent if the app is killed/crashes/etc." "1237","positive","For all your keydown/keyup/keyboard needs, use the jQuery hotkeys plugin. Saw this a few months ago and it never fails to impress it. Follow the jump for the plugin demo ... It maps ALL keys on a keyboard including combos. Hope it helps!" "1238","positive","For an excellent event manager class, check Danny Miller's: http://k2xl.com/wordpress/2008/07/02/as3-eventmanager-class-removealllisteners/" "1239","neutral","How would you manage the lifecycle and automated build process when some of the projects (C# .csproj projects) are part of the actual build system? Example: A.csproj is a project that uses MSBuild tasks that are implemented in BuildEnv.csproj. Both projects are part of the same product (meaning, BuildEnv.csproj frequently changes as the product is being developed and not a 3rd party that is rarely updated)" "1240","positive","goooooooooooooood!" "1241","negative","I just flashed back to an old Broderbund game... Can't remember the name of it. Awful CGI graphics, lots of cannon battles in old ships... Maybe the first pirates game? Damn, that was an AWFUL game. Had a rollup scroll in it." "1242","neutral","Consider this HTML: On all browsers but Firefox/Mac, it renders correctly, i.e bold and non-bold text are on the same baseline. On Firefox/Mac, there is a 1px baseline difference between the bold and non-bold texts. See below for screenshot. Left is Safari 3.2.3, right is Firefox 3.0.10. Is there any way to fix this e.g with some CSS, other than to go quietly cry in the corner and use Arial (which I'd not want to do ��� I'd stay with Helvetica Neue if I could)." "1243","positive","If you're running on Windows, you could do something similar using PowerShell. This could be extended pretty easily to find all unversioned and ignored files and delete them. Hope that's helpful to someone!" "1244","neutral","You also might want to check out Uche Ogbuji's excellent XML Data Binding Library, Amara: (Documentation here: ) The cool thing about Amara is that it turns an XML document in to a Python object, so you can just do stuff like: (which creates a Record element that contains Name and Value elements (which in turn contain the values of the name and value variables))." "1245","neutral","Ok, now it is 2014 and you should never use `eval` in order to parse a JSON string because you would be exposing your code to code injection. Use `JSON.parse(yourString)` instead." "1246","neutral","I'm working on a package which includes rescaling of images in PHP. For image rescaling, PHP has the GD and ImageMagick libraries. Are those likely to be part of a given client's PHP install already? Is there a default install of PHP, for that matter? By default, are either GD or ImageMagick included? If neither is installed, should I have some sort of horrible fallback position of reading, rescaling, and saving GIFs, JPGs, and PNGs, or is it simple to add GD or ImageMagick to an existing install?" "1247","neutral","My experience - If you know the requirements of a project well and if they can be easily achieved with standard ssis components with a minimum of scripting, then SSIS might be the way to go. Otherwise, its a pain." "1248","neutral","jQuery chokes on certain JSON keys. I was sending this JSON snippet in PHP: Renaming the 'result' key to something else works. I would guess this is a reserved word collision of some kind, and could be a bug in jQuery (1.4.2)." "1249","neutral","This is pretty much Python-independent! It's a classic example of Unix interprocess communication. One good option is to use to open a pipe between the parent and child processes, and pass data/messages back and forth along the pipe. Take a look at the , which can set up the necessary pipes automatically while spawning child processes." "1250","neutral","I always tend to forget these built-in symfony functions for making links." "1251","positive","Great!.. works as advertised - Thanks aku. Voting you closer to the 5K mark :)" "1252","positive","+1. Brian, you saved me from hours and hours of research, great insight!" "1253","neutral","There is a function IsWindow which does exactly what you asked for. Look at for more information." "1254","neutral","You could implement your own malloc/free without worrying about the underlying OS." "1255","positive","Great descriptions of all the answers !" "1256","neutral","Entering udp://host:666 in the location bar doesn't work very well. Is there any work-around for sending a single empty datagram to a host using an ordinary web browser? The response is no issue since the use case I'm think about is port knocking (http://host:666 doesn't work well since browsers tend to repeat the request if there is no response, thus violating the designated knock sequence)." "1257","neutral","Not sure what you mean by child form. Perhaps it's a button on a panel on a form? Or is it a MDI thing? Or is the child form a dialog box?" "1258","neutral","When I do: It searches the entire system. How do I prevent that? (This question comes from an to another question.)" "1259","negative","Usability notes: Personally I hate when sites put the forgot password or forgot username or help links inbetween the password field, and the Login button. As a keyboard user, I shouldn't have to TAB over them to get to the submit button. Better yet, also capture the Enter keypress on the password field so that I can auto-submit with the Enter key." "1260","neutral","The issue comes into play if you color a div, and set its opacity to make it transparent. If you then want to put text on this div, the text is transparent, and that isn't always desirable." "1261","negative","That's just a 16 character requirement with an optional 2 character afterwards: The parentheses may not be required - I'm not enough of a regex guru to know offhand, I'm afraid. If anyone wants to edit it, do feel free..." "1262","positive","You may be looking for a solution similar to Josh Smith's . In his article, he presents the following: And then uses the multi-value converters as follows: Hope this helps!" "1263","positive","I agree, your exemple is terrible ;)" "1264","positive","I don't think that you can... But if you can I'd love to see how!" "1265","positive","I would like to strip everything in a string before a - and leave what's after that. For example: 15.11-101 I want to strip 15.11 and leave 101. I've tried a few different things, but can't seem to get it working, if anyone could help me out, that'd be fantastic :) Cheers Leanne" "1266","neutral","is excellent for scripts; is standard for classes. As Ben says, think of it as Object -- but it is much cooler in that it does not constrain you to the Object methods. This has neat implications with respect to imports. e.g. In this snippet I have to import FileChannel e.g. But here I can just 'wing it' as long as everything is on the classpath" "1267","negative","How awesome would it be if the Delphi IDE would put code in 2 formats on the clipboard, so that code that is copied and pasted in e-mails or word-documents has proper highlighting instead of plain text?!" "1268","positive","Sweet :) Happy hacking!" "1269","neutral","How can I call a custom action dll written in managed code (.net) from an installer without using an unmanaged intermediary?" "1270","positive","from a really geeky perspective, that is really cool!" "1271","negative","@sambo99: I'm really not sure what you mean, I'm afraid." "1272","negative","I'll second the NI Measurement Studio. I've plotted 1000 points/sec with NI Measurement Studio's chart control. Also, this test was done on a laptop with a very lousy video card. AFAIK, Measurement Studio is using OpenGL internally." "1273","neutral","I think using RSA encryption for anything but key transport is abuse. Generate a new key for a symmetric cipher and encrypt your bulk data with that. Then encrypt the key with RSA. Send the symmetrically-encrypted cipher-text along with the asymmetrically-encrypted content encryption key to your recipient." "1274","positive","Glad to see I'm not the only one who got that! The free book is actually really exciting; it will definitely motivate you to do peer code review." "1275","negative","Basically, the doctype determines how crazy IE is going to be. If you don't set it to XHTML, or strict you'll be living in a world of hurt when it comes to IE (even if you set it, you'll still be hating on IE, but it does make it a lot better)." "1276","neutral","@Pax, from my personal experience, somehow I always get faster and more reliable results when I'm using tables. But every time I did that, I feel guilty." "1277","positive","We use asp.net where I work and we are using c# as the language. Will c# 3.0 work with asp.net 2.0? Ive been trying to pick up some books on c#, but not sure which I should be buying, any help would be greatly appreciated!" "1278","negative","So for example if I need to run Git Pull in the commandline, I need to specify the full path to everything...? That's really annoying." "1279","positive","I agree. 1 interface to worry about and flexible to add others if necessary." "1280","neutral","Curious that none of them considered Stopwatch yet? Precise and bigger than , not involving OS horrific perf counters, WMI or native calls, and well really simple:" "1281","negative","This reply is incomplete: we currently have an app that is leaking permgen memory and the number of loaded classes is absolutely constant. Both facts can be seen by using JConsole. We suffer from the same problem as the original poster in that we have no way to analyze the permgen in detail." "1282","negative","Ah - make me look lazy! (guilty)" "1283","positive","Ryan Oberoi makes an excellent suggestion, but it's a bit overkill for my small ASP.NET MVC web application. I like Lobstrosity's idea since it could apply to any class tag and its short and simple... just what I need. Both are good answers yet one solves the general question (involving a css framework) and the other one solves my specific need... I guess I should select Ryan's response as the solution as it would probably help others more... any suggestions?" "1284","neutral","We're looking at Drools/Guvnor, possibly integrated with jBPM (as in this ), to add a workflow engine to our Spring/Java EE app, but we're still in the very early phases of trying it out." "1285","positive","Great info! Thanks, Alex! :)" "1286","positive","Devexpress have a good one: The RangeTrackBarControl control extends the functionality provided by the TrackBarControl enabling end-users to select a range of values. Two sliders can be used to set the minimum and maximum values: you can get them free from: hope this helps!" "1287","positive","Rebol (600 Ko only) is based on antigrain geometry library which is Opensource It seems really great, can OpenGL do better ?" "1288","positive","No prob. Good luck!" "1289","negative","this is a terrible idea for webapps" "1290","positive","To convert raster images to vectorial images, I found (free) to do an excellent job (comparable to VectorMagic, which is not free anymore by the way). In Inkscape, import your image and use the Path/Trace Bitmap function. It has a lot of control. Once you converted to a vectorial image, save it as a SVG. Then, using , you can convert to XAML vector data. (Path & Canvas)" "1291","positive","I'm wondering if its possible to join together IEnumerable's. Basically I have a bunch of users and need to get their content from the database so I can search and page through it. I'm using LINQ to SQL, my code at the moment it: I hope that make some sense! Matt" "1292","negative","The other issue the number of variations in everyone's SIP implementation. Solving all of the integration issues would quickly eat up all your time. At $699 for OCS that just doesn't make much sense." "1293","negative","You can set the document.domain but if I remember correctly a few browsers (Opera) will not even allow this. I am afraid your answer is to create some sort of proxy on the subdomain that you can talk through" "1294","positive","SCSS is not __better__ than SASS, just different. It all depends on how you are used to writing code. If you are used to HAML-style terseness, then you could argue that SASS is better (less lines of code, less syntax like braces, etc). Just pick your flavor and enjoy!" "1295","neutral","Fails means it just does not execute the custom action!" "1296","positive","Thanks all, for the quick and excellent answers. With this gentle initiation into SO, I am encouraged to use it more. Hopefully, I can help answer questions, not just ask 'em. Cheers." "1297","neutral","@grieve Marshalled python objects are tied to a specific version of Python (from [the marshal docs](http://docs.python.org/2/library/marshal.html)), but not being tied to a specific version of Perforce is definitely a bonus to using the command line." "1298","positive","Great question! There have already been a few questions that address A few:" "1299","neutral","Before sweating the details on size limits, do some math on how many images you'll have, what the average size will be and how much storage actually costs. You'll find that the time you spend worrying about it isn't worth it. The storage cost is so low that your time is probably better spent on other things." "1300","positive","I am trying to construct a page layout, where the left column has a fixed width and a height of 100% (of whatever the right column is) and the right column has a fluid width. I've tried various ways of doing it, but can't seem to get it right.. Here's my code: And my css is: If someone could help me out, that would be fantastic :)" "1301","negative","No you can't. That awful thing doesn't work in managed mode or mixed mode." "1302","neutral","I've hit this before. It has to do with the fact that lucene, under the covers, turns many (all?) things into boolean queries when you call Query.rewrite() From:" "1303","negative","I have full control of the deployment enviroment, it's an internal intranet application. Office interop/autmation is horrible, and while the documents are generated by C#, we use Aspose.Words. I can accept using interop.automation for printing, going to give it a try." "1304","neutral","No worries, just a tip for future reference." "1305","negative","I've noticed this lag time also. Its really annoying when you go to /usr/bin to tell firefox what app to use to open a file and it lags for 10 seconds." "1306","negative","There are an awful lot of C/C++ libraries out there, most no longer updated. There's not much for C#, but I have seen a couple. I haven't really used any of them in anger, so I can't give any recommendations. I would start with and see if you find anything of use there. Alternatively, a search for on sourceforge.net has plenty of results." "1307","neutral","i've got the following code which runs a bat file. the bat file then runs some .exe .. which does some stuff. The stuff takes aroun 5-10 seconds. What i'm trying to do is leave the command window open, even after the process terminates. Is there any way to do this? Otherwise, can i get all the output of that window going to my debugger instead, so i don't need to worry about this window remaining? cheers." "1308","neutral","One of the first cool demos in the 1.0 era was page turn photo book. The idea caught a bit of traction and Jeff Prosise wrote up a framework for it What I'm looking for is an update to 3.0 (or at least 2.0) While I appreciate Prosise effort, I'm not that thrilled about all the Javascript required to drive the application. Any pointers? This is primarily for a learning exercise, so canned controls are of limited interest." "1309","negative","Dude I feel your pain, same issue here." "1310","positive","Excellent. This just saved me hours of work." "1311","positive","Regarding WCF/FTP/WS-Attachment/DIME: Excellent suggestions and some interesting reading. These are probably the types of long term solutions that I will end up using. However if there was some short term solution for changing the upload size in IIS7 that would be excellent. Thanks." "1312","positive","Thanks for the answers. I've found a great sitemap generator over at codeplex. If anyone is interested you can check it out here: Enjoy!" "1313","neutral","The answers below are from Pre-Java 8. Post Java 8 see the answers in this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20311779/is-there-delegate-in-java-8-jdk8" "1314","neutral","He might say he didn't work on the Mac port of Excel :p" "1315","neutral","We're looking for a package to help identify and automatically rotate faxed TIFF images based on a watermark or logo. We use libtiff for rotation currently, but don't know of any other libraries or packages I can use for detecting this logo and determining how to rotate the images. I have done some basic work with OpenCV but I'm not sure that it is the right tool for this job. I would prefer to use C/C++ but Java, Perl, or PHP would be acceptable too." "1316","positive","Jim did a great job!" "1317","neutral","I want to limit my users to a directory and its sub directories but the Parent Directory button allows them to browse to an arbitraty directory. How should I go about doing that?" "1318","positive","Dave, very nice!! I didn't know that was in there. Now that I know what to look for, I was able to find an article with a small code sample on how to use it: On a related note, I also found the that looks extremely easy to use." "1319","neutral","When you find yourself doing this, you need to ask yourself if this is the intended way of getting your server started. You shouldn't worry about this and make sure your python and django paths are set correctly. This is ignoring the actual problem." "1320","positive","@StoneFree welcome to the future brave time traveller! :o)" "1321","positive","This library is fantastic, made my app much faster, thanks !" "1322","neutral","@yaauie - sure, I could have put a `raise 'oh no' if methods.include?(:after_initialize)` before the monkeypatch, but that would make the example harder to understand... It's so easy to get caught up in detailing all the edge cases that the actual lesson here (just patch a base method in) would get lost in the noise." "1323","positive","Excellent resource:" "1324","positive","+1 from me, I loved the leap from MFC to Qt ;)" "1325","positive","Works great! And you can add desc after the end to sort in other direction. In which case the strings will show first. I like how this solution doesnt actually pad the numbers in the result output." "1326","positive","Fortunately I'm doing *very* little with Office - really just trying to show the new features. Thanks very much for the link though - very helpful!"